Thursday, August 16, 2018

Reasons for pessimism; reasons for hope.

Unless one has their eyes "wide shut," it is obvious, or should be, why there are reasons for pessimism in the world, and, specifically, in our country.  E.g., wars and rumors of war; scandals and rumors of scandals, especially among some deranged, rogue clergy that have taken place over the years, ruining the lives of the innocents.

Though the abuse is more widespread than first expected, I'm not surprised to hear or read this.  Why?  Because those "priests" involved in this diabolical destruction of the morals of the young, are overwhelmingly homosexual predators.  And this too, is nothing new, as that perverted "lifestyle" goes back to ancient times, including the early Church, as some of the saints of that time report in their writings.

These men (and some lesbian women "religious" are involved in this too) were successfully recruited and cajoled while in the seminary, and encouraged to complete their studies, all the while with the intent, over time, on bringing down the Church from within.

We will continue to hear of these scandals; the media is eating this up, as the enemies of the true Catholic Church are more than willing to heap additional coal on the already burning fire.

The damage to the innocents has been done, while some of the predators will escape prosecution, in the end, they will pay the price of their crimes, as we all must do.

Then there is the crime of abortion: the killing of the pre-born.  The destruction of the gift of life given to us by God, as co-creators with Him. Though "legal," it is still murder, another crime against the innocent.  And those that perpetrate such crimes will face justice, yes justice.  All we hear about today is mercy: God is merciful, but ignore His justice, and it will be paid; do not be deceived, we will be held accountable for our actions -- or inactions.

I can only guess at the wrath that awaits those who do not repent!

In the overall scheme of things, the abuse scandals and abortion are just more indications of why this is happening in the first place; and it's not pretty: the almost universal rejection of serving God, and, instead, serving ourselves.  This is truly a recipe for disaster.  

Church doctrine has been watered down for the sake of what?  Dialogue, ecumenism, unity?

This weakness is, I feel, the primary reason for the world racing toward Gomorrah at breakneck speed.  

Sounds pretty pessimistic, but there is hope -- always hope.  But there is a caveat: we cannot presume on God's mercy as is often done these days, but beg and pray for mercy -- and conversion!

Pray for discernment and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

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