Friday, August 3, 2018

Those who have abandoned the Faith, accuse the faithful of what, THEY, themselves have done...

It's a simple formula: accuse others of what "you" have done.

Those in the hard-left media, accuse pro-life, pro-family, pro-2nd Amendment, veterans, etc., of what the they, themselves have done.

These self-deceiving folks also accuse "us" of hate, or stifling someone else's lifestyle choices.

I contend that the main reason for this schema, whether they know it or not, is that the admonishment of those that have strayed off course, have had their guilty consciences tweaked.  And no one likes to have their choices questioned, even if those choices are destructive in nature.

Again, the conscience is a "funny" thing: sometimes we absolutely hate it, because we know what we have done is dead wrong.

This is especially true of fallen-away Catholics.

Even if one abandons the Faith, there is always some residue entrenched in the deep, dark recesses of our intellect.  It won't let go.  I speak from experience on this.  And this sometimes-tiny residue (grace?) can, eventually lead one back to the fold.  But it doesn't always happen.  Sadly, many times it doesn't happen, and souls are lost.

If someone is in such a situation, don't give up, or, should I say, don't give in further to the enemy, you will only get weaker.  Again, I speak from experience.

Always pray for proper discernment, and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

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