Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Another hellish, murderous weekend in gun-controlled Chicago.

That's right, another weekend in the combat zone known as Chicago, with 75 people shot and 12 killed in gun-controlled Chicago.

It is so bad, that now, even Democratic representatives have given up on the mayor, Rahm Emmanuel, and calling on President Trump for help!

Last year, President Trump said that if the authorities in Chicago can't get a handle on the slaughter that occurs almost everyday, then he would send in the feds.  I hope he means the National Guard, and sweeps the area clean of these gangs and murderers.

It is very apparent that Mayor Emmanuel is totally ineffective in stopping the war, and that's what it is, a war of drug dealers and gangs, taking out innocent life in their quest for control and territorial "rights."

Keep in mind, that Chicago has, perhaps, the most strict of all gun-control laws on the books, but that doesn't stop the bad guys from buying guns on the black market -- if they have the money, and they do have the money.  All this, while the law-abiding citizen finds it almost impossible to get a permit to carry to protect themselves and their families from this ongoing invasion.

Sadly, there were children wounded in the mayhem; at other times, killed, along with elderly folk taken out by stray rounds fired helter-skelter.

Notice that the cities with the most gun violence are Democratically controlled!  What does that tell you?

Vote those liberal, ineffective, anti-gun pols out of office, and do it now!

Pray for our country!

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