Sunday, August 12, 2018

St. Joseph, the Foster Father of Jesus...

The Bible tells us that Christ was the "son of the carpenter."

The great and last Patriarch of the New Testament, St. Joseph, is described as JUST.

Know this, when someone in the Bible is described as "just," this means that he is looked upon with great favor and grace by his Creator.

However, the silence in the Scriptures, regarding St. Joseph, in actuality, speaks loud volumes!

This great man, the Foster Father of Jesus, was the defender; the provider; the teacher of Christ and His holy Mother.

He is also, proclaimed by the Catholic Church, as Her protector.

Tradition tells us that when St. Joseph died, he died with Christ -- his Son -- and his most glorious wife, the Blessed Virgin Mary at his side.  Mary cried.  Did our Lord weep too?  But the great part of his death, is that when he closed his eyes on this earth, and breathe his last, he was immediately greeted by his Son again!!

Can we say such for anyone else?  I don't know...

This little article is only a tidbit; books have been written about this great and holy Patriarch and Foster Father of Jesus Christ.

Now, he is powerful before the throne of God.  Go to St. Joseph; ask for those things that will protect and guide you -- and your family -- to your final destiny: the beatific vision.    

St. Joseph, pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla

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