Tuesday, August 14, 2018

The "great" conspiracy continues...

Ladies and gentlemen, if you really believe that you are a free American, and you enjoy the right to speak your mind, then I would strongly advise all to fight like the devil to protect that right enshrined in our Constitution and Declaration of Independence, but granted, not by government, but by God; this distinction is critical in understanding where our inalienable rights ultimately come from.

The onslaught of attacks and censorship is like a never-ending tsunami of lies and falsities against the much-hated Infowars network, and, more specifically, Alex Jones and crew.

If the hard-left, anti-American media, in conjunction with radical Socialists and Communists are successful, watch out, because you and I will be next.  If you doubt that, give it a little more time -- if you dare! -- and get ready to answer to the thought police for expressing your beliefs.
(Note: I only capitalize those despicable words Socialists and Communists simply because it is grammatically correct to do so, like the word Hell, however, I despise what they mean, and what they stand for, and will fight against them with pen and paper, and all my strength!  Just as we have to do to fight the fiery darts of the demons directed against our attempts to live a life pleasing to God Almighty.)

It seems as though that very same media is hell-bent on lying to their listeners, just as politicians lie to their constituents, all for the purpose of brainwashing them -- and us -- into believing what is not true, as the truth, to implement a specific anti-life agenda.  And in the end, isn't that what this is all about: the faux "right" to kill the pre-born without penalty, or the elderly through euthanasia, and implement population control in order to "save the earth" from us wicked, reproducing, fossil-fuel-using humans?

Don't take my word for it, read, and do just a little research and see for yourselves.  All those elements I have just mentioned are connected, and are part and parcel of the same end: for man to become his own god, and reject their submission to their Creator.  

We are living in perilous times; be prepared, and pray for strength and discernment, and pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

1 comment:

  1. Suggested reading for everyone: "Life is Worth Living" by the Venerable, Archbishop, Fulton J. Sheen: Ignatius Press.


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