Thursday, April 30, 2020

The Loss Of The Sanctity Of Life Began When Cain Killed His Brother, Abel...

Cain slew his brother, Abel, out of envy and jealousy.  From that point on, the loss of the sanctity of life began, and continues to this very day.  Only, instead of using a rock to bash in the head of his brother, today we use such things as dismemberment, chemicals, guns, knives, baseball bats, strangulation, vehicles, poisons, fear and authoritarian control, wars and rumors of wars, abandonment, extreme prejudice, and about a million other ways to extinguish the most important gift given to us by our God.

Yesterday, April 29, 2020, my wife's brother, Danny, passed away from complications from many ailments that he had for many years, all topped-off by a severe strain of the flu.  And because of draconian measures instituted by the governor of Massachusetts, he died alone, without any family members present to console him, pray over him, or at least say goodbye.

To make matters even much worse, there is to be no funeral; no final farewells...

These turn of events are all due to a massive disruption of our country, and its traditions, because of a supposed "deadly" strain of the flu; the Wuhan-coronavirus (COVID-19).

Our entire country has been shut-down; lives are in turmoil because of the lack of work and paychecks needed to feed and clothe family members, along with the inability to pay mortgages or rents.  Savings have been used up just to try to keep things on an even keel...

People are required to wear masks in some localities, at all times.  We are told to stay at home until our "masters" let us out of the house, and if you gather with family or friends, there cannot be more than five or ten together -- and be socially distanced...

Some law-enforcement authorities have gone completely insane, fining and arresting those innocent citizens because they want to go to church, even if they are in cars, in parking lots, listening on loud speakers to their brave priests or ministers.  One cannot walk along a beach, or sit in the sun in a park because of the possibility of spreading germs or bacteria to someone else, even if they're ten feet away!

Officials are becoming Howard Hughes-like in thinking that every single person must be free from every single germ or flu bug before things can return to any semblance of normalcy -- that's not possible, nor should it be.

But we cannot be germ-free, or bacteria-free, or virus-free, because if we are totally disease-free, then our immune system will weaken, suffer, and eventually be unable to fend-off even the slightest of colds or flu, or anything else for that matter.  Could it be that this is what they want?

The level of authoritarian control is beginning to equal that of the worst seen in Communist countries, especially the tactics used under the evil regime of Joseph Stalin in the former Soviet Union.

Most church doors are locked shut; we cannot even attend the funeral of a loved one; our First Amendment rights are being denied, especially to freely practice our religion, or peaceably assemble, or criticize these inhumane measures that are killing our country and our spirit!

Why is all this happening?  

I have an answer: the loss of the sanctity of life, and the almost complete rejection of the Author of life, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and the redirection of worship to His enemy, Satan, the prince of darkness, malice and hate...

Pray earnestly for our country, now more than ever...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

RIP, My Brother-In-Law, Danny...

At 12:50p.m. Eastern time today, at Cape Cod Hospital, in Massachusetts, my brother-in-law, -- Kathy's brother, Daniel J. Parr -- Danny -- passed away due to complications from the current virulent strain of the flu.  He had many, many underlying conditions for many years of his relatively short life of sixty-years.

Danny was a charitable and decent fellow, always doing for others.  What more can anyone ask, than to love they neighbor?

I ask all of good will to say one more prayer for the repose of his soul...

I thank all my friends for their charity...

God bless.  Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Is This A Science Fiction Movie, Or Is This For Real?

Back in the 1950s, there were some pretty decent sci-fi horror movies.  In fact, I wondered if watching the original "Thing" (1950, starring the future "Gunsmoke" actor, James Arness) might give me nightmares.  It didn't.   It was a great movie about a UFO that landed in Alaska near the Arctic Circle, and was buried under the ice until the research crew blew up the ice; the UFO flew back into space, but left behind was a being stuck in the ice.  It was a great beginning to the movie!  From that point on, I made sure all the lights were on in the living room, and grabbed my soda and popcorn.  I was ready to be frightened to death -- or near death, anyway...

As an aside, the actor, James Arness, who played the "Thing", starred in the "Gunsmoke" western series for twenty years!  The longest running western series in the history of TV; it ran from 1955 to 1975!!  I would like to mention that most actors that we see nowadays, have never served in the military, nor served in a real war, even though you see them in war movies with fake blood, fake mayhem and phony special effect scenes.  Not so with James Arness… He served in World War Two and was severely wounded in action.  That wound caused him great pain for the rest of his life, including during his acting years.  In my mind, he was a true hero in many ways...  In the "Gunsmoke" series, he always got the bad guy!  Isn't that the way it's supposed to be?

Even today, the good guys should get the bad guys, and throw them in jail to await trial for their crimes against society and their fellow man.  That applies to the real bad guys that have caused havoc in our country because of a false-flag pandemic of a certain strain of the flu bug...

We now know -- absolutely -- that the medical dictators have instructed that anyone -- anyone -- that dies, must show that they died from the Wuhan-coronavirus (COVID-19) on their death certificates!  All you have to do, is to listen to the "Dr.s" Fauci, and especially Brix, that doctors have to assume and presume that their patients had died from the Wuhan-coronavirus, regardless of any other underlying medical complications.

The numbers of folks that have passed away from complications along with the Wuhan-coronavirus, are far less than the seasonal flu bug.  Most disturbingly are those radical dictates from uninformed or biased governors thinking that's the way to stop or lessen the effects of this virus by locking everyone down, shutting  down businesses, and maintaining "social distancing."

These measures have proved to be an absolute disaster, not only for the economy, but for the fear and panic that these steps have ingrained in the minds of those who watch the mainstream media.  When you see people walking around with masks and gloves, it is easy to see that those policies have been proven frightfully successful, reducing grown men and women to the level of scared teenagers watching a sci-fi horror movie from Hollyweird...

There is another unintended -- or is it intended? -- effect of this "social distancing" and lockdown: the weakening of our immune system, and its ability to fight-off germs, bacteria and viruses...

We are told, or at least it is implied, that in the very near future, we may all be subjected to mandatory vaccinations, and without having those poisons injected into our bodies, we will be severely limited in our ability to travel, work or even go to church, or associate with others -- even with members of our own families, perhaps?

This is a globalist and population control dream come true, and it's all happening without the enemy firing a single shot from that much maligned, so-called "assault rifle"...

Satan is laughing all the way to the bank...

The real horror story is that mankind will beg to be healed and kept safe from the tribulations of the world -- from other men, instead of depending on Christ, Our Lord, the only real Healer of mankind...

Pray for Russia to be -- finally -- consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Monday, April 27, 2020

Abraham Lincoln: "You Can Fool Some Of The People All Of The Time..."

Abraham Lincoln said: “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”

I have to agree with our sixteenth president.

Take a look at the absolute success of the fear-mongering and panic of the deep-state medical "authorities" concerning the so-called Wuhan-coronavirus (COVID-19).  

Here are some facts: The country is shut down.   Nearly 30,000,000 (that's MILLION) Americans are out of work.  Note: the figure may actually be much higher, as many of the state employment offices were overwhelmed by those seeking to file claims.  

The food chain is dramatically breaking down; this will be reflected in the months to come...

People have been brainwashed into wearing masks, and in some cases, snitching on those who don't.

The numbers of deaths attributed to the Wuhan-coronavirus (COVID-19) have been "cooked" to further scare the populace.  This is not my opinion, but actual dictates from the conspirators to label the cause of death as being from the Wuhan-coronavirus (COVID-19) regardless of the actual cause

The people have been fooled out of fear to capitulate to the anti-Christ globalists, meekly and sheepishly, giving up their Constitutional rights for "security" and "safety"...

The utter contempt for our American way of life, and our freedoms, have paralyzed far too many of our citizens, causing them to bow-down to the those tyrannical medical dictators who seem to be heavily influencing President Trump, making him little more than a figurehead of a beleaguered nation.

Some small businesses will reopen when this "pandemic" is all over -- or will it ever be "all over"? -- but many will never reopen.

Dare to assemble or go to church, and you'll find yourself handcuffed and under arrest, further eroding our rights under the First Amendment.   

With all these data to consider, it is easy to fall into a depression, not only economic, but also a far worse mental depression.  This has already become a reality, as suicides as well as abuse of alcohol and, sadly, causing more abuse of family members as well.

But then t
here appears to be some hope!   More and more fed-up Americans are taking to the streets to protest their respective elected representatives, especially their governors, demanding their rights be reinstated post-haste.

But the real, permanent changes will only happen if and when we, as a nation, return to the tenets of the Natural Law, and the Author of that law, Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and His social Kingship.  If we don't recognize our failings and our dependence on Him, then our strictly human efforts will be doomed to failure...

Pray for earnestly for our country...

Viva Crisot Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla  

Homeschool? YOU Are A Threat To Children And Society...

That's right, YOU are a threat to children and society -- IF you homeschool...

Here is an article from that chronicles the agenda of one Harvard Law Professor, but I'm sure that such Communist lunacy is ingrained in many of our colleges and universities, polluting the brains impressionable adolescents...

Click on "Harvard Law Prof." below...

Pray for an end to these miscreants, and pray for God-given common sense to return to our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Remember The Second Amendment?

Why is the Second Amendment listed just after the First Amendment?

Some may think that's a stupid question; thank you...

I'll explain in a minute, but first, here is the First...

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. 

This sounds very much like common sense to me, and you?

The Second: A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. 

If we take a look at the fundamental First, then we can see just how important it is, and what it guarantees: Freedom to practice our sacred religion.  And, in order to do that, we must peaceably assemble, that is, enter our churches and pray, without government interference.  Sadly, today, we have interference from the very ones that are supposed to be the head of the flock of the faithful, guiding us to the heavenly beatitude.

But our church doors are locked!   This is being done, we are told, to control or prevent the spread of the Wuhan-coronavirus (COVID-19), really?

So as we can see, there is a type of cooperation that has never before been seen in our country: Catholic bishops capitulating to the civil authorities to shut down our ability to worship Christ and receive His grace-giving sacraments, especially the Bread of Life in the Holy Eucharist...

Some bishops have even directed that the Last Rites of Extreme Unction be suspended indefinitely!   This is a very scary prospect for any Catholic nearing death, that is, dying without that soul-saving sacrament.

We have seen examples of some very brave pastors and ministers trying to hold church services only to be threatened with arrest or worse, even though they maintained the so-called "social distancing" as now required by dictate -- not law!

We are also seeing nearly 30,000,000 Americans recently unemployed because of a national lockdown, which, I might add -- according to Attorney General of the United States, William Barr,  has been classified as bordering on house arrest.  He is also threatening to file lawsuits against the various state governors for these draconian measures that are keeping businesses shut down along with our churches.  His actions, however, may be too little too late, I'm afraid, with breadwinners unable to pay mortgages or put food on the table.  When such things happen, and people are trapped or pushed into a corner, they can very easily strike back with a vengeance...

Without showing any more examples of such un-American activities being forced on a freedom-loving populace, I think it is easy to see the importance of the First Amendment.   We can also see how the Second Amendment gives us the ability to defend our way of life and familial traditions that make us who we are.  It also tells an overreaching, behemoth, intrusive central government that we the people will only take so much, and if we are pushed into that corner, we have the means to strike back with a vengeance!

That is why the Second Amendment is just after the First... and before all the other Amendments, for  without the Second, all of our rights that emanate from God, are meaningless, and can be trampled upon by tyrannical dictates of outlaw governors or other elected officials...

Remember, too, what Ben Franklin stated: those who give up their liberties for security [or "safety"], deserve neither...

Pray for our country, and stay strong and stay ready...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Friday, April 24, 2020

What Happens After The "Lockdown" (HOUSE ARREST) Ends?

That's a good question...

Does anyone think that everything will be back to normal?

We know that it won't be back to normal for all those Americans that have lost their jobs, because many of those businesses will no longer exist.  And it is the small business entity that employs most people, not big business.

As far as the "lockdown" is concerned, will we free Americans be able to go to-and-fro at will, or will we be subject to some type of constant surveillance?  In addition, will we be subject to constant, so-called health monitoring, with the distinct possibility of some type of forced vaccination?

In fact, Attorney General Barr has recently stated great concern that the current lockdown is very close to house arrest, which, by the way, violates our habeas corpus rights.  Just what is habeas corpus?  A writ requiring a person under arrest to be brought before a judge or into court, especially to secure the person's release unless lawful grounds are shown for their detention.   

I truly hope that General Barr's concern is genuine; we'll find out very soon, as he has threatened lawsuits against the various state governors...

I can assure anyone reading this article, that if surveillance and forced vaccination is in our very near future, then we Americans can no longer consider ourselves free.

If we don't have a choice, then our enumerated Constitutional rights -- granted to us by God, not government, will be consigned to the dustbin of history.

What I have just written is not an exaggeration, nor is it a conspiracy theory, but facts gleaned from the agendas of the U.N., as well as other population control organizations, such as those sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation...

What all this amounts to, is a fight for the very soul of America, as well as our collective souls!

As Americans, we must make up our minds and be prepared to stand up for God, country and family.  The test of our determination and honor may be just around the corner... We, as a nation must turn to Christ, Our Lord, and beg for mercy and forgiveness for our numerous offenses committed in the name of "rights," ignoring His rights to be adored and worshipped as He commanded.

Pray earnestly for our country and for the strength for the trials that await us...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Another Terrible Milestone: Over 26,000,000 Americans Have Lost Their Jobs Because Of A Strain Of The Flu Bug...

Last week, jobless claims surged to over 4.4 MILLION, bringing the total of job losses to over 26,000,000 -- that's MILLION -- Americans out of work because of the planned fear and panic created by anti-Republic, anti-Christ, population-control, anti-life lunatics hell-bent on killing the American economy, and implementing complete government control of every aspect of our lives.

I fear that the number of job losses will exceed 30,000,000, and possibly reach 35,000,000 before we are "allowed" to reopen our stores and businesses...

Recession?  Absolutely.  Depression?  We're almost there...

From the very beginning of the current "pandemic," the facts and numbers just don't add up.  However, a very gullible John Q. Public has bought into the lies and exaggerations of the Leftist media and their lackeys in the Demonrat party.  As you can see, you can't separate one from the other; they are like two peas in a pod.  Both work to undermine our Republic and the traditions -- for better or worse -- that have built the most prosperous and freedom-loving country on the face of the earth.

In our country of approximately 330,000,000 (MILLION) people, we are told that about 47,000 folks have died from the Wuhan-coronavirus (COVID-19), regardless of the actual cause!

We know -- from the very mouths of "Drs" Fauci, and especially, Birx, medical officials have been directed to assume and presume that those that have succumbed, are to have the COVID-19 virus listed on their death certificates as being the cause of death!

These anti-Christ globalists don't even try to hide their agenda!  There is no further need to be covert, instead their actions are now overt -- right in front of our eyes, carrying out their diabolical plans with little or no resistance, that is, until now!

For far too long, we act like sheeple and submit like little children to the tyrannical dictates of the hard Left.  Sadly, there are Leftist and homosexual sympathizers in the Catholic hierarchy, especially among the bishops in the U.S.

They have also shut down our access to Mass and most sacraments, in direct contradiction to Cardinal Sarah, Prefect of the Congregation of Divine Worship.  Talk about disobedience!

I ask the bishops: where is the "separation of church and state" now?  Why don't you use what the anti-Christ atheists use against us, and throw that in the face of the civil "authorities," and tell them that their dictates stop at our church doors?  

What is happening in our beloved country is absolutely insane!

We have all heard about the "war on terror," but who will fight the war on the terrorists keeping us locked in our homes and destroying our way of life?

Nothing will change unless and until we beg for God's mercy -- and JUSTICE, and stop the slaughter of the pre-born, and now infanticide, and recognize that man completely relies on God for his every breath, not the other wary around...

Pray earnestly for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Is There A Link Between The Loss Of Supernatural Faith In Christ, And The Success Of The Fear-Mongering And Panic Concerning The Wuhan-Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

I apologize for the rather long title of my article, but it connotes a new fact of life that is, not only not recognized, but also explains a lot about most of the church leaders of our day.  I'm talking about their inability or, should I say, fear of doing what they have been commanded to do by Christ: to preach and baptize all nations.

What is happening here, I fear, is human respect trumping supernatural faith!

This has already proved to be a spiritual disaster in the making, with church doors shut and locked -- for how long?  Weeks, months, or more?

What is it that has our bishops so afraid of their own shadows, capitulating to tyrannical civil -- and medical -- authorities and their unconstitutional dictates that has nearly destroyed our entire economy throwing close to 25-30,000,000 Americans out of work.  Could this one fact alone contribute to the dire and despairing act of suicide?  (See my article: studies estimate.)

Over the last couple of weeks, we have seen some tiny glimmers of light at the end of the tunnel in the form of more and more Americans demonstrating in their respective states to reopen the economy so they can go back to work.  The response to these protests by the Democrat, leftist governors of those states has been antagonistic to say the least, with more threats to keep the state in lockdown for additional time.

What all this amounts to, is a very steep, uphill road with many roadblocks to hinder our successful navigation to get us back home to any sense of normalcy.

Even if things do go back to "normal," will it be what some are calling a "new normal"?  Does that mean increased surveillance of the general populace to track our every move, or to monitor our health to see if we get the common cold or some new form of the flu bug?

For those of us who have been on this earth long enough, we remember the brick and mortar Berlin Wall that separated East, from West Germany.  Eventually, the Wall came down during the Reagan administration.  But up until that time, one could see hundreds of memorials to those who died trying circumvent the Wall and escape to freedom and prosperity for themselves and their families.

How powerful the thirst for physical and spiritual freedom!

It happened here, in our country in 1776...

What will overcome the current pandemic that has paralyzed our men and women, cowering in fear from their neighbors, afraid that they might breathe on them, or, even more scary, shake their hands in friendship?

In the long run, there is only one, real anecdote that is a sure-fire, 100 percent solution that no power on earth can defeat; Christ Our Lord!  And unless, and until, our church leaders are willing to stand up, and if necessary, shed their blood as the Apostles and their true successors did, to secure for their flocks, the right to worship God, as He commanded, nothing will change...

The weakness that we are currently experiencing in the Catholic Church is affecting in a most negative way what we see happening in society.  And it is said that as the church goes, so goes society.  It is also said that the law of praying, is the law of believing...  How true!  So, what is it that most Americans -- including our bishops -- now believe?  Is it the creature of human respect?  Or faith in Christ?

Pray earnestly for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

PS: as a reminder, Fr. Miguel Pro was a contemporary martyr that died at the firing squad during the reign of terror of the Communist/Masonic revolution in Mexico during the 1920s.  It should be noted that one act that sealed the fate of the patriots fighting for the rights of civil and religious freedom, was the capitulation of the Mexican bishops to the phony promises of the revolutionary regime in power at the time...

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Another Horrible Consequence Of Shutting Down The Economy: A Dramatic Increase In SUICIDES!!


Studies estimate that the economic recession spawned by government-mandated “shutdowns” in the name of coronavirus safety could result in suicide rates thirteen times higher than deaths caused by the virus itself.
A study published by Goldman Sachs on Monday calculated the unemployment rate could rise from 3% to 15% over the next few months.
Authored by economist Jan Hatzius, the new report titled “The Sudden Stop: A Deeper Trough, A Bigger Rebound,” forecasts the unemployment rate rising 12% by midyear.
Another study titled, “The Economics of Suicide: An Empirical Study of America’s Rising Suicide Rate,” estimates the correlation between unemployment and suicide rates.
According to the 2014 findings, with a “1% increase in the annual unemployment rate, approximately 21 additional suicides per 100,000 of the population can be expected.”
With the current American population estimated to sit at 330 million, that means each 1% increase in unemployment would result in 69,300 new suicides.
With Goldman Sachs predicting a 12% rise in unemployment over the next few months, America could see up to 831,600 additional suicides attributed to job loss.
Does it make sense to kill the economy because of a perceived threat from a virus that is far less prevalent than the seasonal flu?  I'll stick my neck out and say, no, it does not, especially when people take their own lives because of total depair.  Of course, I do not agree with a person taking his/her own life, as this act rejects any help from the grace of God, and plays into the hands of the devil.  I cannot, however, judge a person's soul or heart, but only the outward actions and words of that particular person.  So, the act of suicide is a disaster for that person, and any family members he/she leaves behind, especially because the consequences of suicide are eternal.  The only thing we can do in such circumstances is to leave the subjective judgment of that person in the hands of God, and pray for mercy... 
Pray earnestly for our country...
Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...
Gene DeLalla

Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...