Friday, October 29, 2021

Is Rome Now The Center Of Idolatry -- In A Formal Rebellion Against God?

 This is almost becoming too much to bear, that is, for a Catholic who treasures his faith and tries to live a sanctified life by following the perennial teachings of the Church and the Deposit of Faith...

What is going on in "the eternal city," is nothing short of demonic!  

See my articles regarding the bizarre actions of the bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, here: Is The Bishop Of Rome, Bergoglio, Pro-Life?

And now, I must report that Bergoglio is -- again! -- calling for no borders or walls, and that sovereign countries should no longer be sovereign; should no longer protect their borders; should welcome all immigrant aliens regardless of their intention to cause upheaval of society; to fight -- at all costs -- "climate change," etc...  

And how is that diabolical goal to be accomplished?

Well, it seems he, Bergoglio, has opened the doors to population control, and we know what that means: contraception, abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality (two men or two women cannot reproduce), and, of course, dramatically change the way people live and work in order to "save the planet"...

The earth is the new god; Pachamama is the high priestess in this blasphemy against the rule and Kingship of Christ our Lord.  This will surely lead many more millions of souls to hell...

See this article from

Pope Francis: Let There Be No More Borders or Walls to ‘Hide Behind’ (

This sick capitulation to the radical globalists is almost beyond comprehension for the supposed leader of over 1,000,000,000 Catholics, most, I'm afraid, are in name only...  

What is the number one reason for the Church in the first place?  The salvation of souls, not adopting to the spirit of the age, or worse, the deadly spirit of Marxism and modernism (the synthesis of all heresies).

The faithful, the Elect, the Remnant have to fight all enemies of the faith; all enemies and threats to the salvation of our souls, regardless from whence they come, whether from a dark, back ally in a slum of an inner-city, or from the Vatican...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Thursday, October 28, 2021

Who Said This?

 "We are surprised by the processes taking place in countries that used to see themselves as pioneers of progress. The social and cultural upheavals taking place in the United States and Western Europe are, of course, none of our business; we don’t interfere with them. Someone in the Western countries is convinced that the aggressive erasure of whole pages of their own history – the “reverse discrimination” of the majority in favor of minorities, or the demand to abandon the usual understanding of such basic things as mother, father, family or even the difference between the sexes – that these are, in their opinion, milestones of the movement toward social renewal."

(In other words, towards communism!)

President Putin of Russia, that's who...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Is The Bishop Of Rome, Bergoglio, Pro-Life?

 A few "Catholic" crumbs from Bergoglio that mean absolutely nothing...  See my previous article here: The Real Agenda Of Pope Francis, And Recognizing Its Evil Fruits...

The continuing sell-out of those who believe that life begins at conception and ends with natural death -- Church teaching! -- according to the dictates of our Creator, Jesus Christ, not those of evil men, is once again, made manifest by the actions of the supposed pope Bergoglio.

(Just as the 2020 election was stolen from President Trump, the election for pope Bergoglio was a stacked deck; signed, sealed and delivered by the "St. Gallen Mafia".)

If you need more evidence of this diabolical sell-out by Bergoglio, then please read this article from Pope Francis appoints population control activist Jeffrey Sachs to Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences - LifeSite (

This is nothing new for this pope... His track record is despicable when it comes to supporting the right to life of the pre-born.  Sure, the "crumbs" -- his words -- he throws to the Catholic world are directly contradicted by his actions.  I urge you read to the article from, and see that the pro-death Sachs has been roaming around the Vatican for many years of the current pontificate, spewing his evil aims to reduce the population through any means available; contraception, abortion, euthanasia, as well as the filthy, deadly "vaccines," now, aimed at our children!  Sticking the arms of adults wasn't enough, I guess...

The attack on innocent life by Sachs and his minions -- and there are many! -- is a crime against humanity; justice demands that this must be stopped!

I have only one thing to say: Christ told us that we have to pray for our enemies... Sometimes, this is very difficult to do, but we must do it!  So, pray for the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, that the Holy Ghost will convert this weak-willed, fallen man to orthodoxy, Tradition and the Catholic Faith.  Personally, I don't want him to spend eternity in hell, just the opposite, I can assure you...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


Tuesday, October 26, 2021

"Saint" John Paul The First??

  Get ready!  

The assembly-line, saint factory continues to work overtime, adding a third shift, to pump out another "saint" in the novus ordo church.

There is a move afoot to canonize another "saint," this time, it is John Paul I, who occupied the Chair of St. Peter for 33 days!  Thirty-three days, then, the evil powers that be decided he was getting too close to  exposing the massive corruption of the always-troubled Vatican Bank, as well as exposing the filth of the Satanists that have infected the church since the 1920s and 30s after being recruited by fellow Communists to enter the seminaries and destroy the Church from within...

Supposedly, JPI died of a heart attack.  Really?

But let's look at the requirements for a person to be considered for sainthood in the Catholic Church... Frist, there is no longer the need to prove that three miracles are attributed to his/her intercession, only one!  Second, the "devil's advocate" no longer exists!  This is most important, as it eliminates any adverse or contradictory evidence of the miracles or virtue of that person.  And, third, the investigation of "heroic virtue" of that person is very subjective, especially when it comes to the conciliar and post-conciliar popes -- and those who do the "investigation".

I ask: why the rush to raise these popes to the altar?  To sainthood?

Who or what is really being canonized here?

Is it the man, or is it the Second Vatican Council?

The modernists always refer to, or use Vat. II as the source of all Catholic teaching -- and novelty! -- completely ignoring, for the most part, the dogmatic Vatican Council I, or the dogmatic Council of Trent.  It's as if those dogmatic councils never existed!

That is all part of the game-plan of the Marxist/modernists -- and the "St. Gallen Mafia" to take down the Church... 

Was John Paul I a good person?  Was he a good man?  Most likely he was, but should he be canonized a saint after one "miracle," and after so short a period of time?   

Pray for strength and honor, and for a quick demise of the novus ordo disaster...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun, and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Monday, October 25, 2021

It's Confirmed: Communists Occupy And Run Our Government...

 Did I really have to write the obvious?

How many Americans are walking around completely taken in by the official government narrative, whether it is a faux virus, the explanation as to why there is a massive supply chain backlog, or why there is a huge increase in gasoline prices, etc.?

How many Americans are still walking around wearing face diapers -- and sticking those filthy things on their own little kids! -- buying into the lies of the CDC, NIH, and the likes of the traitor, "Dr." Fauci, who, it has now been proven, that he is one of the globalist, population control freaks that created a a strain of a bug that has caused fear among the populace.  In addition, new information has just been revealed that Dr. Frankenstein supervised grossly inhumane experiments on dogs, allowing maggots to literally eat those puppies alive!  But for what reason?

Could this new revelation be just a distraction for the crimes against humanity that Fauci and his anti-Christ cohorts are responsible for releasing havoc on the world?  His lies before the Congress and Senate are so blatant and yet this apostate "Catholic" has gotten away with perjury, at least for the time being.  Let us hope and pray that some measure of justice will prevail, and he and his criminal cabal will spend the rest of their natural lives in a federal penitentiary.

The fact is, is that such miscreants are only parroting what their Marxist bosses are allowing and encouraging them to do.  In other words, their diabolical actions against the citizens of the U.S. are planned to weaken the will of those unwilling to think and research and decide for themselves what is the best for them and their families.  For now, it is imperative not to get that compromised and potentially deadly "vaccine" that it is now confirmed to be causing hundreds of thousands of "events," but also deaths, hidden by the bought-and-paid-for mainstream leftist media.

Ever since the Biden regime took the Oval Office hostage, the actions of his handlers have been to destroy our freedoms as well as the economy at the behest of his masters, the Communist Chinese.

Witness the immediate halt to the XL pipeline, this, along with a moratorium on offshore oil drilling, has led to gas prices increasing by up to $2-3 dollars a gallon, hurting those who use their vehicles to get to work, that is, if they still are able to work if they're not "vaccinated"... Where is the outrage?  Where is the non-stop "news" crews interviewing angry drives filling up their tanks, as was done years back when a Republican was president, and the price went up 5 or 10 cents!?

Their plan is working -- for now, that is.  But those who are still able to think and breathe, are beginning to resist and protest those tyrants attempting to steal our God-given freedoms.  But will they have the determination to remain a free people, or will they (that means us) succumb to the constant hammering of the evil doctrines of Marxism (including evolution as well as race-baiting, creating division and hatred among the citizens)?

Those in power are serving their master, the father of lies, Satan.

I fear for those young and growing families, and their ability to sustain their faith in God and provide sustenance during this time of constant attacks on the family unit -- one of the most important ways the demons use, is through a wrecked economy as well as forced vaccinations...

If the enemies of the human race cannot cause infertility or sterilization in the current crop of faithful mothers and fathers, then surely they will attack the children with the filthy jab that could very well cause infertility in those innocents down the road... Again, this is all planned by the traitors in the government, both at the local, state and by the centralized, behemoth, multitentacled federal bureaucracy.

As the church goes, so goes society, and the current regime in Rome has emboldened the crop of anti-life communists that are running and ruining our country -- and the world -- to implement their diabolical agenda... 

Pray for their defeat -- and their conversion!

And pray too, for strength and honor...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla




Sunday, October 24, 2021

Who Are These People? And Who Do They Work For??

 Even during our Lord's time, there were traitors; traitors to Christ and traitors to the nascent church.  Of course, Judas comes to mind, but there were others as the Apostles have testified from various Scripture passages, e.g., St. Paul telling us to beware of false shepherds infiltrating and scattering the flock, through phony and heretical doctrines, leaving them vulnerable to the wolves (the devil and his minions).

If that was true 2,000 years ago, and it was, then is it still true today?

You bet, only it's much worse because there are many more traitors!

Who would have thought that in 2021 we would see a parallel church with "bishops" plying and spreading their filth among what is left of the novus ordo church? 

Hard to believe, that men, or should I qualify that, and say, males, wearing the finest of cloths, eating sumptuous foods, and living in elegant mansions and finally retiring with huge pensions paid for by those few remaining in the pews of novus ordo churches.  

This, even after paying out hundreds of millions of dollars to "settle" cases of sexual abuse of minors or those seminarians who wanted nothing more than to serve our Lord at the altar.

What these miscreants should be doing, is to wear sackcloth and ashes, do penance and beg for their food, after having wreaked havoc on the Bride of Christ by their insatiable appetite for carnal pleasures, mostly in the form of homosexuality, often acting as predators seeking out young men to groom and abuse...

These truly diabolical actors are serving their master, Satan, destroying uncountable lives, minds, hearts and souls, through despair and desperation, with some poor souls taking their own lives, unable to cope...

Such animals have no character or love of neighbor, and directly contradict our Lord's teaching on fidelity, chastity and justice...

Further, those wolves in sheep's clothing hate their own flesh, and this is made manifest by the attacks on the flesh of the innocent.

Yet, those faithful shepherds who attempt to preach the truth, are routinely persecuted and silenced and deprived of the basic goods to sustain life and happiness...

What devils!

At the same time, the homosexuals wearing the Roman collar, especially those in Germany, can vote to approve -- and bless! -- "same-sex couples," and, at the same time vote to practically eliminate the priesthood in that schismatic country!  

Complete lunacy!

If there is going to be change of hearts and minds, I feel it will come with Divine intervention of the Holy Ghost, with some massive physical manifestation (Fatima comes to mind) that will shake the very fiber of our bodies and souls.

Heaven help us!

Pray for strength and honor, now more than ever!

Viva Cristo Rey! Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Friday, October 22, 2021

It Takes Russian President, Putin, To Speak To Truth! Where Are The "Shepherds" Of The Church???

  Love him or hate him, it takes the President of Russia to speak to truth, but where are the so-called shepherds of the Catholic Church???

How many bishops have raised their voices in horror over the radical homosexual agenda and the infiltration of the culture of death in society and in what the world recognizes as the Catholic Church?

I now ask a rhetorical question: why haven't more of the bishops condemned outright, this obvious anti-family, sodomite agenda?  Is it because that far too many of the bishops are homosexual themselves?  The evidence surely points to that very real possibility...  One would have to have their head in the sand not to see, hear or read the corruption and payoffs that have surfaced over the last two decades, at the very least.  I'm not just talking about the nearly $1,000,000,000 -- BILLION -- paid to abuse victims of "priests," "bishops," "cardinals"  -- and "popes"(?), but also payments to their lovers and (male) concubines!   

So, it takes Russian President, Putin, to spill the beans!

Watch this short video and think, perhaps, that Russia is ripe for consecration/conversion... 

Putin Says West is “Completely Insane,” “Subverting Human Nature” For Allowing Takeover by Gender Mob (

Think about it... the present anti-Christ, anti-life, sodomite regime holding the White House hostage, is all for turning the Natural Law on its head, aggressively pushing for the alphabet-soup-people that allows a male to use a female's facilities, especially in the public "schools"!  

By the way, news surfaced just the other day that a near-rape of a girl by a male -- who identified as a female -- took place in a school setting.  But the kicker is that the school administration hid this from the public, and, of course, the pro-sodomite, pro-death media did their part to ignore this attack.

These peddlers of the un-natural continue to subvert and destroy the innocence of our school-aged children.  What we are dealing with is truly demonic, but this is all planned and shows the hate for traditional values as well as hate for Christ, our Lord.

As usual, the novus ordo hierarchy are the bit players in this macabre culture of death...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, October 21, 2021

The Lunatics Are In Control Of The Asylum: Part III...

  See my previous articles here: The Lunatics Are In Charge Of The Asylum...

And here: The Lunatics Are In Charge Of The Asylum, Redux.

But it doesn't end there...

Now, the Demonrats, and their devilish allies, are aggressively going after the children to hasten in the final solution: to destroy the family unit, and life itself, by the slow -- in some cases, quick -- death or incapacitation of otherwise, formally, healthy children.

This is not an exaggeration, but a real chain of ongoing events that is now in the public domain.  There is no need to hide their filthy, satanic agenda any longer, as these anti-Christs are emboldened by many higher-ups in government as well as in what passes for the "Catholic Church," mainly, from what emanates from the traitors to the faith in the Vatican, under the direct supervision of the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio.

The constant attack on the citizens of the U.S. and other Western nations, with the so-called "vaccines" to combat the phantom flu bug known as covid, is now focusing on the children after seeing and hearing far too many folks rebelling against the mandates from the medical and governmental dictators.  

The devil knows that if he can get the children in his clutches, then he wins the spiritual warfare that is now in full swing... 

Evidence is piling up that Demonrat, leftist governors and their cronies in their respective health departments, have targeted young school children to make sure they are given the jab, regardless of whether or not the parents are told!  Then, there are those parents that after finding out about the evil tactics being employed, they are at least putting up a fight to save the innocence as well as the health of their offspring.  But will they succeed?   

One way they might have a chance, is to pull their kids out of the public indoctrination centers known as the public school system.  If these little innocent minds are contaminated by rogue "teachers" and school administrators to destroy their minds and hearts, especially when it comes to believing in God almighty and creating a false history of our beloved country, they will become totally brainwashed by the time they graduate from high school -- and now elementary school!

We patriots are always being accused of racism, but in reality, those hurling those ridiculous epithets are the real racists, as they go about their deadly business of supporting the killers of the pre-born, such as "planned parenthood" through contributions and lobbying for pro-death legislation...

And who suffers the most from the torture and death of our little brothers and sisters in the womb?  Black Americans, that's who...

As I have reported previously, the black population of America is about 13-14 percent, but the percentage of black abortions is near 34 percent.  This does not take into consideration of two of the most populace states in the Union: California and New York, as these two states do not report the numbers of abortions to the CDC!  If those two states did report their numbers to the CDC, then, I suspect, the percentage of black abortions would be closer to 40-45 percent!   

Think about that for a second...

Then, think about the so-called black representatives or the so-called civil rights advocates and see that they are almost 100-percent pro-death -- that is, in favor of aborting their own racePure lunacy!

What is the solution to this mayhem?

If we look to one person or political party to fend-off the demonic, then we will fail miserably... If you look to our Lord, then we will win in the long run; the devil knows this and he also knows that his head will be crushed by the heel of Christ's Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


The Ongoing Devastation Of Modernism: In Society And In The Church...

 If you are not in a state of grace, then get yourself in a state of grace, pronto, and stay put!

What we, as Americans, as well as the population of the world are experiencing, is the devastation of the scourge of modernism, infecting nearly all aspects of our secular and spiritual lives.

This is evident by the events we see unfolding on a daily basis by those apostate "Catholics" who are running and ruining our country, in addition to those hierarchs in the novus ordo "church" leading astray millions of souls from our Lord, to His ape, Satan; the father of lies and death...

The great Pope -- real -- Saint Pius X rightly condemned modernism as the synthesis of all heresies, in Pascendi  DOMINICI GREGIS, written in 1907, now, one hundred and fourteen years later, things have gotten so much worse, that one can easily be discouraged and despaired to the point of completely giving up, or worse.

The evil forces that have infiltrated our government, and, just as important if not more so -- the Church, was made manifest before, during and after the Second Vatican Council, leaving a trail of ruination of religious orders, priests, and laity, who left the Church in droves.  

That horrendous trend continues to this day, in light of the rampant homosexuality that, sadly, permeates the upper echelons of the novus ordo church, which has led to the sexual exploitation of innocent youth and seminarians who wanted nothing more than to serve God at the altar...

This situation has not changed one iota, regardless of the protestations and "investigations" of those sodomite-friendly priests, bishops, cardinals and popes, that is, if they are not homosexuals themselves.

But it is not only the sin of Sodom that damns souls to hell, it is also the denial of defined dogmas of the Church, as can be seen in the words and actions of those in-charge of the flock, or what is left of the flock, again, in the novus ordo church.

Those shepherds of the flock of Christ, have been acting like heirlings rather than the owners of the flock, abandoning those souls in need of the sacraments by capitulating to the dictates of Caesar, over the last year-and-a-half because of a phantom virus... 

The shepherds have reversed the priority of obeying God first, instead they are obeying those men who align themselves with the spirit of the age, rather than the perennial teachings of the true Catholic Church.

One of the horrific results of this abandonment led to the 1973 Supreme Court Decision (Roe v Wade) "legalizing" the slaughter of the pre-born baby... These days, it has gotten even worse and includes organ harvesting -- from live babies!

Here is an excerpt of an article by acclaimed Doctor, Ian Donald, the pioneer of the ultrasound scanner, also claims to have witnessed the WI-38 [another cell-line] dissections [1962], conducted at the Karolinska Institute (the Netherlands); he described them such:

"’Experiments were being performed on near-term alive aborted babies who were not even afforded the mercy of anesthetic as they writhed and cried in agony, and when their usefulness had expired, they were executed and discarded as garbage’."

Can these murders be laid at the feet of the clergy as well as those in positions of power and influence?  Yes, because their weakness and capitulation has emboldened the Satanists to carry out their diabolical agenda without fear of repercussions, i.e., ex-communication for the "Catholic" politicians (murderers), or imprisonment.  

---All things are connected; there is no "separation of church and state," period.  I do not mean that in a Constitutional rights way, but in the sense that as the Church goes, so goes society. ---

Dare a faithful priest preach the truth from the housetops, and see what happens!  There are now scores -- if not hundreds -- of priests that have been silenced because they excoriate and admonish the obstinate public sinner, only to suffer persecution from so-called bishops, denying those good priests the ability to celebrate Mass and administer the sacraments. 


The ongoing "canonizations" of the conciliar-  and post-conciliar popes and the new synod on synodality, whatever that is, and the egregious attack on Tradition, is almost beyond comprehension.  Yet it continues at break-neck speed because the TLM communities are growing leaps and bounds and the radical haters of Tradition and orthodoxy can't take it!

With continued attacks on Tradition and the Traditional Latin Mass, by the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, faithful Catholics may well be heading back to the catacombs.  So be it...

All the faithful must do what they can to reverse this anti-Christ agenda by much prayer, fasting (I have a hard time with that!), talking, writing, e-mailing, praying at death mills and the like... 

We know Who will win in the end, but for now, things will certainly get worse before they get any better... 

Our Blessed Lady, pray for us... St. Joseph, the terror of demons, pray for us...

And pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



Monday, October 18, 2021

Have You Flown The Friendly Skies Lately?

 Did you have to put up with all the "covid" restrictions, like wearing a face diaper?  Prove you have all your "shots"?  Tested negative lately?

You know the drill...

Well, guess what?  Have you heard or read of all the airline personnel getting sick or dying over the last couple of months?  

No, you say?

Then get prepared for a real scare, not the phony fearing-mongering of the government narrative that have successfully brainwashed the majority of the American populace...

Here's the real scoop... 

Please listen and watch this video at least one time, better, if you listen a couple of times to let things sink in...

Vaccine Mandate Dissenters Smeared (

Pilots dying IN FLIGHT?!  Co-pilots having to make an emergency landing?!   Flight attendants dying in hotels or at home, or calling in sick after getting the shots?!

Yes, after they all got the filthy, untested jab!!

Conspiracy theory?

No, just the facts, ma'am, just the facts...

This is what the scum Marxists have planned for you and me!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Our "Neighbor" To The North Isn't Very Neighborly...

 Our southern border is a porous mess... But!  Look at what is going on in Canada, our supposed "neighbor"... The apostate "Catholic" Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, has become -- or perhaps he always was? -- a full-blown communist Manchurian Candidate and puppet of the Red Communist Chinese... These are not opinions, but facts backed-up by ongoing events, destroying his opponents of his radical polices and corrupt dealings, and practically enslaving the Canadian people, who long for the days when men were free men, and women were free women.

But no more... 

The restrictions due to the tyrant-in-charge, Trudeau, are more than extreme, supposedly to control a phantom virus that has over a 99 percent recovery rate.  So, the question begs: why are our neighbors to the north being subjected to tyranny and loss of their basic human rights given to us by our good God?  

The answer couldn't be more simple: when a Catholic apostatizes from the Faith, they open themselves up to the Demon, especially his hate for the human race.  Hence, Trudeau has sold his soul for power over his own citizens, regardless of the cost to the human spirit.  He is also a mass murderer in his diabolical support for the killing of the pre-born, not to mention his unbridled support of the sin of Sodom!

It's as though we are looking at a mirror-image of the tyrant-puppets in control of our dear nation; corrupt minds think alike...

I urge all to look at this short video and be scared, then, make a decision to prepare yourselves for the coming Gestapo storm- troopers forcing you to take the jab... This is not an exaggeration!

Isolation Centers And Vaccine Mandates In Canada (

And, as always, pray for strength and honor!  We will need it!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Saturday, October 16, 2021

The "New" Synod(al) Way, Or The Salvation Of Souls?

  In traditional Catholic circles, that question would be easily answered, but, in the novus ordo world, the answer becomes blurred; very blurred...

Well, the "new synod" has gotten underway as of last Sunday.  It is scheduled to continue until October of 2023!  2023!

In effect, it has already been called "Vatican III"... As if we needed more confusion as to who makes up the "people of God", as well as defining the "real" mission of the Church founded by our Lord on the Rock of St. Peter.  As I just wrote, in traditional Catholic circles that answer is quite obvious.  So, there is no need to revert back to basic "catechism 101" to find that "elusive" -- elusive, in what passes for the Catholic Church these days -- answer...

The information that is already available to the Catholic world, indicates that the synod will focus on "dialogue," "accompaniment," and, of course, "listening"... 

"Dialogue" with whom and for what purpose?

"Accompaniment" with whom and for what purpose?

"Listening" to whom or what?  And for what purpose?

Is this going to be the template for a "different" church?

From what I have heard, there is little or no focus on the conversion of those outside the Church, to come in to the one Ark of Salvation; the primary reason for the establishment of the Church of Christ -- by Christ.  That cannot change!  But that is one of the reasons for the synod: to make the Church change; to make the Church "different," and to bring it up to date with modern times, in other words, have it homogenized with the zeitgeist -- the spirit of the age.  If this were to officially happen (it can't!) then the spirit of the "new" church would be complete and totally immersed in relativism: one "religion" is just as good as another, etc...

Can anyone imagine the devastating damage piled on top of the damage we already experience in the novus ordo church of today and what that might look like by the end of 2023??

The one-world-(Masonic)religion will have been firmly implanted in the Chair of St. Peter.  Come to think of it, it seems that it might already have strong roots in that hallowed place... Faithful Catholics cannot let that happen, giving up without "firing a shot across the bow" is not an option.  It is our duty to warn those anti-Christs that if they don't mend their ways, they will end up in hell, as sure as night follows day...

But we faithful cannot evangelize the separated brethren for conversion, nor can we admonish obstinate public sinners, such as those who do their dead-level best to slaughter the pre-born, nor can we deny them the Holy Eucharist.  That is, according to Bergoglio, who has condemned such efforts, especially the righteous actions of traditional Catholics who know what has to be done to convert hearts and souls to our Lord...

So, just what exactly can we do without "offending" folks that meets with the goals and standards set by the Bishop of Rome?

I haven't got a clue... What I do know is that those goals and standards are not Catholic by any stretch...

What will be accomplished over the next several years regarding these ongoing synods?  Your guess is as good as mine, but don't hold you breath for anything good to come of it, as it will not be inspired by the Holy Ghost, of that I'm sure...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



Friday, October 15, 2021

The Bishop Of Rome, Bergoglio, Condemns Abortion -- Again...

  I give credit where credit is due... see this article from

Pope Francis Condemns Abortion: "I Have Been Very Clear, It is Homicide" -

This, of course, is a good thing!

But the problem as I see it, is that Pope Francis rightly condemns the slaughter of the pre-born, but his words ring hollow because his words are not followed by actions

Am I picking on the pope?  No, not at all... The truth must be told, if that isn't done, then we fail in our duties as loyal, faithful Catholics.  So, I ask: why does the pope say one thing so strongly, then, on the other hand meets and greets those enemies of the pre-born, or appoints them to "advisory boards," many of whom are self-described "devout Catholics" -- you know the usual suspects -- without attempting to admonish their deadly policies?   What he should do is to instill in them the fear of God -- it is obvious they don't have it! -- and will face His almighty wrath if they don't stop their radical support for the murder of our little brothers and sisters.

How can I be sure that Francis doesn't try to turn these apostates around so they return to the fold as the Prodigal Son returned to his jubilant Father?   Again, it is because of his lack of action, or, should I say, his omission of action to correct these miscreants... Instead,  we'll hear the familiar mantra from Bergoglio and other bishops: "We can't weaponize the Eucharist."  

Is that what this has come down to?  We are not to admonish the obstinate, public sinner?  And they have to be allowed to receive the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ, regardless of the outrageous sacrilege committed by the recipient -- and the clerics who gives the Eucharist to such individuals?  

Almost every day of the week, we see, read and hear, the horrors associated with revealed facts about aborted babies having their precious bodies torn apart or sold to the highest bidder, or used in the development of some type of potentially deadly "vaccine," so, we are told, to combat a phantom virus killing hundreds of thousands of Americans.

The problem with that last paragraph is that the numbers are simply not true, but that doesn't stop the tyrants-in-power to instill fear and dread about catching a bug that has over a 99-percent recovery rate -- whatever that bug is -- and attempt to force the dumbed-down populace to get the jab...

Sadly, Francis is all for getting the jab, calling it a moral obligation; an act of charity toward our neighbor!  

I don't think so...

So there you have it... The pope says a good thing, then completely nullifies what he just said by his public actions, or lack thereof...

Pray for him, and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Thursday, October 14, 2021

Church Militant VICTORY!

 A federal court judge has ruled that the City of Baltimore violated Church Militant's rights under the First Amendment, and ordered the City not to interfere with the rally scheduled for November...

The City of Baltimore immediately filed an appeal to the Fourth Circuit in an attempt to stifle, and, in effect, destroy the right of freedom of speech and religion of the Church Militant organization...

It is apparent that the City is working hand-in-hand with the "Catholic bishops" to prohibit, not only the right to free expression, but also they are afraid of having an entity to counter their anti-Christ agenda, spewing false doctrines and betraying the lay faithful, or what is left of the lay faithful in the novus ordo "church."

These miscreants are out in the open in opposition to Church teaching of the last 2,000 years, parroting the scandalous pond-scum emanating from Rome, the infernal city... 

Many of the "bishops" are homosexuals, or, are at least sympathetic to the sodomite agenda, this, in addition to the Marxism that permeates their ranks.  This is not by happenstance, but in conjunction with the bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, to establish a one-world religion of mother earth worshipers, not to mention the diabolical plans -- already in motion -- to depopulate the earth to less than 1,000,000,000 humans!  

Bergoglio continues to scandalize the Catholic world by appointing culture-of-death anti-Christs to his "advisory boards," while, at the same time throwing a few Catholic, pro-life crumbs to those who still listen to his jet-plane-ramblings. 

How can anyone in his right mind trust such a hypocrite?

That is why the "bishops" are emboldened; they have an ally in the Vatican...

Stay tuned for further developments...

Pray for a quick death of the novus ordo, and pray too, for strength and honor and that the Traditional Latin Mass will be with us until our Lord returns!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

A Sick Cult Of Insane Scientists And "Doctors"...

  First do no harm... That phrase used to be in the Hippocratic oath.  To be honest, I don't know if it's still in the oath, but because of the actions of the medical tyrants that perpetuate the hospitals as well as in government agencies, I seriously doubt it...

Shocking and insane, that the Prince of the Nether World, "Dr. Fauci," is granting permission for kiddies to go Trick or Treating this Halloween!  

Did you get that?

Let me repeat that sentence...

The Prince of the Nether World, "Dr. Fauci," is granting permission for kiddies to go Trick or Treating this Halloween!  

Granting permission???

Who is this emboldened, authoritarian clown?

(Emboldened, by the way, by the likes of Biden and the "attorney general," Garland, who calls parents who protest the filth being taught in schools, terrorists!)  

Guess who are the real terrorists in this scenario???

And now, Fauci is calling for babies of six months and over, to get a flu shot!

Did you get that mothers and fathers???

Will you submit your children to these insane scientists and "doctors"??

Will you have the guts and gumption to tell these nuts to keep their filthy, death-dealing hands off your children???

Let me ask this question: do you walk around with a face-diaper on???  If you do, then I have a very strong feeling that you will get your tiny child that ineffective, very problematic flu shot...  Am I right???

If you do walk around with a face-diaper, why???

Have you lost your ability to think critically and analyze -- for yourself -- instead of taking the word of those who are diametrically opposed to all that is good and holy???

In other words, are you completely and totally brainwashed into thinking that if you don't do what you are directed to do, then, somehow, you are less American by not obeying the tyrants destroying our God-given, Natural rights???

Let me reassure anyone reading this missive: you are more American if you stick to your guns, and resist the attempt to control every aspect of your lives -- and the lives of your children -- by those earth-loving, de-population control freaks, who will stop at nothing to implement their Marxist "utopia" upon you and me...

The choice is very clear: obey God rather than man, if you have that backwards, then you are part of the problem... 

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michal the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

PS: this from Jon Rappoport: "As I’ve been saying for the last 20 years, a Globalist Elite views America as the last outpost of resistance against the installation of one governance-system for the whole planet. Therefore, America must be taken apart and taken down."

Monday, October 11, 2021

Western Wildfires, Ecoterrorism, Racism And The Culture Of Death, Are They Related?

  What if a fire-fighting team attempting to put out those devastating wildfires is composed of whites only, simply because of demographics, is that a form of "racism"?

In our twisted society, wouldn't that be considered discrimination against the ecoterrorists. some of whom may be black, red, purple, brown -- add your own color to the list, not to mention an illegal alien or two -- who have probably set at least some of the fires that have killed and destroyed homes and lives?  

But let the buck stop at those radical, leftist lunatics occupying state and federal agencies who have failed miserably in their duty to maintain and enforce common sense policies to ensure proper forest growth and manageable habitation of wildlife...

The question begs: why haven't the authorities revealed to the public, that some of these horrific fires have been set by ecoterrorists?  I haven't heard a peep, or even about the possibility of such a crime being committed by those maniacal outlaws.  All is blamed on an act of God, lightning... 

Let's dig in to this scenario a bit...

First, the inability to use God-given common sense has resulted in poor forest management, allowing heavy underbrush to built up over the years, making the forest a tinder-box, just waiting to be lit...

But why was that?

Was it to save some "endangered species" of a frog or a bug, or maybe a spotted owl, or a guppy (a tiny fish)?

Or, was -- and is -- this all part of a massive conspiracy to upend the American dream of freedom of movement and independence, but only to be controlled by tyrannical despots? 

Wait a minute!  How can I point the finger at ecoterrorism and consider that as part of plot to end America as we know it?

As a case in point, the recently confirmed secretary of the BLM, is a former ecoterrorist!  This "winner's" name is Tracy Stone-Manning, a radical from way back... This has been proven by hundreds of documents and the information is available in the public domain for anyone to research.


Let's keep digging...


What was one of the major causes of the "Boston Tea Party"?

A tax on tea.

A small tax on tea...

Why would the Bostonians revolt against a small tax on tea and stir up a revolution against King George III?

Because those Colonists knew that if they accepted that "little" tax, then what would come next; what other taxes and policies would be implemented to erode their freedom even further?

The connection between outrageous income taxes, our loss of personal freedom, political correctness and Marxist ideology, strangling our God-given rights -- as well as responsibilities -- and destroying what is left of the middle class, is all part of the diabolical plan to reduce the population through the culture of death: abortion, contraception, homosexuality, infanticide, euthanasia, and, the new kid on the block, "transgenderism," along with the forced injections of a filthy, untested "vaccine" developed from the cell lines of aborted babies

Increased taxes are a back-door to inflation, this was and is by design by what passes for the "president" of the United States... Along with his cronies and useful idiots in the Marxist media who hate America and will do all they can to bring her to her knees.  Then, they will put out the red carpet -- and I do mean Red Communist carpet -- to our sworn enemies.

But there's a catch... those who think that they will be part of the new "Amerika," are simply deceiving themselves, as they will be among the first "to go," that's how these anti-Christ bad guys work...


The near-total reversal of our energy independence that was achieved under President Trump, with the incoherent, puppet Biden cancelling the Keystone XL pipeline as well as forbidding oil exploration in the AWR (Arctic Wildlife Refuge).  In addition, there has been a moratorium of offshore drilling for at least several months... Because of this, we see the outrageous jump in gasoline prices over the last nine months... And who suffers the most?  The middle class that have to drive to work and suffer the sticker shock of seeing prices climb at the pump every time they fill up...

We can see the two-pronged attack on the middle class: increased taxes and much higher gas prices, but this too is by design, not happenstance, with the goal of completely destroying what is left of the middle class, then making them (us!) dependent on the government trough...


As I mentioned earlier, the culture of death is being pushed by the cabal presently in control of the Oval Office, with the likes of Biden, Pelosi and other self-described "devout Catholics" doing all they can to annihilate the pre-born baby, while at the same time, turning a blind-eye to the selling of aborted baby parts to the highest bidder.  This is and always has been against federal law, but who is there to enforce it and throw these murderers in prison for the rest of their natural lives??

I see no action or inclination whatsoever to do so...


The selective killing of the precious gift of life, is, without a doubt, a form of racism, as the majority of black American babies killed in the womb suffer a gruesome death at the hands of "doctors" and "nurses," this is especially the case in New York State and California...

It is estimated that although the black population of the country stands at about 13-14 percent, those black babies destroyed through abortion is in the neighborhood of 34 percent!  This, however, does not include the two most deadly states for the pre-born, N.Y. State and California, as they do not submit the number of black American babies murdered to the CDC, as do the other 48 states... 

If those two states were to be included, then that percentage of black babies killed would rise to at least 40 percent, or perhaps closer to 50 percent!


Ecoterrorism, racism, the culture of death; the brainwashing of Americans into believing that if they don't get the jab and wear a face-diaper, they will get sick and die; the extreme weakness in the Church, mix this together with a false "president," and you have a deadly witch's brew of evil and mayhem.  


Crossing the "t's" and dotting the "i's"...

I cannot end this missive without pointing the finger to one of the major causes of this ongoing, and successful, evil in the world: the lack of true shepherds in the Catholic Church.  Let me be clear, I am referring to the novus ordo -- new world order -- "Catholic Church."

It is painfully clear that modernists, and, most importantly, Communists and homosexuals were recruited by the likes of the former Communist, Bella Dodd, to enter the Catholic seminaries and be "ordained" to the priesthood, rise through the ecclesiastical ranks to become "bishops" and cardinals," for the purpose of destroying the Church from within... This fact has now become very clear as we see third- and fourth-generation of perverts and Communists sitting in seats of power throughout the Church.    

This is one of the reasons for the ongoing and constant attacks on traditional Catholicism, especially the Traditional Latin Mass as well as those young and growing families who attend the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven.  All the while, the novus ordo is quickly dying on the vine; the sooner the better... 

The father of lies, Satan, hates the TLM and those loyal to our Lord and the authentic Magisterium -- the teaching arm of the Church... 

He, Satan, is the diabolical culprit behind the anti-human events that is causing mass despair and hopelessness throughout the world... But there is always hope!  We find that hope in Christ, our Lord, the One Mediator between God the Father and man...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Saturday, October 9, 2021

A Soulless "Thing"...

 With all the madness going on in society and in what passes for the rudderless, "Catholic Church" these days, could things get any weirder?  

Yes they can; and they have...

In addition to the medical and political tyrants, documented, disgusting experiments -- which, by the way, have been ongoing for many years! -- on or with animal/human "creations" by a new class of "doctors" and "scientists," have now come out in the open.


The original movie "Frankenstein" first hit the public airwaves in 1931, scaring the dickens out of the common folk brave enough to watch it in darkened theaters across the fruited plain...  It was, of course, all Hollywood, made-up fiction, right?  

The answer is, yes; it was all made-up as was "Dr. Frankenstein," the "creator"...

But today, we have new "Frankensteins" attempting to "create" real zombies, injecting human DNA into animals!  Their un-natural, diabolical experiments are coming to fruition... Do a little digging, and see for yourselves...

Just as Fauci is guilty of "gain of function" research in creating a virus and spreading it across the globe, so are these cold-hearted, dead souls creating soulless, animal/human things, but for what purpose?

Could it be that history is repeating itself here?  

Remember, it was the demon Hitler that wanted to create a "master race," supposedly free of human defects.  In attempting to achieve such a bizarre goal, under his direction, hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people lost their livelihoods -- and lives, in the most gruesome of ways ever conceived... And that included injecting living human beings with experimental drugs, as well as harvesting organs from those about to die.  In other words, those still living!

Does all this sound familiar?  It should, as that is exactly what is happening today, with the forced injecting of experimental drugs for the purpose of, supposedly, countering a hoax "pandemic". Add to this violation of our God-given, Constitutional rights under the Natural, and international law (the Nuremberg Code), undercover videos have exposed the demonic harvesting -- and sale to the highest bidder -- parts of human-baby bodies destroyed through the heinous "procedure" known as abortion.

These heartless "doctors" and "nurses" are the new Frankensteins of today... If they are willing to tear apart pre-born -- and now born babies and sell them -- why not go the next step and "create" a new form of human/animal?

The possibility of such a scenario is almost too unbelievable to contemplate, but it is happening right before our eyes!

What to do?

We do as Christ our Lord has commanded us to do: pray for these lost souls.  This is true charity; true love of neighbor.  We don't have to like our neighbor, but we do have to love our neighbor -- and our enemies...

We can also pray that through divine intervention, there will be an immediate change of heart, perhaps through some physical upheaval that will scare the population half to death and bring those lost sheep back to the fold...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Friday, October 8, 2021

The Real Face Of Evil...

  If anyone thinks that evil does not exist, simply look at the faces of those "elected" representatives to dispel that misconception...

I know what you might say: "You cannot judge a book by its cover."

That's true -- in some cases, while in other cases, it is obvious and easy to see the real face of evil...

And, no, if anyone thinks that evil only comes in the form of a horned demon, think again.  Evil comes in the human form with those in three-piece suites and dresses, smiling and lying right to our faces with little or no consequence; no pushback, except, perhaps, from righteous, alternative media outlets.

Here's some names for starters -- and I'm sure you could add numerous others to this short list -- White House spokeswoman, Psaki... This female lies without hesitation, always blaming the previous administration for the mess that Biden and his handlers have caused.  She cannot directly answer a reporter's question -- never!

How about the apostate "Catholic" Pelosi, the so-called speaker of the house... A self-described "devout Catholic," she is the epitome of evil, as she pushes for the continuous slaughter of the pre-born, while, at the same time holds a press conference surrounded by -- you guessed it -- children!  And how we have to make the world safe for the children; the children; the children... Hypocrisy on parade!  No shame!

Of course, we can go right to the "top": Biden, another apostate "Catholic"; a real Ape of the true Church of Christ; incoherent, incompetent, compromised, yet he has his finger on the nuclear button.

Please think about that.

There are plenty of other names that fall into the category of devil-worshippers, and make no mistake, that's exactly what it is...

What we are seeing is a national suicide being perpetrated right before our eyes...

And, as I have written many times before: As the Church goes, so goes society... If that is true, then the compromised, homosexual, idolatrous hierarchy of the novus ordo "Catholic Church" is responsible for this diabolical, devastating debacle.  As President Truman stated: the buck stops here -- at this desk.  The "buck" of spiritual and moral compromise stops at the desk of the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio...  

Can I judge a book by its cover?  Yes, because these apostates are out in the open, they no longer attempt to hide their evil attempt to destroy the true Catholic Church, as they effectively succeeded in throwing faithful Chinese Catholics under the bus.  In 2018, Bergoglio sent  the homosexual pervert, "cardinal" McCarrick, to sign an agreement to have the Red Communist Chinese government to approve and appoint "bishops" to head the so-called "patriotic church"...

Communists to approve and appoint bishops???

Add Bergoglio's hate for Tradition, and that includes attacks on the Traditional Latin Mass as well as contemplative orders of nuns, brothers and priests, and you have a recipe for spiritual disaster.  This, my dear readers, is all by design, not happenstance... 

We're heading back to the catacombs...

It seems as though we're living in a Mad-Max, post-apocalyptic world...  If anyone feels that I'm exaggerating, please comment and give your reasons why...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Gasp! The F.B.I. Doesn't Keep Track Of The Domestic Terrorist Organization Known As Antifa (And BLM)!!

  But!  Now parents will be suspected of domestic terrorism if they peacefully speak out at school board meetings regarding the filth taught in their kid's schools, including the so-called "critical race theory"... 

In fact, the "attorney general" of the U.S. has been directed by the incoherent imposter sitting in the Oval Office, to investigate and surveil those parents attempting to defend the Natural Law as it applies to their children.   

Apparently, the Leftist school board members feel "threatened" by those parents seeking some measure of accountability, simply by speaking up!  That's right; if you now exercise your First Amendment rights, and try to protect your kids from the anti-American garbage being taught in most public schools these days, you are the ones who should be investigated, not the real insurrectionists scum known as Antifa and BLM...

When recently questioned by a congressional committee, one of the high-ranking FBI gang members couldn't even answer the question of how many arrests of Antifa or BLM were made after tearing apart and burning numerous Demonrat-controlled cities over the last year or so!  Instead, he said that arrests were made of those who, as he characterized them, are "anti-government" or "anti-authority."


Let's face it folks, the FBI has become a Gestapo organization under the current director, Wray, by direction of the "attorney general," Garland, and the mindless dictator, Biden, it is the parents that are now to be considered the real "domestic terrorists."  If that weren't bad enough, if you are a God-fearing, pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, and a veteran, you fall into that category too!

How low have the human element of those who run -- and are attempting to ruin -- our nation sunk?  When will we rise up to correct these miscreants?  How much more will we take before we act?

One more thing... It is only a matter of time before the empty shell, Biden, is removed from office so the equally evil Harris will take over the reigns of government... When that happens, get ready for an actual invasion from the sworn enemies of God and freedom, including Red Communist China, North Korea, et al!  

Actually, that invasion is already underway... Just look at the porous, southern border as well as those military-aged Afghan men who have been unvetted and allowed to enter our country en masse, while so many Americans are still left behind in that hell-hole of Afghanistan! 

Protect the Second Amendment!!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...