Wednesday, August 1, 2018

An open letter to all "new order" Catholics (from my 2004 letter).

            This is an open letter to all new order Catholics that may be reading this letter.

            Have you had enough?  

            Have you had enough of being indoctrinated by your priests and bishops that your precious Church – of which the blood of the martyrs of past ages became the seed of the Church – is only one of many that can lead to salvation?

            Have you had enough erroneous thinking that tells you that one can still be a good Catholic and still use birth control or believe that a woman has a “right” to kill her pre-born through abortion?  

            Have you had enough of priests who offer mass and make up their own prayers instead of following Church liturgy?  

            Have you had enough of pastors that invite radical, heretical groups to spit their venom of hate of what the Church has taught for 2,000 years and push their radical agenda of women “priests,” “tolerance” of perverse lifestyles, abortion and contraception, thus confusing an already confused laity?

            Have you had enough of now believing that the precious Mass of Catholics of the last 1,950 years was wrong and had to be changed by a non-dogmatic, liberal-controlled, renegade Vatican Council – the Second Vatican Council?

            Have you had enough of attending a ceremony – which is supposed to be a Mass instituted by Christ – that is now considered by many of the laity and the very priests that perform that ceremony, to be nothing more than a commemoration of a meal and not an un-bloody sacrifice of Christ’s bloody sacrifice of Calvary?

            Have you had enough of a mass that is said in the vulgar tongue and not in the true language of the Church – Latin?  

            Have you had enough of not knowing that the DOGMATIC Council of Trent specifically condemns the use of the vulgar tongue when used, only, in the Mass?

            Have you had enough of not knowing that even the renegade Second Vatican Council said that Latin was to continue to be language of the Mass?

            Have you had enough of not knowing that the traditional Latin Mass had never been abrogated?  

            Have you had enough of receiving the Host – the Body and Blood of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ – in your filthy hands?

            Have you had enough of not knowing that only the consecrated hands of a priest can touch the sacred Host?

            Have you had enough of not kneeling in reverence and awe and respect when receiving the consecrated Host of Christ?

            Have you had enough of believing that Christ is no longer truly present on the altar – the Real Presence – but only present in the gathering of the faithful?  

            Have you had enough of Catholic priests, bishops, cardinals and, yes, even the pope apologizing to every politically correct group under the sun for true Catholic action to defend and defeat the enemies of Holy Church over the past 2,000 years?

            Have you had enough of having your children being taught in “Catholic” schools the “virtues” of tolerance, diversity, inclusiveness and acceptance of the perverse and no longer being taught absolutes – the difference between what is right and wrong?

            Have you had enough…?

            We – traditional minded Catholics -- are Bible-believing; dogma-believing; pope-recognizing Catholics who participate in true ecumenism – that means doing our best to bring those outside the ark of salvation into the barque of St. Peter, lest they be lost in the flood!

Gene DeLalla



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