Friday, August 24, 2018

Follow-up: Skin Color, Does it Matter?

In my recent post: Skin Color, Does It Matter?  I indicated the efforts of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to alleviate the suffering of his black American followers, culminating with his assassination in April of 1968 (I was in Vietnam at the time, and when the news of King's death reached the base, tensions ran high.  There was a call for calm; a memorial service was held at the base chapel.  I asked my black brother policeman if I could accompany him to the ceremony; I was the only white man in the packed chapel, other than the priest and minister!).

Today, there is another massive form of discrimination going on, this time, in South Africa, but it's much worse than the "run-of-the-mill" discrimination, it now borders on ethnic cleansing.  You read that right: ethnic cleansing -- of the WHITE population!  Specifically, the Communists of the African National Congress (aka: ANC) have decided to strip the white farmers of their right to continue working the land, and, in fact, drive them off their land, and in some cases, kick them out of the country altogether.  At some of their rallies, there are chants to kill their fellow -- white -- countrymen, simply because of their skin color.

This "reverse" apartheid has turned the once prosperous South Africa into a hell-hole of fear and intimidation for those of European decent.

The former head of the ANC, the Communist, Nelson Mandela (died 2013, at the ripe old age of 95), radically changed the landscape of the culture and the politics of the nation.  His diabolical "reforms" continue to be carried out by his successors, in a campaign of fear and racism.

Fear, intimidation, racism, ethnic cleansing, land confiscation, and yet there isn't a peep out of the mainstream media in our country.  Their sympathies for the Marxist regime is obvious and frightening.  Sound familiar?  Just take a look at the violence and anarchy directed at "conservatives" at recent rallies demonstrating for our inalienable rights.

Part of the problem in this country is the continued brainwashing of those poor souls who attend colleges and universities, instilling in their students the need to tear down traditions and societal norms, and replace them with some ungodly system of anarchy.

Where will it lead?  Only God knows.  But as the saying goes: charity begins at home.  First, we have to extricate ourselves from the many sovereign nations we have invaded and occupied over the last 15-20 years.  Second, the sanctity of life must be recaptured in the hearts and minds of the American public.  Without the protection of life, from conception to natural death, there will be no peace, no harmony, only despair and enslavement to our passions.  And it's all connected...

By all means, let us pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

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