Friday, August 17, 2018

The attacks on Christianity continue...

The unrelenting attacks on Christianity, and the Catholic Church in particular, continue at breakneck speed.

Very sadly, some of the most vicious attacks are coming from fallen-away Catholics who have lost the reason for their existence: to know, love and SERVE God in this life, and to be happy with Him in the next.  This is basic catechism 101.  There is little wiggle room here.  

Further, not only is the radical left attempting to shut down our First Amendment right to the free exercise of our religion, this tactic has expanded to include the almost complete exclusion of God out of the public sphere -- out of the schools, and relegated to "private" worship behind closed doors, so to speak.  Just try to pray on the field after a ballgame and see what happens.  The atheists go wild; lawsuits are sure to follow; these people have lost their minds.

These attacks cannot be tolerated.

If we do not recognize that our rights, as humans, come from God, not from government, we will be forever mired in trying to elect those people that are pro-First and Second Amendment to be our representatives; our saviors.  But that is the wrong way to look at this.

The Bill of Rights are there, not for the GRANTING of our rights, but to protect those rights FROM the multi-tentacled, behemoth, out-of-control central government.

I think it is safe to say that if we do nothing, and just sit back, we will lose our rights that come from God under the Natural Law, not from the vote of the majority.

One way to get the truth is to stop listening to the "6 o'clock news", and to seek out alternative sources for real news, if we don't, we will all become part of the brainwashed masses.

Pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

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