Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Things Are Creepy Out There, But The Real Horror Show Is Right Around The Corner...

Today's date: March 31, 2020 -- in the year of OUR LORD.  Not in the year of Big Brother government.  Not the year of the deep-state medical establishment who have been incredibly successful in creating an atmosphere of fear and panic, along with their media lackeys.  Not the year of the sheeple.  And certainly not the year of freedom, but the beginning of slavery for you and your family.


Because of a strain of the flu (Coved-19, the coronavirus) that was born in Wuhan, China (Communist China, that is), and spread to other parts of the world, but a strain of the flu not nearly as deadly as many other strains that we have dealt with over the years, without shutting down the country.  The entire population has been put in jeopardy, causing fear and panic, not to mention cutting the supply chain so crucial to keeping the supermarket shelves filled with food and dry goods.

Is this an exaggeration?  Not in the least.  And that is something you can take to the bank, instead of the fiat currency that the "fed" keeps creating 24 hours-a-day.  In fact, they are printing so much make-believe "money," that the printing presses are running out of ink!

Have you driven down Main Street, U.S.A. recently?  What do you see?  Abandoned businesses, with some windows being boarded-up for fear of looters stealing whatever is left of an inventory gathering dust, instead of being sold to consumers.

Church doors are locked and barred from anyone wishing to worship God and beg for an end to His wrath, which is a chastisement rightly deserved by His slothful creatures.  We have to demand that our bishops show some backbone and re-open our churches, pronto, instead of capitulating to the (un)civil authorities.

Yet, liquor stores, gas stations, grocery stores, big box-stores, and many abortion mills are all open for business, but not our churches?  Does anyone see a pattern here?

We now have to worry about being arrested by the thought-police if we want to gather in a group of more than ten, to pray?

We are told to "hunker-down" and stay in place; self-quarantine, for the sake of the health of our neighbors.  We can no longer exert our rights under the First and Second Amendments.  With the Second Amendment key to protecting all of our other rights given to us by God, not by the government.

Are mandatory curfews next?

You know what all this reminds me of?  When I was in Vietnam nearly fifty-three years ago, one of my duties was being a machine-gunner on an escort jeep as we took the Vietnamese civilians back to their homes in Tuy Hoa City.  As we drove down the main street, every single building was full of bullet holes or worse.  The streets were deserted; shops were closed, yet these people lived in such an environment.

Will we see that here, minus the bullet-riddled homes and businesses?

It seems to me that President Trump is beginning to succumb to the miscreants that surround him; he is failing the constituents that elected him.

We are in dire straits.

The Real Horror Show Might Just Be Right Around The Corner...

It is time to reflect on our Declaration of Independence...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Monday, March 30, 2020

The Strangeness Of Not Being Able To Attend And Assist At Mass...

Thou shalt keep holy the Lord's day...

During my non-practicing days as a "Catholic," I would stay overnight at my friend's house, recovering from my hangover from the previous late, Saturday night debauched antics.  I would make watching a Sunday football game a much higher priority than going to Mass.   I didn't care, nor did I even consider my prospects if I had died in a car accident without the benefit of Confession.  I was a spiritual mess; an alien to my own precious religion, yet always way in the back of my mind, there was that little "demon" called conscience, that kept nagging at me; letting me know that what I was doing was just plain wrong, and displeasing to God Almighty.

Thank goodness, through God's grace, and many years of prayers from some special folks, I eventually returned to the Fold.

That feeling of strangeness of not going to Mass has reared its ugly head once again, but this time, not out of laziness or spiritual sloth, but because of an edict handed down from the religious and civil hierarchs in the U.S., as well as in many parts of the world...

Yesterday, Sunday, March 29, 2020, was a day that will live in infamy -- to paraphrase what President Roosevelt stated to the joint session of Congress after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941.

With what incident or turn of events can I compare with the infamy of the attack on Pearl Harbor nearly seventy-nine years ago?

How about the attack on the Catholic Church since the satanic Second Vatican Council, and now, the closing of our church doors under the premise of keeping us physically safe from a supposed deadly strain of the flu?

How many Americans died in the attack on Pearl Harbor?  It is estimated that about 2,800 to 3,000 soldiers and sailors, as well as civilians were slaughtered in that savage military operation.

How many souls will be lost because of the depravation of the life-sustaining sacraments given to us by Christ through His church?

I can only guess at that number, but I have a strong suspicion that it can reach into the hundreds of thousands, or even the millions.  If I'm correct, that is the real fear and panic that should send chills up and down your spine!

Remember, the God-haters: atheists; Socialists, Communists, and other Satan worshippers have succeeded in bringing our country to its economic knees, as well as the spotless Bride of Christ to her knees, without firing one, single shot from the enemy's "assault rifle."

Why have the U.S. Catholic bishops caved to the secular authorities during this so-called pandemic?  Where is the supposed "separation of church and state" that is constantly used against the God-fearing in this country?

Why haven't the bishops laid down the law to the civilian authorities that their sanctions end at our church doors?

We could have Mass and the Bread of Life, so long as we adhere to the "social distancing" that is part of the recent guidelines put forth from the federal government.

Why deprive the faithful of the succor of the sublime Traditional Latin Mass and sacraments, without a fight? 

If there ever was a time to pray for strength for our bishops, now is the time.  They must, once again, become true shepherds, and not let the wolves scatter and devour the flock of the faithful.

Pray for our country, and President Trump...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Saturday, March 28, 2020

The Lunatics Are In Charge Of The Asylum...

Have you ever heard that before?  The Lunatics Are In Charge Of The Asylum?

Maybe you haven't, but now you can actually see it for yourself every day of the week, and twice on Sunday.

Just who and what are these lunatics that I write about?

They are our elected representatives -- or unelected, appointed judges -- and deep-state operatives that have burrowed deep into various government agencies over the decades, under numerous presidents, with political ideologies that are diametrically opposed to principles of our Founders.

I contend they are also traitors to our country.

Sure, they -- as well as you and I -- have the right to criticize our government, and point out when they work in the opposite direction of where our country is supposed to be going.  We also have the right to the redress of our grievances, both are encapsulated in the First Amendment, along with the right to peaceably assemble, as well as the right to practice our religion without hindrance from the government...

I think we can all agree on that definition.

But what is happening is something much more devious; much more sinister, to bring our nation to its knees and practically destroy our economy; for?

Here is an answer that may fit the bill: to totally transform our freedom-loving country into another Socialist or Communist utopia, where the government is the god, and we are the slaves to their every whim.  There is also another possible answer, and that is to take down President Trump, and turn his supporters -- that includes me -- against him because of the stalled and near devastation of the economy.  That is not going to happen, in fact the tactics being used by the Left, is already beginning to backfire, and will reach its climax in November...

I'm afraid, too, that some of the advice the president is getting from some deep-state medical advisers is far from accurate, and has been used to cause fear and panic among the general population.

It is working very well, thank you...

Unfortunately, Joe Sixpack has become so brainwashed as well as downright spoiled, that he can no longer think, or fend for himself, in addition to believing everything that he hears on the "6 o'clock news", or reads in the New York Times.

As an aside, two recent stories in the Times is blaming Christians for the onslaught of the Covid-19 virus!  I'm not kidding!  Remember that sadistic nutcase Nero blaming Christians for the massive fire that swept Rome and destroyed almost half of the seat of Roman power?  Nero decided that all Christians who did not immediately bow down and worship him, would be either thrown to the wild beasts in the Coliseum, or used as human torches to light the streets of Rome at night...

It was very apparent; that lunatic was in charge of the asylum.  But the more things change, the more they seem to stay the same...

Today's Nero types wear three-piece suits or skirts, but are just as deadly, as they foster the killing of the pre-born, as well as hate anyone that fears the Lord.  This can be seen in what has become a reign of terror from government officials and a weakened Catholic hierarchy succumbing to the tyrannical edicts of civil authorities, forcing the shutting down our churches, and preventing us from receiving the Bread of Life in the Holy Eucharist, in addition to suspending our rights under the Second Amendment to buy, keep, and bear arms.

Yes, the lunatics -- for the time being -- are currently in charge of the asylum, but the enemy's position is no longer covert; no longer hidden.  That aspect will, at least, allow us to cement our battle plans to take back our beloved country, but at what price remains to be seen...

Will our country ever recover from this massive attempt to destroy the United States?  Only time and prayer will tell...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Friday, March 27, 2020

The Bureaucratic Boys That Cried Wolf -- Again And Again And Again...

Why do you think that nearly the entire country is shut down?  Why is it that, now, tens of millions of Americans are out of work?

Why all the fear-mongering about the newest flu bug, the coronavirus?   While many other flu bugs were worse, much worse.

The answer is right in front of our eyes, that is, if we only OPEN our eyes, and see the spade that is staring us right in the face.  It is time to call that spade for what it is: a massive conspiracy to take absolute control of our lives, and make us completely dependent on Big Brother government for our food, housing, money and whatever else is left of our freedoms, which, by the way, isn't much as of this writing...

Is this an exaggeration?

Not in the least...

Can you go to church as you usually do?  No.  Can you go shopping and find items that are necessary in order to live a normal life?  No.  Can you gather, peaceably, with your family and friends if you want to have a cook-out with more than ten in attendance?  No.  Can you travel at will as you once were able to do without have a "good reason" for doing so?  No.

Remember the movie: Red Dawn?

If you are not familiar with that movie, it might be a good idea to see it as soon as possible.

I'm afraid that we are in the middle of another "Red Dawn" right now, but this time the enemies that have invaded us, are from within, not from without, for the most part, that is.

The enemies of our freedoms have succeeded in strangling our country, and brought her to her knees without even firing one, single shot from that much-maligned "assault rifle."

So, just who are the enemies of our country?  The bureaucrats.  You know, those self-perpetuating entities that help to make our lives miserable, and, in the long run, to rule almost every aspect of our lives, just as the Communists Chinese rule their own citizens with a brute force up to and including death.

Many of those bureaucrats embrace the political ideologies of the hard Left: Marxism, Socialism, and outright Communism.

Why is President Trump succumbing to the medical bureaucrats that surround him in those much-viewed virus updates, basically ordering him how to govern our country?

Many of those bureaucratic monsters have burrowed themselves deeply into the various governmental agencies for decades, wielding incredible power to force their un-American activities on a nation that has been transformed into a flock of sheeple, sad to say.

As far as providing some much-in-demand ventilators and facemasks to hospitals and the general public, there are companies out there that have proven they can manufacture and distribute those items at breakneck speed, and at a much lower cost than the "big-boys." And yet, the FDA, the CDC, along with the NIH have not only nixed that idea, but also have, in effect, threatened those companies to shut up, or face the music!

Think some are using the current crises to gain even more power as well as seeing their bank accounts getting a little fatter; to hell with justice and morality?  I think so...

I don't see this episode ending anytime soon.  So, what are we supposed to do?  Rollover and let these miscreants have their way with us, or do we stand up and fight for justice and morality?

There is no choice here.

Let's start with acknowledging the One Who came to Earth to save us from ourselves, and to re-open the gates of Heaven after the fall from the Garden.  But we should also recognize that we get what we deserve, and boy do we deserve this current chastisement, mainly because of our continued killing of the gift of life through the horrendous act of abortion, and now, infanticide!

God have mercy on our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, March 26, 2020

A Weakened Immune System And Sickness, Including The Flu, Are They Related?

Has the coronavirus caused you to lose your job, or forced you to work from home, perhaps?

The former is tragic; the latter may be good for you...

Are your favorite restaurants shut down?

Can't get your usual, delicious burger and fries?

Have to cook at home more?

Hopefully, you still have money to purchase food to cook at home, and if you do, this just might be one of the best changes in your current lifestyle to improve your overall immune system.

Why is it that the elderly, for the most part, are the main victims of the current flu bug making its way throughout the world?

Science tells us that as we get older, our immune system changes or weakens.  Okay, if that is the case, then there are ways to strengthen our critical immune system.

Now, I  realize that many seniors that have succumbed to the Covid-19 virus had underlying health issues to begin with.  Those data are usually left out of the statistics when it comes to reporting the death toll for the day, or week, or since the beginning of this particular strain of the flu.

We do know that some of the first victims were those in nursing homes or in hospice.

We can also deduce from that fact, that the diets in those nursing homes do not foster a strengthening of the immune system, probably just the opposite.  I have been to nursing homes over the years, and have seen some of the junk that passes for food served to the elderly on a daily basis.

It is also true, that the typical American diet is, generally speaking, horrible, especially when it comes to getting the necessary nutrients that our bodies require on a daily basis in order to ward-off the attack of harmful bacteria and viruses.

I wonder, though, how many medical doctors make the connection between a rotten diet and the immune system, and how important certain vitamins and minerals are to digestive (gut) health?  In fact, the amount of nutritional training that most MDs get is notoriously lacking.  However, I believe that is beginning to change; let's hope that is the case.

Most of us know, that if you have an ailment, and make a trip to your doc, he will most likely treat a symptom, rather than attempt to find the cause of your trouble.  This is why most docs will prescribe a drug that merely addresses or lessens the original symptom, but does little or nothing to alleviate the cause.

I also wonder how many doctors will ask you what you eat on a regular basis?  If they don't, they should.  If they don't, it might be that doing so would make them look as though they are being judgmental, perhaps?  Of course, this is a stupid attitude that can lead to a worsening of an ongoing ailment...

So what can, or should we do to help make sure that we are giving our immune system all the help we can in order to fend-off any bug that just might be floating around in the general population?

First, since our bodies are composed mostly of water, it is important to stay hydratedVery important!

Second, eat when your body tells you that it's time to eat.  Sound silly?  Not really, as many people eat on impulse or from stress or emotional distress.

Third, try to insure that you purchase organic fruits and vegetables, as well as pasture raised eggs and grass-fed meat -- grown without antibiotics or growth hormones.  Also, scientists and nutritionists have lifted the ex-communication of saturated fat in the diet, and now realize the necessity of good fats, as opposed to the hydrogenated fats and oils that are used in far too many processed foods sitting on the shelf of supermarkets.

I also use a fair amount of unfortified nutritional yeast; it's loaded with vitamins and essential minerals.  If you haven't tried it, give it shot.  It has a cheesy flavor that can be added to many dishes, including salads...

Cut back on the carbohydrates -- that is a hard one for me!  I like my pasta and breads, but I'm happy to say, I have been doing a little better in that department.

Fourth, there are some critical vitamins and minerals that support a healthy immune system, such as vitamin C, D-3, along with K, E and A, and the B-complex.  As for minerals, Zinc and Selenium (selenium and vitamin E go hand-in-hand) along with other important minerals...

Many years ago, Dr. Linus Pauling discovered the incredible effects that vitamin C has when it comes to preventing or, in some cases, reversing certain diseases, as well as the positive effects for overall health.  His findings have, and continue to be attacked as quack-science.  But consider: just the other day, doctors in New York City have revealed that they have been treating coronavirus victims with massive doses of intravenous vitamin C, along with other drugs.  The results so far have been encouraging -- and real -- resulting in the lessening of symptoms as well as enhanced chance of recovery.  Time will tell....

Of course, get some exercise!

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

When REAL Catholic Priests Had GUTS!!

In this contrived, fear-mongering pandemic of the flu when Catholic bishops have forbidden the priests in their diocese from offering Mass to the faithful, locking the doors to the house of God, under the pretense of obeying the civil authorities, I present real men, being real priests!

I say pretense, because most bishops don't have the will to live up to their calling as successors to the Apostles; they seem to forget that there is the so-called separation of church and state, but protest that phony "separation" only when convenient, which is just about never.

How hypocritical can one be?

I am posting photos of Catholic priests that held Mass right smack in the middle of war, with God-loving soldiers kneeling in mud or worse, knowing that the reception of the Bread of Life, in the Holy Eucharist, just might be their last on this earth...

The following photos speak for themselves...

Image result for Photographs of Catholic priests saying Mass During Wartime...

Image result for Photographs of Catholic priests Holding Mass IN Wartime
Image result for Photographs of Catholic priests Holding Mass IN Wartime

Image result for Photographs of Catholic priests Holding Mass IN Wartime

Image result for Photographs of Catholic priests Holding Mass IN Wartime

Image result for Photographs of Catholic priests Holding Mass IN Wartime

Image result for Photographs of Catholic priests Holding Mass IN Wartime

Not only did Catholic priests celebrate Mass during war, but many of those brave priests died administering the last sacrament -- Extreme Unction -- to dying soldiers and Marines right smack in the middle of a firefight on the battlefield.

Their bishops knew that there was a real chance of their priests dying in war.  Are we not in a spiritual war right now?

Where is the resolve of our bishops to fight the real enemy that we face today: secular humanism popularized by a sex-crazed society killing babies out of convenience?  But no, instead they cave at the first sign of a possible conflict with the tyrannical powers that demand their edicts be followed to the letter.

In these times, it is crucial now more than ever, to open wide our churches, and pray to God for succor and guidance, not to mention the absolute necessity to offer to God the Father the perfect sacrifice of the Lamb, for our many and continuing grievous sins...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

How Many People Die From Medical Mistakes In U.S. Hospitals?

Our nation is basically shut down because of the Covid-19 (coronavirus).

As of this writing, the death toll from this version of the flu bug is between 650-700 in the U.S.

Folks should take this flu seriously, especially the elderly with underlying health issues, usually, with weakened immune systems, and mostly in nursing homes and hospices.

However, even with the H1N1 (From April 12, 2009, to April 10, 2010) flu pandemic, our country was not shut down, even though there were 12,469 deaths, and 274,000 hospitalizations.

There is another "pandemic", so to speak, and that is the number of people that die each year from -- medical mistakes!

How many?

The following is from an article that was presented on NPR (not my favorite choice for conservative news!) by Marshall Allen of ProPublica...
"It seems that every time researchers estimate how often a medical mistake contributes to a hospital patient's death, the numbers come out worse.

"In 1999, the Institute of Medicine published the famous "To Err Is Human" report, which dropped a bombshell on the medical community by reporting that up to 98,000 people a year die because of mistakes in hospitals. The number was initially disputed, but is now widely accepted by doctors and hospital officials — and quoted ubiquitously in the media.

"In 2010, the Office of Inspector General for the Department of Health and Human Services said that bad hospital care contributed to the deaths of 180,000 patients in Medicare alone in a given year.

"Now comes a study in the current issue of the Journal of Patient Safety that says the numbers may be much higher — between 210,000 and 440,000 patients each year who go to the hospital for care suffer some type of preventable harm that contributes to their death.

"That would make medical errors the third-leading cause of death in America, behind heart disease, which is the first, and cancer, which is second."
My comment: Why aren't the hospitals shut down?  Obviously they're not, and shouldn't be.  So, why is the country being brought to a standstill over a flu bug that is far less of a pandemic than previous pandemics?   What about the real pandemic of abortion, killing nearly 3,000 pre-born babies each and every day? 
Is it possible that there is an agenda here to cripple the world's greatest economy, and a country that had the most freedoms for its citizens, for better or worse?  Will the stagnant economy revive?   Will those freedoms survive?  And will, we, as a nation finally realize the true source of our legitimate freedoms: the good God that made us?
Pray for our nation that we turn to the source of all life: God almighty...
Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...
Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

What Happened With The 2009, H1N1, Flu Pandemic?

From April 12, 2009, to April 10, 2010, there were -- get ready for this: 60.8 MILLION cases in the U.S. alone, 274,000 hospitalizations, and 12,469 deaths.

Keep in mind this flu occurred during the Obama administration.

Did Obama get ripped apart in the media?


Was the country shut down?


Did millions of people lose their jobs?


Were we confined to our homes?


Were the doors of our churches locked, keeping us from worshiping God almighty?


Were we told not to gather in groups of more than ten?


Were our basic human rights suspended, you know, those God-given rights that we enjoy under the Natural Law and guaranteed by the Bill of Rights -- the first Ten Amendments to the U.S. Constitution?


I ask you, my reader: will you simply accept what the government tells you what you must do, and how you must live your life because of another flu bug?

Will the Catholic bishops tell the government: you have no business telling the church how and when we can worship the God that made us?  Will the Catholic bishops re-open the doors of our churches so the faithful can offer sacrifice, through their priest: the same sacrifice on Calvary of God the Son to His Father?

It seems that will not happen, even though there is supposed to be the so-called "separation of church and state".

What ever happened to that?

And finally, are the medical authorities crying wolf in order to engender fear and panic -- and absolute reliance on the government --  which means complete control of our lives by the government - during the Covid-19 coronavirus flu?  It seems so.

And when the coronavirus flu ends, will we be able to exercise our precious human rights once again?

The answer to that crucial question remains to be seen.  But I have my doubts...

Pray earnestly for our country, and for President Trump that he expels the deep-state globalists back to hell where they belong.

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us.

Gene DeLalla

Monday, March 23, 2020

Our Basic Human Rights Are Quickly Fading Away..

What is the Foundation of our basic human rights?

God is that Foundation which is recognized through the Natural Law.

These rights do not come from government, as some would have us believe.

It is the job of the government to guarantee and protect those rights as enumerated in the Bill of Rights -- the first Ten Amendments to our foundational document: the U.S. Constitution.

God does not fade away, but our Bill of Rights are quickly fading away with the onslaught of the so-called coronavirus flu through fear-mongering and anti-American propaganda.  Already, most "non-essential" businesses have been, or will be closing soon, leaving millions of workers in the lurch, without sufficient monies to pay their bills.  That is, until Big Brother steps in and rescues us!

Along with businesses, schools and churches have had their doors shuttered.

Why is this happening, and just who might be behind this massive conspiracy to attack the most prosperous nation on the face of the earth?

One possible answer, is the globalist cabal, along with their master, the Communists, especially Red China and the brutal -- give no quarter -- regime of President Xi.

All this is being done to bring down America without firing a single shot from the muzzle of an "assault rifle."

Our First Amendment right to freedom of speech; religion; and assembly are now in grave danger of being a distant memory, along with our Second Amendment -- which is an insurance policy, so to speak, to protect all of our other rights.  The Founders knew this, and we should know this, but do we?

As a practicing Catholic, I am at a loss as to why the U.S. bishops have not told the federal or state governments that they will not shutter the doors of their churches, or deny access of the faithful to the Traditional Latin Mass.

Isn't there a "separation of church and state" in this country, and yet we are witnessing the infringement of the government into church affairs?

Which is it?  Either there is separation, or there isn't!

We have been denied that precious First Amendment right to the freedom of religion, and the freedom to peaceably assemble (at Mass).

Why couldn't the bishops agree to the guidelines of the so-called social distancing and the like, and continue allowing Masses to be celebrated.  It is beyond belief that just at the time when we need the Bread of Life more than ever, we are now completely denied Christ's Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in the Holy Eucharist...

Why the capitulation?

Why don't the U.S. bishops follow the example of the Polish Catholics (in Poland), and ensure that MORE Masses be celebrated in these trying times?

This whole scenario is a chastisement from God, whether initiated in the civil, or ecclesiastical realm, still, it stinks to high-heaven.  And, without the required backbone of the clergy, things will get much worse.

There is a good possibility that martial law will be imposed in short order, if that happens, America as we know it will no longer exist.  At that point, only another Declaration of Independence -- and action -- will suffice to live free or die -- still the motto of the State of New Hampshire!


Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Saturday, March 21, 2020

"Non-Essential Businesses" Shut Down, Except -- Abortion Mills...

The demons are alive and well, as proven by the diabolical decision by the anti-Christ governors, shutting down all "non-essential businesses," except abortion mills.

The baby killing must continue at all costs!

So, while most Americans in the land of the free, and the home of the brave, have been sequestered in their own homes, abortion "services" must continue to ensure "health care" for deranged women, wanting to end their pregnancies.

Is this, or is this not the work of the father of lies, Satan?

The demon rejoices at every murder of a pre-born baby, knowing that dismembered tiny human, cannot enter heaven for lack of Baptism... (If anyone wants to discuss just why that is, and where that slaughtered child resides for all eternity, I would be happy to provide the facts. Just leave a comment.)

Among the states where the abortion mills are still operating, are New York and California.

No surprise here...

The governor of California, Gavin Newsom, and Andrew Cuomo, governor of New York are both Catholic!

No surprise there, either!

But that's not all... We have the "devout Catholic," Nancy Pelosi, that has done more to support and encourage -- at all costs -- the killing of the pre-born, along with that paragon of morality, Joseph (Joe) Biden, another claimant to the Catholic faith...

Both, by the way, continue to receive the Holy Eucharist at Mass, committing sacrilege after sacrilege for their un-repentant stance and support for abortion.

How can this be?

The answer is painfully simple: their gutless, wimp, politically correct bishops that refuse to publicly excommunicate these miscreants.  Further, it is a fact, that most bishops in the U.S. are supporters of the Demonrats, and, by extension, supporters of abortion -- and homosexuality!

The coronavirus may be infecting plenty of Americans, and others world-wide, and our economy has, and continues to take a massive (planned) hit, putting millions of Americans out of work, but the business of killing babies will continue as "essential health care."

Remember: God will not be mocked.  There will be JUSTICE for the crimes of the sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance, especially for the shedding of the blood of the pre-born...

 Pray for the conversion, or for the defeat of these baby killers...

And pray too, for our country..

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us.

Gene DeLalla


Friday, March 20, 2020

Pandemic Of Covid-19: Does It Mean The End Of The World? Not Quite...

Pandemic of Covid-19 (the coronavirus)?  Is it really a pandemic?  Will it mean the end of the world as we know it?

When will the end of our world come?  This is a question that has befuddled philosophers through the ages.  But guess what?  I have the answer!

No, I'm not a Nostradamus-type, but what I do know, is that when a person dies, that is the end of his/her world.

But it just might be the end of our economic world as we know it...

Look at what has happened in the stock market, along with the shut-down of numerous businesses across the fruited plain, with far too many folks losing their jobs.  But don't worry, Big Brother government will come to the rescue, at least that's what we're told.

Don't hold your breath.

Just what is killing our way of life?  Is it a virulent strain of the flu bug, combined with a massive, organized attempt to bring America to its knees through panic and fear-mongering?

It seems so...

Let's take a look at where and when the Covid-19 version of the coronavirus first made its appearance...

To do that, we must go back to that bastion of liberty and prosperity: Communist China.

Has anyone ever seen the Chinese people walking on the streets of their cities?  Just about all are wearing some type of facemask.  This is not the exception, but the rule.

China has some of the most polluted cities in the entire world.  And by the way, both China, and even India, were to be exempted from reducing the so-called greenhouse gases at the Paris Accords, but not America.   Why?  Because the globalists wanted to penalize America's prosperity, and impose a false equalitarianism, after all, we can't be any better than anyone else, right?

That the coronavirus originated in China is not disputable.  But that's not the only virus that came across the pond (the Pacific Ocean) from China.  No, there are others, SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) for one.

So why would anyone be surprised that numerous and deadly viruses would come out of filthy, Communist controlled China?

Communists don't give a hoot about their own people.  Why would they?   They are worse murderers than Stalin was, in the former Soviet Union... So, why would they care about a healthy work environment, or enforce strict sanitary requirements for restaurants where the consumption of food and beverages takes place, as well as other businesses where there is close customer contact?

It is the goal of the Communists world-wide to take down one of the last freedom-loving countries in the world: the United States of America.

So, whether it is a new strain of the flu bug, combined with a wasting of our economy, it appears to be working.

All this, without firing a shot: no massive military invasion; no taking out our bombers and missiles with nuclear weapons.  None of that.  But the weapons of panic and fear bolstered by the mainstream media, as well as the deep state moles, are the new tools of the hard Left and the Communist oligarchs to take over our country.

These miscreants want to see our rights under the Constitution consigned to the dustbin of history, and so far, it is our own elected representatives that are doing their dirty work for them.  It is time to re-read the Declaration of Independence, and take action!

Pray for President Trump that he doesn't fall prey to the exaggerations and lies of the medical tyrants just aching to vaccinate every single American, whether we like it or not, or confine ourselves to our homes, destroying our freedom of movement.

Pray too, for the Catholic bishops that they get some backbone and defy the civil authorities and re-open our churches so we can offer worship and sacrifice to the good God that we have offended through our spiritual and moral sloth.

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us.

Gene DeLalla 


Thursday, March 19, 2020

The Underground -- True -- Catholic Church In China Is Being Savagely Persecuted. Can It Happen Here?

Yes.  It has already started, and it will get much worse...

Why and how is this happening in China, and why and how is this happening in the U.S.?

First, it is important to understand that Communists around the world have become emboldened by the pontificate of Bergoglio.  Second, back in 2018, Bergoglio made an agreement with the Chinese patriotic church, which re-instated several "bishops" that were approved by the Red Chinese, but not by the pope; that has now changed, and those so-called bishops are now in full communion with Rome.

Think about this: the Communist Chinese government nominated and appointed their own men to the bishopric!  That one statement ought to send chills down your spine!

This sell-out by Bergoglio has produced a deadly, poisonous fruit for the true Catholic church and the lay faithful that have seen their churches desecrated and, in some cases, totally destroyed.

Most have now gone back to the catacombs, as did the early Catholics of the first and second centuries, in order to assist at Mass and offer sacrifice to Our Lord.  But have you heard anything about this tragic development in the mainstream media?  Nope.  There is a good reason for this: one, they are sympathetic with all Communist regimes in the world; always have been, and always will be.  Second, they are obviously anti-Christ; always have been, and always will be, and relish with glee at the prospect of a God-free world.

If anyone doubts what I have written here, read what Cardinal Zen has said about the agreement of the pope, and the on-going persecution of the faithful, underground, Catholic Church.

I started my article with this: Can it happen here?  Yes.  It has already started, and it will get much worse...

But wait!  This is NOT Communist China, and we don't have Communists running our government, right?

But what we do have are weak-kneed bishops that have capitulated to the secular fear-mongering over a flu bug, and have locked the doors of our churches.  In essence, the anti-God miscreants have succeeded in barring access to the one-true Mass, without even firing a shot!  These bishops have given up their authority to the state, and instead of protecting the flock entrusted to them, they have deserted us to the wolves in sheep's clothing.  We are now at the mercy of those very same wolves...  And know that those enemies of Christ give no quarter, just as the revolutionaries slaughtered every single man, woman and child, as the streets ran-red in Vendee France.

Will actual martyrdom of faithful Catholics eventually happen here, in the U.S. of A.?   I hope not, but I contend that such is a real possibility.  I promise that I will not go down without a fight!  Mark my words!  

I want the doors of my church opened, and opened without delay!  I demand such!  

Pray earnestly for our country, and for strength for President Trump to stand up to the globalists, one-world-order God-haters.

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Don't You Dare Disobey The Bishop!!!

That's right, you just might get excommunicated.  It has happened before...

Well, it has finally happened...

The bishop of Kansas City has officially succumbed to the real hysteria brought to you by the mainstream media, and has closed the doors of all the Catholic churches in his diocese.


I called the canon (priest) of the church where we attend Mass; he was, of course, very disappointed with the newest developments, but suggested that I call the diocese to voice my displeasure.

I did...

I had to leave a message with the chancellor/vicar as we were about to go out and enjoy what freedom of movement we have left, that is, until the federal Gestapo creeps come knocking on our door telling us to stay cooped-up for the duration.   Or, until we are forced-vaccinated, which I will not allow!

When we got home, there was a message from the diocese... The priest said that he sympathizes with me and all the faithful, and said to pray... Of course, I (we) always do... But, the bottom line: he said the topic is not up for discussion.

There you have it: not up for discussion!

Let me just say one thing: the faith comes first, not obedience -- to anyone!

When I, and my family, are denied the Mass and the reception of the Holy Eucharist -- the Body and Blood of Christ -- I get pretty angry, as I am right this minute.

The CDC, today, just released the latest data about the flu for the week ending February 29th.  Here are the results: the death toll from the seasonal flu has reached 22,000, including 144 children!

The death toll from the so-called coronavirus: 100 -- nationwide.

My question to the bishops across this country: how come you didn't panic and shut the doors of all the churches for the pandemic of the flu?   It is estimated (by the CDC) that 20,000 to 50,000 die of the flu each and every year!

Why the panic and hysteria over the coronavirus?

You know what I say: the bishops have lost their manhood, and, perhaps, their supernatural faith in Christ and the church He founded, that is, if they ever had it to begin with.

Lock the doors of my church?  How dare you!   You have given in to the anti-Christ globalists who are laughing all the way to their hell-holes, along with their father, Satan...

You bishops have deserted your flocks, just as the hireling, as recorded in the parables, deserted the sheep at the first sign of the wolf, and left them to be devoured at will...

Obedience?  No.  The faith comes first and always will...

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us.

Gene DeLalla 

Death Toll From The Flu Has Reached 22,000, Including 144 Children!!!

This, from the CDC: For the first time since the week ending February 29, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released its Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report, which shows that the death toll from the seasonal flu has reached 22,000, including 144 children.

The death toll from the coronavirus is 100...

Rates for children 0-4 years and adults 18-49 years are now the highest CDC has on record for these age groups, surpassing rates reported during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic.

The death toll from the coronavirus is 100...

The death toll from the seasonal flu has reached 22,000, including 144 children.

The death toll from the coronavirus is 100...

The death toll from the seasonal flu has reached 22,000, including 144 children.

I ask: where is the shut-down of the entire country because of the seasonal flu??

Wake up, America!  This coronavirus is a massive false flag operation by the population control, and elitist maggots to suppress our God-given rights to Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Pray for our country, and especially that President Trump does not fall prey to his, and our enemies -- the enemies of Christ...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us..

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Is President Trump Caving In To The Fear-Mongering Deep State Moles?

I am getting just a little bit worried about what I see and hear coming from President Trump when he is at the podium with the CDC folks explaining what is coming next regarding the overblown coronavirus.

I can understand being flexible in a time of concern for those Mr. Trump represents -- us, the American electorate, but it can get to the point of bending over so far that he just might break under the constant -- and faulty fear-mongering of the deep state moles that still occupy far too many agencies in his administration.

If anyone thinks that I, or anyone else for that matter, will be limited to groups of ten or less, of the people I love, and go to church with, that entity is sadly mistaken.

We are already seeing weak-kneed Catholic bishops closing church doors to those who need and hunger for the Bread of Life, and the succor of Confession, being turned away from the house of Christ because of a flu bug?

Do these bishops still possess supernatural faith, or have they succumbed to the spirit of the age and abandoned their flocks to the ravenous wolves seeking those who they can devour?  Don't they realize that anyone who receives the Holy Eucharist -- on the tongue, while kneeling -- will never get sick from the body and blood, soul and divinity of our Lord?   Just the opposite will absolutely happen!  He will heal their spiritual sickness by entering the Temples of the Holy Ghost -- our bodies!

Whether in the civilian or ecclesiastical realm, the agenda of the elites and the globalists, is succeeding without firing a shot, so to speak: restricting access to what is good and holy; to make slaves of us, and destroy what is left of our rights that come from God, and guaranteed by the Bill of Rights in the Constitution.

Notice recently, how some arrogant, anti-Second Amendment (Demonrat) mayors, and others in authority, are using the coronavirus to restrict or halt the sale of weapons and ammunition to law-abiding citizens -- for what purpose?  I ask that rhetorically, of course...

And Mr. Trump says nothing?

What is going on here?

The restricting of our ability to worship God, and the right to peaceably assemble are all part of the First Amendment, slowly, but surely being eroded, as is the Constitution itself, being torn apart and  used as that much-sort-after commodity these days; toilet paper...

As I see it, everything is up for grabs in the next few months; will it be freedom, or will we wake one day and find ourselves enslaved by a tyrannical, multi-tentacled, behemoth centralized government that has forgotten its American roots?   Which will it be?

More than ever, pray for our country, and pray too, that Mr. Trump stands up for those whom he represents: We, the American people...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...