Tuesday, August 7, 2018

The Boomerang effect.

Has anyone ever thrown a boomerang?

What happens when it's thrown?

If you do throw it, watch out!  It comes back to you!

Such happened in the French Revolution of 1789, and the accompanying Reign of Terror.  Some of those responsible for instigating that monster, became victims themselves, and fell to the guillotine.  In other words, they lost their heads.

History is now repeating itself, if not in a physical confrontation, at least in the metaphysical sense, destroying, for all practical purposes, the First Amendment, with the ultimate goal of suffocating the free exercise of that precious right.  A right not granted by government, but by God Almighty, supposedly guaranteed by government.

One can draw a similar conclusion as the radical left attacks, and now successfully censors the "conservative" media for "hate speech."

This is the beginning of the "boomerang effect."

If these radicals are ultimately successful in killing the First Amendment, I would strongly suggest they watch over their respective shoulders to see just what is approaching from behind.  It is very likely that they will be some of the first victims of their "success," and will eventually be censored for not being radical enough, as Robespierre was determined to be an "enemy of the people."

Anarchy, and censorship, is not a friend to freedom, but its enemy.

We are living in perilous times, not only in the natural world, but also in the spiritual realm as well.  In effect, we who believe in the Natural Law, and Divine Law as revealed by God and His holy Church, must remain focused on our final end, and, at the same time, prepare to defend ourselves.

Pray for discernment, and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

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