Thursday, August 30, 2018

Words have meaning..

When a word is spoken, it has a certain meaning that the one speaking it attempts to create a picture that that word should convey in the mind of the one hearing it.  This is completely normal, if this were not the case, then why speak at all?  Or write at all?

But today, we hear words that have been co-opted by the radical, hard left to intimidate or completely eradicate any sense of the true meaning of words.  So let's look at some words that today are used to change the lexicon of American speech.

First -- and foremost? -- gay: merry; bright and lively.  Today: gay: homosexual.


I know many people who are gay; they are happy and upbeat!

So let me see if I understand this: gay now refers to sodomites?  I guess that's why Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed.  Certainly not because they were "merry," or "bright and lively," but because they turned from the Natural Law, and lowered themselves to the level of the jungle.

Racist: discrimination based on race.  Today: racist: anyone who disagrees with the leftist agenda, and has differing opinions of those leftists.

Antifa: a political protest movement comprising autonomous (?) groups affiliated by their militant opposition to fascism and other forms of extreme right-wing ideology.

Isn't this an oxymoron?  These anarchists are fascists themselves.  Their goal is to suppress free-speech and opinions that differ from theirs.  As an example, they say they are opposed to "extreme right-wing ideology," but in reality, they try to stifle conservative speech and opinions that contradict their own extreme left-wing ideology. 

There are many more examples, to be sure, but these are just a few to illustrate the fight we are up against.  We can never give an inch to these miscreants.  Not one inch!

Pray for discernment, and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

Atomic Veterans are dying..

An excerpt from an article from "Reveal"...

"In the aftermath of World War II and during the height of the Cold War – between 1946 and 1962 – the U.S. detonated more than 200 above-ground and undersea nuclear bombs."

When I was in Vietnam, there was a chemical that went by the name of Agent Orange.  

Many of my brother Marines, Army and Air Force troops were exposed to this deadly agent.  My only -- possible -- exposure was a sweep (a search and destroy) of an area on one of the bases I was assigned to during my tour.  The trees and shrubs in that area looked burned out; defoliated; nothing was left; completely lifeless.

After the vets returned to the U.S., some of them began to have various health problems.  In fact, some of those health issues were transmitted to their children.  Some vets developed cancers, or other debilitating diseases.  When the vets presented themselves for treatment or some type of compensation, the government, in the form of the VA (Veterans Administration), denied that Agent Orange had anything to do with their claims.  This outrageous denial went on for many, many years.  Finally, the horrendous effects of that deadly chemical were acknowledged, and some compensation and treatment was allowed to the suffering vets.

Now, I want to describe another incredible event...

Recently, I saw a video of British "Atomic Veterans" gathered for a reunion, their numbers quickly dwindling; many had died of cancers of various forms.  Their description of what they saw and went through was almost unbelievable to anyone with a sense of justice; a sense of true patriotism.

These soldiers and sailors were exposed to, not one, but many nuclear blasts over the course of several years.  Their government did not explain the threat to their health and well-being.  These men were not given sufficient equipment to help protect them from the initial blast as well as from the radiation fallout that followed.   

After watching this video and listening to their touching stories, I got angry, very angry.  These men were used as guinea pigs, plain and simple.  

I knew that American soldiers and sailors too were exposed to nuclear bomb blasts, so I decided to do a little research on the matter...

Well, the American GIs were also used as guinea pigs, but the numbers of Marines, soldiers and sailors that went through these horrendous tests, were much more numerous than the British vets.   Many thousands more.  And many more bomb blasts, most of which were exploded on some of the Pacific Atolls, and some under water, as well as in Nevada.

Again, their descriptions during the blasts and after, were almost too hard to believe, but true nonetheless.  

As with their British allies, they were given no protection, and no information as to the dangers of being exposed to the blast as well as the aftermath and the possible detrimental side effects to their health. 

If you look at those videos, you can see with your own eyes, the nuclear blasts and the troops very close to those blasts, some as close as 3,500 yards from ground zero, with no protective clothing or just simple googles for their eyes which did nothing to mitigate their eventual suffering. 

These vets did what they were ordered to do.  But those in government knew -- without a doubt -- what terrible effects those nuclear bombs would have on those men.   This was proven when the bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, not only killing so many thousands at once, but also the long-term effects of radiation poisoning in the form of cancers and birth defects.  And yet, our government allowed their own citizen soldiers to be exposed and many eventually die from these diabolical experiments.  

Please pray for these "Atomic Veterans" and their families, and pray for our country. 

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Climate change, or just Mother Nature?

Though books, as well as thousands of articles have been written on "climate change," or "global warming," I'd just like to touch on some things that might be helpful in seeing the forest from the trees.

So here goes...

Frist, when I lived in California back in the decade of the 70's to the 80's, I witnessed first-hand "climate change," especially during a California "winter," mainly along the coast, and then up in the local mountains just east of Chula Vista (beautiful view), a suburb of San Diego.

What the natives call El Nino hit big time in the late 70's causing a very wet winter, with temperatures so cold in the San Diego area, that heavy rain was mixed with sleet!  Not only that, but after one major storm, there was over four feet of snow in the local mountains.  I know this to be a fact, as I used to travel to the mountains for the scenery and to gather pine cones of various sizes for my collection.   But after that particular storm, and after I reached the entrance to an area off the freeway, about 4,000 feet in elevation, I was turned back because I didn't have snow tires and chains.

There were storms galore during that period of time.

I remember the flood control channels in the Los Angeles area were right up to the brim, with some cars caught in the rampage, along with people swept away in the rushing waters that drained from the foothills of the San Gabriel mountains, all the way to the sea.

Second, when La Nina occurred, just the opposite happened; it was drier, and, in fact, some drought conditions lasted for quite some time, as it is now, though things have eased up somewhat, but not enough to quench the numerous fires in the northern part of the state.

These cycles were common, and scientifically proven over the years.  But back in those days, I had never heard of "climate change," or "global warming."

Third, what I did hear about was that scientists were claiming the earth was in the midst of "global cooling," and about to enter another ice age.  This was in the 1970s.

What happened with that??

When did global cooling morph into global warming?

I suspect that there's an agenda here.

Right now, there is a trial going on in San Francisco, where the global warming folks are suing five of the major oil companies for damages to the environment.  Well, it turns out that we are seeing self-hating CEOs of those various companies attempting to cow-tow to the environmentalists in an effort to maintain an image of being friendly to mother earth.  Perhaps.

But even if the climate change, global warming folks win this suit, what do they think they'll accomplish?  Can it be they think that all fossil fuels will be outlawed at some point?  And if that happens, what will replace the oil, gas, coal, and nuclear energy that generates the overwhelming majority of the electrical power that is produced world-wide?   Isn't it interesting how we take for granted when we flip on the light switch, that magical element known as electricity, will take us from darkness to light, and we'll be able to read our favorite book?

Solar?  Wind?  Hydro electric generation?  In time, maybe.

But for the foreseeable future the most reliable sources are the "big four": oil, gas, coal and nuclear.

Climate change, or just Mother Nature.

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Guilty until proven innocent?

In our country, one who is accused is innocent until proven guilty by a jury of his peers.  Yet just the opposite is now in full swing when it comes to those Catholic priests accused of some type of sexual abuse of minors, or anyone for that matter.

Once the blood is in the water, the sharks go into a feeding frenzy, ready to devour anything -- or anyone -- unfortunate enough to be in the vicinity.

This is exactly what is happening to priests these days, especially here in the United States.  Although Lady Justice is supposed to be "blind" when it comes to meeting out justice, once a priest (or anyone) is accused, the court of public opinion seems to have sway, and the accused is already guilty before any trial in a court of law which practically negates the ability to defend oneself in that very same court.

This is a direct violation of the Fifth, Six, and Fourteenth Amendments under the "Bill of Rights" to the U.S. Constitution.

It is a fact, that Catholic priests, especially, are targets of the anti-Catholic mobs that seem to permeate the landscape, ruining the reputations of even the good men caught in the cross-hairs.  Yet, those who abuse in the public school system, or Protestant ministers, or even Rabbis, seem to get a pass from the mainstream media.


In fact, the 2004 Shakeshaft study proves beyond a doubt that the abuse in the public school system is far worse than that in the Catholic Church by homosexual predator "priests" and their enablers in the hierarchy.  In fact, recent undercover videos show a systemic coverup of teachers, coaches, and  administrators abuse of minors under their charge within the public schools.  Their blatant, arrogant explanations were disgusting, and shows the equivocal corruption of these creatures.

We all agree that they must be rooted out and brought to real justice.

This is not to excuse the sick attacks on the vulnerable in the Church, but to point out the double standard applied to one side over another.

I wonder if Lady Justice will ever recover?

I know the Church will; we have Christ's word on that!

In conclusion, it is important to keep in mind the rights of the accused as well as the rights of those victims to redress their grievances before an impartial jury in a court of law.

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla  

Monday, August 27, 2018

Another shooting in a gun free zone!

The following is an excerpt from an article written by Michael Snyder from the Economic Collapse Blog regarding the recent shooting in Florida at a gamming event:

We have seen that mass shootings can happen literally anywhere. We have raised a valueless generation that has no moral foundation, and we have pumped them full of all sorts of pharmaceutical drugs that are messing with their heads. From now on we are going to need suffocating levels of security at all public events, and many people will decide to just stay home and not participate in public gatherings at all.

Our society is literally coming apart at the seams, and today is truly a very, very sad day for America.
I agree, but why is this happening?
There is a "simple" answer: God has been kicked out of the public sphere; out of the schools; out of sporting events; out of public buildings, allowed only to be worshipped in private.   Dare we discuss religion in the public forum!  Preach on a street corner and see what happens!
Another reason that might also be considered: gun free zones.  This is lunacy!  But not surprising, because these shooter-magnets were first proposed by liberal politicians, and, sadly, supported by "republicrats" years ago.  
Our Second Amendment rights are now relegated to what the state or city or town allows us to  have and hold as dear (for our protection and the protection of other innocents).  Our "license" to carry concealed IS the Second Amendment!  Our inalienable rights are NOT granted by government, but by God, and are supposed to be protected and guaranteed by that very same government. 
So now, there is a young son that will not have his father to guide him in his formative years, or to have his father present as he marries; as his own children come into the world -- and what kind of world will it be in the next 15 or 20 years?   And his mother?  Now a young widow, whose life is  now shattered beyond all comprehension.  
May God have mercy on the two that were killed in the Florida shooting, and may God have mercy on the families of those taken from them. 
Pray for these victims, and pray for our country.
Gene DeLalla

Friday, August 24, 2018

Follow-up: Skin Color, Does it Matter?

In my recent post: Skin Color, Does It Matter?  I indicated the efforts of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to alleviate the suffering of his black American followers, culminating with his assassination in April of 1968 (I was in Vietnam at the time, and when the news of King's death reached the base, tensions ran high.  There was a call for calm; a memorial service was held at the base chapel.  I asked my black brother policeman if I could accompany him to the ceremony; I was the only white man in the packed chapel, other than the priest and minister!).

Today, there is another massive form of discrimination going on, this time, in South Africa, but it's much worse than the "run-of-the-mill" discrimination, it now borders on ethnic cleansing.  You read that right: ethnic cleansing -- of the WHITE population!  Specifically, the Communists of the African National Congress (aka: ANC) have decided to strip the white farmers of their right to continue working the land, and, in fact, drive them off their land, and in some cases, kick them out of the country altogether.  At some of their rallies, there are chants to kill their fellow -- white -- countrymen, simply because of their skin color.

This "reverse" apartheid has turned the once prosperous South Africa into a hell-hole of fear and intimidation for those of European decent.

The former head of the ANC, the Communist, Nelson Mandela (died 2013, at the ripe old age of 95), radically changed the landscape of the culture and the politics of the nation.  His diabolical "reforms" continue to be carried out by his successors, in a campaign of fear and racism.

Fear, intimidation, racism, ethnic cleansing, land confiscation, and yet there isn't a peep out of the mainstream media in our country.  Their sympathies for the Marxist regime is obvious and frightening.  Sound familiar?  Just take a look at the violence and anarchy directed at "conservatives" at recent rallies demonstrating for our inalienable rights.

Part of the problem in this country is the continued brainwashing of those poor souls who attend colleges and universities, instilling in their students the need to tear down traditions and societal norms, and replace them with some ungodly system of anarchy.

Where will it lead?  Only God knows.  But as the saying goes: charity begins at home.  First, we have to extricate ourselves from the many sovereign nations we have invaded and occupied over the last 15-20 years.  Second, the sanctity of life must be recaptured in the hearts and minds of the American public.  Without the protection of life, from conception to natural death, there will be no peace, no harmony, only despair and enslavement to our passions.  And it's all connected...

By all means, let us pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Does skin color matter? It seems so, when...

I was a junior in high school back in 1963.

Yes, that was the same year that our first Catholic President, Kennedy, was assassinated on November 22, while in a motorcade traversing the streets of downtown Dallas, Tx.

For those who are old enough, you might remember exactly where you were, and what you were doing as the terrible news hit the airwaves.

I remember… I had just gotten off the school bus and walked to my friend's house to check out his coin collection: we were both collectors at that time.

While in his house, the phone rang; it was his dad telling him that the president was just shot in Dallas.  When my friend came back to the dining room area, where I was looking through his collection, he said; oh, that was my dad; he was joking about the president being shot.  I didn't think much of it, and we continued exchanging thoughts and ideas about our collections of several different denominations of coins.

When I left his home, some school-girls were walking my way, and, as we approached each other, they asked me if I had heard anything about the president being shot.

Then, it hit me like a ton of bricks; he really was shot; the president was shot!!

During 1963, not only was the killing of President Kennedy the most demoralizing and horrible event of the day for our country, in addition to that tragedy, there were other pressing issues facing our nation that needed attention and solutions too.

Things were heating up in Vietnam (little did I think that four short years later I would be in Vietnam!) and the civil rights movement was in full swing, especially in the South, where federal authorities had to use the power of their office to integrate colleges and universities, and open the doors to black Americans to continue their education.  

One of the most influential leaders of the civil rights movement was Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

In fact, I wrote my term paper on Dr. King, mainly because of his determination to improve social  conditions for his people, including, but not limited to, the right to use facilities that were once deemed only for whites: transportation, restaurants, voting, etc.  What attracted my to his cause, was his use of peaceful means to accomplish the ends, and to open the door to a new time of equality for all peoples.

Once, while behind bars in Birmingham, Alabama, Dr. King wrote a "letter from a Birmingham jail," extolling the tenets of the Natural Law, and, in fact, quoted St. Thomas Aquinas as well as St. Augustine in determining what a just law is, and what an unjust law is.  I find it interesting that the Protestant King, quoted two Catholic saints in his thesis!

In many of his speeches, King focused on the character of a person, rather than the color of his/her skin.

If King was alive today, I think he would be horrified at the real segregation and discrimination found in the media, and the blatant attacks on his brothers and sisters simply because they are white.  You know, that phony "white privilege" nonsense.

It seems that the mainstream media is daily focused on issues that directly contradict Dr. King's reason for all the sacrifices offered up in order to right so many of the wrongs against his people.  And now, the wrongs are being perpetrated because of skin color -- again -- but this time against Caucasian folks.

It is amazing how so many things have changed, and yet they stay the same....

Pray for our country.  Pray for peace.

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The horrendous murder of Mollie Tibbetts...

The following is a quote from "Benny" who made a comment on Facebook...

"The murder marks the permanent separation of Mollie Tibbetts from her family. Where is her TIME magazine cover? Where is her CNN Townhall? Where is the national protests for Mollie Tibbetts? Where is the outraged White House press corps screaming for Trump to do something?"

This young, lovely college student from Iowa, was attacked and killed by an illegal alien monster, who had been in this country for many years.

For those who don't realize it, it is a felony to illegally cross the border into our country.

But the most horrendous of felonies recently occurred in the corn fields of Iowa, when the 20-year-old Mollie went for a jog along a quite country road.

Mollie's short life was snuffed out; there was no help for her; she suffered; killed, and her body left in a ditch near a corn field.

I cannot imagine the anguish of the girl's family, and the nightmarish scenarios of their daughter's last moments and death that must be completely occupying their minds and hearts.

I truly hope that she didn't die without a fight, but it was not enough to save herself.

Already, the demented, unhinged leftist media are actually downplaying Mollie's death, and, it seems to me, almost making excuses for the piece of human debris that took her life.  Sick beyond all description!

God will not be mocked, and I hope and pray that Mollie's killer will face swift justice, and send a message to anyone else thinking of attacking the defenseless.  But until our borders are truly secured, and we protect American citizens FIRST, I fear little will change.

This is, however, another reason for all law-abiding citizens, especially women to carry concealed and level the field against any would-be attackers.

May God have mercy on Mollie Tibbetts (and her family!).

Pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

If your boss directs you to complete a task, and you refuse, should you be fired?

What if you like your job, but then the boss directs you to complete an "unpleasant" task, and you refuse, should you be fired, keeping in mind that the task is critical to the success and the survival of the business?

What does common sense tell you?

It tells me that your job, or mine, would -- and should -- be in jeopardy for refusing to do, or complete that critical task.

And what if it's not only your job that would be at risk, but also the jobs of your coworkers?  Remember, you and your coworkers have families to support and mortgages to pay, etc.  Without that steady job, those families might not survive, or at least they might have to depend on the largess of the government to "save" them.  Not a pretty situation to be in, for sure.

So now, let's take this same situation and replace your boss with our Boss, God.

If God requires us to do certain things in order to see Him in the Face in the Beatific vision, and we refuse out of pride -- we will not serve! -- should God "fire" us?

If one of those requirements is to obey the Ten Commandments, and we decide which of the those to obey based on what we think is right, and which ones we are "able" to obey, should we be "fired"?   After all, He would be justified in "firing" us because the Ten Commandments are not the ten suggestions.

God is our creator; our Boss!   If we disobey Him, we must accept the consequences.

Sure, there are those that say we have free-will, and they're right, but if we use that free-will to disobey the laws and doctrines of God Almighty, then we will get what we deserve.

In that situation, isn't God justified in "firing" us?

I think so.

But here is the rub: if we disobey God Almighty and refuse to do that which will get us to Heaven, we're not going to lose our "job," we'll be using our free-will to send ourselves to hell.  Not a very good prospect.

And to those who think that God is so merciful that He wouldn't ever think of sending someone to hell, think again.  Along with His great mercy, He demands JUSTICE for our actions or inactions.  That's only fair; wouldn't you agree?

Pray for discernment, and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Cutting through the very thick smog of confusion...

Back in 1971, I was invited to be one of two(!) best men at my friend's wedding in Southern Cal.

I flew from New Jersey, and arrived at LAX on that Fall, October day.

I stayed at my friend's house with his mom.  After a nights sleep, I got up and took a short walk down the sidewalks of Norwalk -- a pretty tough neighborhood in those days.

One of the first things that "hit" me was that I could see, smell and taste the air I was about to breath!!  Smog!!

I had never experienced that before, so all this was new to me, but not to the natives of So. Cal., especially my friend; he kind of chuckled when I mentioned that my eyes were burning too!

That was the lousy experience, but there were good experiences too.  The Chicano lifestyle, for better or worse, was interesting to say the least.  I was matched-up with a beautiful Mex-Amer. girl as my companion for the ride to the Church.  The "low-rider" was all dolled-up with tons of fur and fuzz balls; a steering wheel about the size of bottle cap, and special shocks that allowed the driver to raise the '67 Chevy up or down as we were riding!  Actually, it was more like bouncing up and down!

Pretty cool stuff for a boy from the Bronx...

After the wedding, we drove to the reception hall, and I have to tell the readers that there must have been 500 guests, or more!  The place was packed.

For the next few days, we drove up the eastern spine of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, eventually arriving at the incredibly beautiful, Lake Tahoe, then San Francisco, down highway 101, and back home.  Not bad...

I titled this article: cutting through the very thick smog of confusion, because you can just about smell and taste the "smog" that has infected our American culture, what's left of it.

This "smog" is annoying, but it also can be deadly to the soul, that is, if one is not strong in their faith.  And there lies the problem: it has blinded the eyes of some in the American Catholic Church.

During the reign of Pope Leo XIII, he praised America for the freedom of religion, rare among nations of that time, but he also condemned -- yes condemned -- AmericanISM.  

Basically, that meant the watering down of Catholic doctrine so as not to offend non-Catholics.  What a mistake.  We are still paying for it now.  It did not start with the Second Vatican Council, but that unnecessary council just poured gasoline on the fire, so to speak.  As you can imagine, it has only gotten worse, not better.

So, today we have Catholics who ignore authentic Church teaching, and have itching ears for false doctrine.  This is so widespread that many married Catholic women see nothing wrong with either contraception -- bad enough, and, yes, even the morally damning, soul killing abortion.  Incredible...

We must adhere to basic Catechism 101: why are we here on earth?  To know, love and serve God in this life, and be happy with Him in the next.  Simple...

Pray for discernment, and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

Monday, August 20, 2018

Shock: I'm all for sanctuary towns, cities or states!!

That's right!  Like it or lump it!  Too bad!

I'm all on-board for sanctuary for -------------------------------------------------------------------- us!  Not illegal alien felons!

See the titanic difference?

If the hard left, radical Demoncrats who released that monster illegal alien that killed Kate while walking with her father in San Francisco, or the other monster that recently raped a five-year old girl in PA after briefly being held in custody, had any sense of right and wrong, they would resign from office, and go live in a cave somewhere away from civilization; a civilization they couldn't manage to govern.

Instead of the law abiding citizen being able to take a leisurely stroll along Main Street, USA with his family, he has to worry about the aliens running wild, preying on the innocent, and threatening their very existence.

These politicians have absolutely lost any sense of the moral order, or God-given common sense.

What do they expect to gain from these rogue aliens?  A vote in the upcoming election?   Good luck with that.

I pray that these liberals either repent, or are completely politically castrated and removed from office.

God have mercy on us!

Gene DeLalla


Is a sewage treatment plant really necessary?

I think so...isn't it?

Let's not get too gross here, but what would happen if there were no sewage treatment plants in the U.S., or more specifically, in the town or city where you live?  It could be down right dangerous to human health and well-being; disease and even plague might follow.

So, there is a need to filter out the bad stuff, in order to transform the remaining materials into the good stuff that can then be safely disposed of, with whatever means available to protect the residents of that town or city.

Let's face it, like it or not, people have to spend the appropriate amounts of money to have efficient and reliable sewage treatment plants in order to process human waste 24/7, 365 days a year.

When we wake up in the morning, who thinks about the sewage treatment plant processing the stuff we flush down the toilet after that first trip to the bathroom?

Okay, I said that I wouldn't get too gross here, so let's leave the sewage treatment plant, and head back to some restaurant, or coffee shop and discuss politics, or maybe even religion (heaven forbid!)…

Still, there is a need for a real "sewage treatment plant" to filter out the lies, malice and hate, directed at those altruistic Americans by the hard left "news" outlets, including the Internet.  Specifically, aimed at news sources that have differing opinions -- read: facts -- from the standard playbook words and phrases used by most "news" sources on a daily basis to smear those seeking the truth.

This constant battle can get weary, but we must persevere in order to counter the brainwashing of John Q. Public by the mainstream media attacking our president, our country, our culture, our very way of life.

America is not perfect, not by a longshot, but it does no good to tear her down from within; we have enough enemies from without to worry about.  Sure, we must clean our own house before we can clean the houses of other countries.  If it's any of our business in the first place!

As I always say, we must pray for our country that, as a nation, we turn away from the culture of death, and embrace the culture of life, especially recognizing the sanctity of all human life.  A great place to start, is to protect and defend the living, developing baby in the womb of her mother, and pray for an end to the scourge of abortion.

Pray for discernment to acknowledge the Natural Law (as an extension of  of God's law).

Gene DeLalla

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Is it okay to hate?

No.  At least that's what modern, politically correct society tells us these days.

But to tell the truth -- a rare commodity these days! -- we must hate, and discriminate!

If one is a Christian, wouldn't hate and discrimination be a direct contradiction to the followers of Christ and what He taught?

Again, the answer is no.

So, what's the deal?

The plain and simple answer: we must hate sin, and we must discriminate against sin, and be for good.

We cannot -- and it would make no sense -- to say we are Christian, that we love what is good, and, at the same time, accept what is sinful, as if we have no choice in the matter.

We do have a choice, and that's what separates us -- Christians -- from those who love sin and evil.

The problem arises when we cannot discern what is sin and evil, from what is good.  This confusion is the result of many elements, namely, poor catechesis from a more progressive slant regarding what the Church teaches, over the last 60-70 years or so.  This has affected, not only Catholics, but non-Catholics as well.  Non-Catholics, who once looked to the Church as a beacon of hope and direction in a world gone morally crazy.

It is rather rare to hear pastors preach on sin and evil, along with the consequences of same: hell, versus heaven.

Unfortunately, many Christians assume that God's mercy is endless; it will always be there no matter how we live our lives.  That in the end, we will be saved because of that "endless" mercy.  We can easily forget that along with mercy, there is justice to be paid for our actions or inactions.    

That fact alone should keep us on the straight and narrow.

But does it?

Pray for discernment, and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Walking in the rounds...

Fifty-one years ago this coming December, I arrived in Vietnam.

The next month, January, began the 1968 Tet Offensive.

I remember being in an Oscar tower (observation tower) with a "short-timer."  (A short-timer had less than 30 days to go before he returned to "the world" --  the U.S. of A.)  From our position, we could see into the valley to the south and west of us.  The tower was equipped with a huge Starlight scope, allowing us to see the slightest light or flash, even from a cigarette lighter, many miles in the distance.

Just before the Tet Offensive began, the Vietnamese were ringing the new year (Tet); we could see in the distance tracer rounds being fired into the air; red and green flares filling the sky in a continuing celebration.

But then, something changed...

As we were observing the festivities, the direction of those tracer rounds went from vertical to horizontal -- into each other.  This grabbed our attention.  My short-timer brother called in the unusual events into our combat control center.  From this point on, things went downhill, and quickly.

Reports started to filter in that some of our air bases, fire bases and villages were under attack on a massive scale; we were next.

Of all the posts that we were assigned to on the perimeter, only certain ones allowed us to have the big M-60 machine gun, but I had been granted permission from our flight commander to carry the M-60 with me no matter what post I pulled.  I was grateful for that.  I didn't mind lugging around the extra ammo, usually about four cans.  We're talking another 30 + pounds, not including the 24-pound machine gun.  It was a chore just getting all my weapons and other gear up the latter, through the trap door, and into the tower cubicle.  The walls of the tower were about three feet thick, filled with sand to absorb any rounds or "small" rockets fired at us from the bad guys.

As the night progressed, things got a little dicey...

I had set up the M-60 with two, one-hundred round belts attached ready to send the VC (Viet Cong) to their Maker, if the need arose.

At this point, my short-timer brother turned to me and said: DeLalla, I sure am glad you brought that "60" up here tonight.  Me too, I replied.

I expect to go home in 27 days, he said...   I told him that I intended to follow in eleven months...

In short order, we could see the tracers from the bad guys overwhelming the Vietnamese soldiers on the battlefield.  Additional fire-power was called in, in the form of 105 Howitzer canon rounds from the ROK (South Korean) fire-base way out in the valley, to help turn the tide of this first big engagement.

If I remember correctly, I said some prayers, and zipped-up my flack jacket, locked and loaded my weapons, and waited to see if the enemy forces would make it all the way to our perimeter.

The ROKs were good at their job...  As we watched the activity continually unfold in front of us, the 105 rounds got closer and closer; walking in two and three with each volley.  At first, the explosions were way out to our southwest.  We could see the dirt, trees, and grasses being blown to smithereens.

The volleys continued their inexorable march to the air base; shock waves now hit the tower -- and us!

The idea here was to trap and annihilate the VC as they made haste toward the perimeter.  The blasts tore up the landscape, and the north-south highway in front of us, along with anyone caught in the mayhem.

To find out what happened next, you can order my story from Amazon.  Title: The Battle For Oscar Six.  

Gene DeLalla 




Friday, August 17, 2018

The attacks on Christianity continue...

The unrelenting attacks on Christianity, and the Catholic Church in particular, continue at breakneck speed.

Very sadly, some of the most vicious attacks are coming from fallen-away Catholics who have lost the reason for their existence: to know, love and SERVE God in this life, and to be happy with Him in the next.  This is basic catechism 101.  There is little wiggle room here.  

Further, not only is the radical left attempting to shut down our First Amendment right to the free exercise of our religion, this tactic has expanded to include the almost complete exclusion of God out of the public sphere -- out of the schools, and relegated to "private" worship behind closed doors, so to speak.  Just try to pray on the field after a ballgame and see what happens.  The atheists go wild; lawsuits are sure to follow; these people have lost their minds.

These attacks cannot be tolerated.

If we do not recognize that our rights, as humans, come from God, not from government, we will be forever mired in trying to elect those people that are pro-First and Second Amendment to be our representatives; our saviors.  But that is the wrong way to look at this.

The Bill of Rights are there, not for the GRANTING of our rights, but to protect those rights FROM the multi-tentacled, behemoth, out-of-control central government.

I think it is safe to say that if we do nothing, and just sit back, we will lose our rights that come from God under the Natural Law, not from the vote of the majority.

One way to get the truth is to stop listening to the "6 o'clock news", and to seek out alternative sources for real news, if we don't, we will all become part of the brainwashed masses.

Pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Is there another massive false flag just over the horizon?

With all that's going on in our country, and around the world, in fact, the last thing we need is another false flag just before the mid-term elections this November.

Some "conservative" talking heads are already being silenced or banned, and President Trump is running circles around our domestic enemies, with a red-hot economy.  He is also cracking down on the entrenched pedophile rings, many involving Hollywood "stars," as well as slowly draining the "swamp" in D.C.  Because of this, there is a good possibility that the demonic Democrats -- the real enemies of the people -- could be planning a massive false flag event, and point the blame directly on Trump's supporters.

If that happens, watch out!  There is no telling just what will happen; martial law?  All First Amendment rights being suspended?  All Second Amendment rights being suspended?  Violence in the streets?  Your guess is as good as mine.

Look what is happening to Infowars and Alex Jones.  You hate his guts?  Fine, but his free-speech rights have already been infringed upon, and it's getting worse.  If successful, the next to go will be Hannity, Limbaugh, Levin, Savage, et el.  What entities will be left to get the "news"?   You figure it out.  

I firmly believe that our domestic enemies have little or no regard for the lives of their fellow Americans.  Think that's a little over the top?  Think again.  Let me point to Pearl Harbor, the 9/11 "attacks."  How about Oklahoma City?   What about Waco, where children were burned to death by various police agencies, specifically the FBI?

My suggestion, sit back and fasten your seat belts: the ride is about to get a little rough.  But don't stop there, act, write, question, stand up for your rights, unless you wake up one morning and discover you must submit your thoughts to big-brother before you can express them -- even to your children!

We had better pray and pray hard!

Gene DeLalla

Reasons for pessimism; reasons for hope.

Unless one has their eyes "wide shut," it is obvious, or should be, why there are reasons for pessimism in the world, and, specifically, in our country.  E.g., wars and rumors of war; scandals and rumors of scandals, especially among some deranged, rogue clergy that have taken place over the years, ruining the lives of the innocents.

Though the abuse is more widespread than first expected, I'm not surprised to hear or read this.  Why?  Because those "priests" involved in this diabolical destruction of the morals of the young, are overwhelmingly homosexual predators.  And this too, is nothing new, as that perverted "lifestyle" goes back to ancient times, including the early Church, as some of the saints of that time report in their writings.

These men (and some lesbian women "religious" are involved in this too) were successfully recruited and cajoled while in the seminary, and encouraged to complete their studies, all the while with the intent, over time, on bringing down the Church from within.

We will continue to hear of these scandals; the media is eating this up, as the enemies of the true Catholic Church are more than willing to heap additional coal on the already burning fire.

The damage to the innocents has been done, while some of the predators will escape prosecution, in the end, they will pay the price of their crimes, as we all must do.

Then there is the crime of abortion: the killing of the pre-born.  The destruction of the gift of life given to us by God, as co-creators with Him. Though "legal," it is still murder, another crime against the innocent.  And those that perpetrate such crimes will face justice, yes justice.  All we hear about today is mercy: God is merciful, but ignore His justice, and it will be paid; do not be deceived, we will be held accountable for our actions -- or inactions.

I can only guess at the wrath that awaits those who do not repent!

In the overall scheme of things, the abuse scandals and abortion are just more indications of why this is happening in the first place; and it's not pretty: the almost universal rejection of serving God, and, instead, serving ourselves.  This is truly a recipe for disaster.  

Church doctrine has been watered down for the sake of what?  Dialogue, ecumenism, unity?

This weakness is, I feel, the primary reason for the world racing toward Gomorrah at breakneck speed.  

Sounds pretty pessimistic, but there is hope -- always hope.  But there is a caveat: we cannot presume on God's mercy as is often done these days, but beg and pray for mercy -- and conversion!

Pray for discernment and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

The real WALL...

There has been much discussion on the need for a wall to be built at our southern border to prevent the hordes of invading illegal aliens from overrunning our sovereign country.

I agree that it should -- and must be built, and as quickly as possible to keep out, not only those seeking "asylum," but also to stop the gangs, especially the murderous animals, MS-13 lunatics, from killing any more of our innocent citizens.

But the real Wall is already built!

Where, you ask?

It has been built around the real Catholic Church, built by the modernists invaders, pretending to be Catholics.  This massive siege of the real Church has been going on at least since the disastrous and unnecessary Second Vatican Council, which was in session from 1962 to 1965.  In reality, however, this siege has been around for a much longer period of time.  Even Pope St. Pius X pointed this out  in his 1907 encyclical exposing and condemning the modernism already choking off the Faith of our Fathers.

The good pope was successful in keeping the wolves at bay, but only temporarily.  They have returned with a vengeance, attacking a weakened flock, driving many away from Holy Mother Church, and into a spiritual wasteland.

Then where is the real Church, if it is not in Rome?

The real Church is within you and I -- Catholics that adhere to the perennial teachings of the Magisterium, that is.  In addition, the real Church of Christ will not fail; we have our Lord's very words on that promise.

He didn't say that the Church will have millions or billions of members, or extravagant buildings, artwork, and such.  No, it just might be a remnant of the faithful, here and there, in various parts of the earth.

All this, including the horrible scandals that we seem to read about almost on a daily basis regarding the abuse of minors at the hands of homosexual, pedophile predators of the young, not "frustrated," "celibate" priests (that is a myth perpetrated by the haters of the Catholic Church).

And still, I invite all non-Catholics and fallen-away Catholics to enter or reenter the Barque of St. Peter -- the real Catholic Church -- for the safety of their immortal souls, and for the honor and glory of God Almighty.

Pray for discernment and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Another expose of horrendous abuse by "Catholic" "priests"...

News reports from a grand jury in Pennsylvania are pointing to a massive cover-up of sexual abuse by "Catholic" "priests" that, according to the reports, goes as far back as 70 years.  The report also accuses the various diocese, and bishops of those dioceses, of shielding the bad guys over the years, some being transferred to other parishes instead of facing the music of the law, and allowing some measure of closure or compensation to the victims.

However, after listening to and reading the transcript of the grand jury and the (un?) biased reporting, it is very clear that not once did I hear the most accurate word to describe these abusers, these monsters: homosexuals.

Not once!

Sorry, but those are the facts.  And I can prove it...

Many years ago, the Communists recruited more than just a few homosexuals to enter the seminaries back in the 20's, 30's, and 40's, and perhaps even more recent, to become priests, work their up the ladder, so to speak, then bring down the Church from within.

One of those recruiters was a female Communist by the name of Bella Dodd.  She actually testified before Congress on her activities and duties.  She indicated that she alone brought in close to 1,200 "men" to enter the seminaries. Fortunately for her, she reconciled to the Church she was tasked with bringing down, and received the sacraments before she died.

She was only one of many recruiters...

But now, it is time to tell the real truth of the abuse of minors, because it is happening not only in the Church, but more importantly, in the public school system across this country.  That's right; the scandal of sexual abuse is more widespread in the school system than in the Catholic Church.  In addition, Protestant ministers and even some Rabbis are also part of this demonic attack on the youth under their charge.

The homosexuals that eventually did become "priests," fulfilled, and are still fulfilling their diabolical task, as is witnessed by numerous reports, even to the highest levels in the Church, yes, all the way to  the Vatican, where the buck stops.

There is another aspect to this tragedy, and that is, if those homosexual "priests" did not do what the Church intended as far as confecting a sacrament, and that includes the Holy Eucharist, or in Baptism, or Confession, or marriage, etc., then those actions of the priests were null and void.  Hence, all those years and all those folks did not receive validly any of the sacraments from the hands of these monsters.

I can only leave it up the Lord to judge whether these people were culpable or not, and whether or not they were in a state of grace when they died, if given the sacraments from these sodomites.

All those years, all those who suffered under corrupt Church officials involved in the homosexual mafia...

Will there be any justice in this life for the abusers or the victims?   Will those responsible be ripped out by the roots, and God's house exorcised and made clean?

Only time and prayer will tell.

Gene DeLalla 

The new un-civil anger.

We are told, in the Bible, that there is a righteous anger, and a sinful anger.  In conjunction with the biblical admonition, the Natural Law tells us this also.

What we are seeing these days, and it has been going on for far too many days, is an anger from those on the left who just can't seem to get their way, whether in the political or cultural sphere.  It reminds me sometimes, of school kids unable to control their emotions, kicking up a storm of protest because they were caught smoking in the hallways, and earned 30 days of detention, or worse.

In other words, they are spoiled brats.  But the problem is, is that many of these brats are "adults".

The unending attacks on our president is a prime example of the brats not getting their way; first, it was the loss to Trump in the 2016 election, and now, President Trump is heating up the economy, and that wasn't supposed to happen either, and they hate that too.

But when you come right down to it, the biggest loss of all, is there is no one in the White House to carry on the pro-abortion, anti-life agenda of the hard left.  This, most of all, infuriates those lost souls, to the point that they will make up "news" simply to destroy a duly elected president.

Don't get me wrong, Mr. Trump is not perfect.  The last time I checked, I wasn't either.

Sure, the monsters at Murder, Inc., "planned parenthood," that is, still get their (our) blood money, but hopefully that will end forthrightly.

And, I hope and pray, that Mr. Trump will convert to the Catholic Faith, for the sake of his own soul. and his family's as well.

When I was born, President Truman was at the helm of the ship-of-state, after the death of President Roosevelt.  But I have never seen such unrelenting, attacks of hate, malice and unjustified anger at a sitting president.

What ever happened to CIVIL, justified anger?  I'm afraid it's long gone.

Pray for those on the left that they may return to their God-given common sense of fair treatment of others, as they want to be treated.  Sound familiar?

And pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

The "great" conspiracy continues...

Ladies and gentlemen, if you really believe that you are a free American, and you enjoy the right to speak your mind, then I would strongly advise all to fight like the devil to protect that right enshrined in our Constitution and Declaration of Independence, but granted, not by government, but by God; this distinction is critical in understanding where our inalienable rights ultimately come from.

The onslaught of attacks and censorship is like a never-ending tsunami of lies and falsities against the much-hated Infowars network, and, more specifically, Alex Jones and crew.

If the hard-left, anti-American media, in conjunction with radical Socialists and Communists are successful, watch out, because you and I will be next.  If you doubt that, give it a little more time -- if you dare! -- and get ready to answer to the thought police for expressing your beliefs.
(Note: I only capitalize those despicable words Socialists and Communists simply because it is grammatically correct to do so, like the word Hell, however, I despise what they mean, and what they stand for, and will fight against them with pen and paper, and all my strength!  Just as we have to do to fight the fiery darts of the demons directed against our attempts to live a life pleasing to God Almighty.)

It seems as though that very same media is hell-bent on lying to their listeners, just as politicians lie to their constituents, all for the purpose of brainwashing them -- and us -- into believing what is not true, as the truth, to implement a specific anti-life agenda.  And in the end, isn't that what this is all about: the faux "right" to kill the pre-born without penalty, or the elderly through euthanasia, and implement population control in order to "save the earth" from us wicked, reproducing, fossil-fuel-using humans?

Don't take my word for it, read, and do just a little research and see for yourselves.  All those elements I have just mentioned are connected, and are part and parcel of the same end: for man to become his own god, and reject their submission to their Creator.  

We are living in perilous times; be prepared, and pray for strength and discernment, and pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Monday, August 13, 2018

Is the far side of the Moon made of blue cheese?

Is it?

If I said that it isn't, and said that publicly, would that be enough for you to believe me?

But then if someone else said, or wrote, that I said that the Moon is made of blue cheese, would you believe me or him?

Who's lying?

Remember, I said that the Moon isn't made of blue cheese.  Period.

All of a sudden, you read a letter to the editor that says that I said the far side of the Moon is made of blue cheese.

Now, maybe, you might start to think that I said the far side of the Moon is made of blue cheese, and what's worse, this "contradiction" becomes wide spread, and others begin to believe that I said the Moon is made of blue cheese, then what?

The distortion of what I said starts to spread -- out of malice -- to ruin my credibility.

I then repeat, out of exasperation, and to stop people thinking I'm some kind of nutcase, that the Moon isn't made of blue cheese.

But the others begin to  repeat the same, old lie, and, after a while, others start to believe that I said the far side of the Moon is made of blue cheese.

It's like a snowball rolling down hill; it continues to grow and eventually it spirals out of control and morphs into an avalanche.  Unstoppable.

This scenario is exactly what is happening to Alex Jones of Infowars.

The enemies of the First Amendment continue to lie, day after day, week after week, month after month, that he is the incarnation of the devil himself.  Conspiracy theorist par excellence, and master liar.

Though Mr. Jones continues to deny certain reports, and can prove it, it just doesn't seem to matter because of malice of forethought, with the end to destroy his business, as well as his life and family.

But these haters of free speech, fail to realize that if they are successful, the rabid dog of malice and hate will eventually turn on them.  It may take some time, but it will happen.

Freedom isn't free.

Are we ready to fight for what we believe in, or will we just lie down and submit to the haters of America and our God-given rights and freedoms?

Pray for discernment and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Does the word "catholic" raise blood pressure and set red flags waving?

I think this may be the case for some of our Protestant friends.

But it shouldn't...

Just what does that "enigmatic" word mean?

And further, what does it really signify in today's parlance?

First and foremost, the word catholic (small "c") simply means universal (or everywhere).

Second, the capitalized word catholic refers to the Church of Christ, again, found universally, everywhere, and open to all peoples on earth.

Contrary to popular belief of some, it is not now, nor has it ever been exclusionary.  Quite the contrary.

When was the first time the Church of Christ was described with the proper adjective, Catholic?

Way back at the end of the first century, just after the last Apostle, St. John, the Evangelist who died around the year 100, "catholic" was applied to describe a specific type of church, by the great martyr and Catholic Bishop, St. Ignatius of Antioch between the year 100 and 110, or shortly before.

Believe it or not, some of St. Ignatius' letters are still in existence, and provide witness to those peoples (Catholics) he found along the way as he was taken from Antioch to be martyred in the Coliseum at Rome.

Astonishingly, or Providentially, he was allowed to preach and write to some of those Catholics.

In addition, regarding the martyrdom of St. Polycarp (about the year 155), he is referred to as the Bishop of the Catholic Church in Smyrna.

Both St. Ignatius and St. Polycarp were in their mid- to late-eighties, and both were contemporaries  St. Peter and St. John!  In fact, St. Ignatius was consecrated bishop of Antioch by St. Peter, and St. Polycarp was consecrated bishop of Smyrna by St. John the Evangelist!

These are researchable facts, therefore, there shouldn't be any raised blood pressures or red flags waving at these data, as facts cannot be denied, or changed, or watered down for ideological purposes, or simply to obscure the reality of the Catholic Church as the first (and only!) Church of Christ!

Pray for discernment, and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla


St. Joseph, the Foster Father of Jesus...

The Bible tells us that Christ was the "son of the carpenter."

The great and last Patriarch of the New Testament, St. Joseph, is described as JUST.

Know this, when someone in the Bible is described as "just," this means that he is looked upon with great favor and grace by his Creator.

However, the silence in the Scriptures, regarding St. Joseph, in actuality, speaks loud volumes!

This great man, the Foster Father of Jesus, was the defender; the provider; the teacher of Christ and His holy Mother.

He is also, proclaimed by the Catholic Church, as Her protector.

Tradition tells us that when St. Joseph died, he died with Christ -- his Son -- and his most glorious wife, the Blessed Virgin Mary at his side.  Mary cried.  Did our Lord weep too?  But the great part of his death, is that when he closed his eyes on this earth, and breathe his last, he was immediately greeted by his Son again!!

Can we say such for anyone else?  I don't know...

This little article is only a tidbit; books have been written about this great and holy Patriarch and Foster Father of Jesus Christ.

Now, he is powerful before the throne of God.  Go to St. Joseph; ask for those things that will protect and guide you -- and your family -- to your final destiny: the beatific vision.    

St. Joseph, pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla

Saturday, August 11, 2018

A runaway judiciary is making a mockery of American laws!

Rogue judges threaten the enforcement the laws on the books in the U.S. of A.!

If only those heads of the various arms of the government would simply declare that rulings from ultra-liberal, rogue "judges" that defy the will of the people in the form of laws passed, to be null and void, we would, as a people, be a lot better off.

It seems that these hard-left "judges" are bound and determined to undermine any movement on the part of President Trump to make America safe again, by enforcing the laws that were passed to protect the American people from illegal aliens (and many criminals) from invading our country through our porous, southern border.

These despicable, life-long appointed shills are a threat to law and order, and should be removed from the bench.  Familiarity breeds contempt, and these "judges" are the most contemptable of any branch of government!

If I was President Trump, I would say to these "judges": "You made the decision, now try to enforce your edict!  In the mean time, I will carry on as I must under the Constitution!  Your ruling be damned!"

These examples are some of the reasons why we must have term limits for the judiciary branch, no doubt!  

Let hope and pray for such a day to come, and come quickly.

Gene DeLalla

True Charity..

Charity; what it means and its importance in our lives...

Whether someone is a believer or not, on the natural level, some might say that believing in God is irrelevant to have charity, I don't adhere to this idea; just the opposite, is in fact, true.

Charity emanates from the Creator, not from mankind (for women, mankind includes both men and women, though in today's politically correct absurdities that saturate the media and writings, some women just might take offense to the word "mankind," and like the more "correct" term of "personkind".  I can assure those women reading this article, they will never see that word in my tirades!).

 Charity consists of two major components: love of God, and love of neighbor.  Of course the theologians break down the many aspects of charity, but I'm not a theologian, never have been, and probably never will be, so I'll attempt to keep things simple...

We are told in the Bible that "without Me, you can do [and are] nothing..."

So, does that mean we cannot love God or neighbor without Him?

This is exactly the case.

That answer is a hint to those non-believers to start believing!

Remember, Christ is one of Three, so, again, without Him, we cannot love God (the Father, or the Holy Ghost), and therefore, if we don't love God, how on earth can we love our neighbor -- or ourselves?

Now some think that charity means being nice to people, or donating money to the poor, etc.  This is true, but we are here reflecting on the higher realm of the supernatural; on the necessary love of God. 

St. Paul tells us that we cannot hate our own flesh -- ourselves.  Nor can we hate our neighbor.  To do either directly contradicts the virtue of charity as well as the command to love they neighbor (as thyself).

Charity also means that those who stray from what is commanded of them by the Creator, and lose sight of their final destination through grave sin (yes, sin and evil do exist), can and should be admonished by those who LOVE them.

No one can force someone else to change their errant ways, but at least we can pray for those souls -- that also is a great form of charity of the highest order, whether those prayers are successful or not, or whether we know it or not in this life.

In conclusion, if there was more charity directed toward folks instead of malice, how much better would our world be?   Too simplistic?  Perhaps, but it's worth a real try, right?

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Friday, August 10, 2018

Roe v Wade, part of the "fabric of American life"????

Here is an excerpt from an article on Breitbart: “My view is this, if both the Senate and the American people become convinced that the confirmation of Kavanaugh will cut back on healthcare dramatically, will cut back on women’s freedom and women’s healthcare in particular that he will lose.”

Also this: "... Roe v Wade... is part of the fabric of American life..." 

Who said this?  Democratic Sen. Schumer of New York.

So I guess killing the pre-born is "part of the fabric of American life"?

Despise it or not, I have to say the demonic senator is correct, and until that scourge on our nation ends, we will -- as a nation -- pay a very high price; we will not receive God's blessings, nor will we have peace of soul, but only chaos, through malice and (real) hate.

The killing of the pre-born that is considered "healthcare" and "women's freedom"?  

The bearers of life have the "freedom" to kill that life.  Why not?  After all it's their "choice" -- and it's legal.   

Back in World War II, there was a systematic attempt to wipe out certain races, among them were the Jewish populations of several countries at the hands of the Nazis.  This became known as the holocaust, keeping in mind that it was not only the Jews that were targeted by this "ethnic cleansing," but also Catholics, some Protestants, some Gypsies, etc.  In fact, it is estimated that nearly 1,000,000 Polish Catholics died in the death camps.  You just don't hear much about that in the politically correct conversations these days, do you?

In any event, the final estimate of those exterminated during the course of the war, is about 3-6 million people, including all categories.  Some say more, some say less.  

The outcry and condemnation is till heard today, and rightly so.

But since the Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision in 1973, it is estimated that over 60,000.000 -- that's million! pre-born babies have been slaughtered, many times the holocaust of WWII.  

But who cares?  After all, it is part of the fabric of American life, according to the enemies of life and morality -- part of the fabric of the Natural Law.

One does not have to be a believer to understand the depth of the evil involved here; common sense informs us that all human life is sacred and deserves the inalienable right to life.

No one nominee to the Supreme Court, if approved, will change the hearts and minds of those who support the killing of the pre-born, only true conversion of heart and mind -- and soul.  

We have no choice here (no pun intended) but to pray for an end to this modern-day massacre, and pray for our country. 

Gene DeLalla


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

War of the Worlds 2.0

The sci-fi movie, The War of the Worlds, produced in 1953, was a real hum-dinger!  Pretty scary for a kid my age, but I loved it!

The basic premise was an invasion of the Earth by the desperate Martians who needed to replenish their limited resources.  (If the inhabitants of Mars were so advanced, I wonder why they couldn't find a way or means to find other resources somewhere other than Earth?  Imagine humans travelling all those miles -- TO Mars, to mine some gold or silver or copper or grow soybeans, or whatever?)

In any event, those pesky Martians wreaked havoc on poor little Earth, destroying cities, towns, cars, tanks, and people almost at will.  Nothing the military could do, or the armaments they used, had any effect on the Martians technologically advanced weapons systems.   It really seemed as though our precious planet was doomed!

So how were the Martians eventually defeated?

It seems that Mother Nature was the most powerful "weapon" of all!  The simple little organisms found abundantly on Earth, were no match for the foreign invaders.  Harmless to us humans, but deadly to the Martians.

Perhaps the reason the Martians were defeated in the first place, had little to do with those "harmless" natural organisms, but more to do with all those folks cowering in the various churches, praying for God Almighty to intervene and crush their brutal enemy.  These people were literally scared to death; there was no other option left; no weapons; no tactics; no hope...

Can this REALLY happen here?

To me, it seems as though it is already happening, but this time, it is not the Martians invading our planet, but those humans filled with hate and malice directing their efforts to undermine what is left of our Republic, as well as any semblance of religion and free-speech.

These "invaders" despise tradition; they despise any reference to God Almighty; they despise the most vulnerable of our race: the pre-born.  For without a new generation, our planet will truly be doomed, not from the Martians, but from the selfish, the greedy, the prideful, the enemies of the Natural Law; that which is inscribed on the hearts of all humans that come into the world.

It is undeniable.

But there is always -- always -- HOPE!

Pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

Another hellish, murderous weekend in gun-controlled Chicago.

That's right, another weekend in the combat zone known as Chicago, with 75 people shot and 12 killed in gun-controlled Chicago.

It is so bad, that now, even Democratic representatives have given up on the mayor, Rahm Emmanuel, and calling on President Trump for help!

Last year, President Trump said that if the authorities in Chicago can't get a handle on the slaughter that occurs almost everyday, then he would send in the feds.  I hope he means the National Guard, and sweeps the area clean of these gangs and murderers.

It is very apparent that Mayor Emmanuel is totally ineffective in stopping the war, and that's what it is, a war of drug dealers and gangs, taking out innocent life in their quest for control and territorial "rights."

Keep in mind, that Chicago has, perhaps, the most strict of all gun-control laws on the books, but that doesn't stop the bad guys from buying guns on the black market -- if they have the money, and they do have the money.  All this, while the law-abiding citizen finds it almost impossible to get a permit to carry to protect themselves and their families from this ongoing invasion.

Sadly, there were children wounded in the mayhem; at other times, killed, along with elderly folk taken out by stray rounds fired helter-skelter.

Notice that the cities with the most gun violence are Democratically controlled!  What does that tell you?

Vote those liberal, ineffective, anti-gun pols out of office, and do it now!

Pray for our country!

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

The Boomerang effect.

Has anyone ever thrown a boomerang?

What happens when it's thrown?

If you do throw it, watch out!  It comes back to you!

Such happened in the French Revolution of 1789, and the accompanying Reign of Terror.  Some of those responsible for instigating that monster, became victims themselves, and fell to the guillotine.  In other words, they lost their heads.

History is now repeating itself, if not in a physical confrontation, at least in the metaphysical sense, destroying, for all practical purposes, the First Amendment, with the ultimate goal of suffocating the free exercise of that precious right.  A right not granted by government, but by God Almighty, supposedly guaranteed by government.

One can draw a similar conclusion as the radical left attacks, and now successfully censors the "conservative" media for "hate speech."

This is the beginning of the "boomerang effect."

If these radicals are ultimately successful in killing the First Amendment, I would strongly suggest they watch over their respective shoulders to see just what is approaching from behind.  It is very likely that they will be some of the first victims of their "success," and will eventually be censored for not being radical enough, as Robespierre was determined to be an "enemy of the people."

Anarchy, and censorship, is not a friend to freedom, but its enemy.

We are living in perilous times, not only in the natural world, but also in the spiritual realm as well.  In effect, we who believe in the Natural Law, and Divine Law as revealed by God and His holy Church, must remain focused on our final end, and, at the same time, prepare to defend ourselves.

Pray for discernment, and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

Watch the War Room on the Alex Jones show.

Watch the War Room on the Alex Jones show..

If you let the censors get away with banning the Alex Jones show, then you will be next.  So much for "freedom of speech."

Gene DeLalla

Watch the Alex Jones show...

Watch the Alex Jones show...

You may not agree with his take on things, but if you are for censorship of Mr. Jones and others, then beware; you will be next!

Gene DeLalla

Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...