Thursday, August 30, 2018

Words have meaning..

When a word is spoken, it has a certain meaning that the one speaking it attempts to create a picture that that word should convey in the mind of the one hearing it.  This is completely normal, if this were not the case, then why speak at all?  Or write at all?

But today, we hear words that have been co-opted by the radical, hard left to intimidate or completely eradicate any sense of the true meaning of words.  So let's look at some words that today are used to change the lexicon of American speech.

First -- and foremost? -- gay: merry; bright and lively.  Today: gay: homosexual.


I know many people who are gay; they are happy and upbeat!

So let me see if I understand this: gay now refers to sodomites?  I guess that's why Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed.  Certainly not because they were "merry," or "bright and lively," but because they turned from the Natural Law, and lowered themselves to the level of the jungle.

Racist: discrimination based on race.  Today: racist: anyone who disagrees with the leftist agenda, and has differing opinions of those leftists.

Antifa: a political protest movement comprising autonomous (?) groups affiliated by their militant opposition to fascism and other forms of extreme right-wing ideology.

Isn't this an oxymoron?  These anarchists are fascists themselves.  Their goal is to suppress free-speech and opinions that differ from theirs.  As an example, they say they are opposed to "extreme right-wing ideology," but in reality, they try to stifle conservative speech and opinions that contradict their own extreme left-wing ideology. 

There are many more examples, to be sure, but these are just a few to illustrate the fight we are up against.  We can never give an inch to these miscreants.  Not one inch!

Pray for discernment, and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

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