Wednesday, August 22, 2018

If your boss directs you to complete a task, and you refuse, should you be fired?

What if you like your job, but then the boss directs you to complete an "unpleasant" task, and you refuse, should you be fired, keeping in mind that the task is critical to the success and the survival of the business?

What does common sense tell you?

It tells me that your job, or mine, would -- and should -- be in jeopardy for refusing to do, or complete that critical task.

And what if it's not only your job that would be at risk, but also the jobs of your coworkers?  Remember, you and your coworkers have families to support and mortgages to pay, etc.  Without that steady job, those families might not survive, or at least they might have to depend on the largess of the government to "save" them.  Not a pretty situation to be in, for sure.

So now, let's take this same situation and replace your boss with our Boss, God.

If God requires us to do certain things in order to see Him in the Face in the Beatific vision, and we refuse out of pride -- we will not serve! -- should God "fire" us?

If one of those requirements is to obey the Ten Commandments, and we decide which of the those to obey based on what we think is right, and which ones we are "able" to obey, should we be "fired"?   After all, He would be justified in "firing" us because the Ten Commandments are not the ten suggestions.

God is our creator; our Boss!   If we disobey Him, we must accept the consequences.

Sure, there are those that say we have free-will, and they're right, but if we use that free-will to disobey the laws and doctrines of God Almighty, then we will get what we deserve.

In that situation, isn't God justified in "firing" us?

I think so.

But here is the rub: if we disobey God Almighty and refuse to do that which will get us to Heaven, we're not going to lose our "job," we'll be using our free-will to send ourselves to hell.  Not a very good prospect.

And to those who think that God is so merciful that He wouldn't ever think of sending someone to hell, think again.  Along with His great mercy, He demands JUSTICE for our actions or inactions.  That's only fair; wouldn't you agree?

Pray for discernment, and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

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