Monday, August 6, 2018

Hate speech?

Is it "hate speech," or is it that I hate what you are saying?

If I disagree with what you say, or what you believe, is that hateful?


It's just that you hate what I say, or what I believe if it's different from what you say or believe!

There is a major difference between the two: 1) hate speech, or, 2) I hate what you say, or believe.

Usually, it's the hard-left liberal media or organizations that classify what those who differ with them, whether in their ideology, or a stance on a particular issue, as "hate speech" or "hurtful" -- whatever that means.

This is chilling.

The freedom of speech, is just that: freedom of speech!  Whether good or bad, it is our right as guaranteed by the Constitution.

As a Catholic, I realize that there are limits to "free speech" in the moral sense, but nonetheless, it is there in the First Amendment.  Also in the First Amendment, is the free exercise of religion, and I guarantee it is the EXERCISE of religion today that is considered "hate speech," or worse, especially the Catholic religion, constantly under attack by the secular humanists in an attempt to bring Her down, and create a society devoid of God Almighty.

We are very close to achieving that diabolical end, not only here in the U.S., but also in other Western nations as well.

Hate speech, or hate of free speech?

Pray for discernment, and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

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