Wednesday, August 15, 2018

The real WALL...

There has been much discussion on the need for a wall to be built at our southern border to prevent the hordes of invading illegal aliens from overrunning our sovereign country.

I agree that it should -- and must be built, and as quickly as possible to keep out, not only those seeking "asylum," but also to stop the gangs, especially the murderous animals, MS-13 lunatics, from killing any more of our innocent citizens.

But the real Wall is already built!

Where, you ask?

It has been built around the real Catholic Church, built by the modernists invaders, pretending to be Catholics.  This massive siege of the real Church has been going on at least since the disastrous and unnecessary Second Vatican Council, which was in session from 1962 to 1965.  In reality, however, this siege has been around for a much longer period of time.  Even Pope St. Pius X pointed this out  in his 1907 encyclical exposing and condemning the modernism already choking off the Faith of our Fathers.

The good pope was successful in keeping the wolves at bay, but only temporarily.  They have returned with a vengeance, attacking a weakened flock, driving many away from Holy Mother Church, and into a spiritual wasteland.

Then where is the real Church, if it is not in Rome?

The real Church is within you and I -- Catholics that adhere to the perennial teachings of the Magisterium, that is.  In addition, the real Church of Christ will not fail; we have our Lord's very words on that promise.

He didn't say that the Church will have millions or billions of members, or extravagant buildings, artwork, and such.  No, it just might be a remnant of the faithful, here and there, in various parts of the earth.

All this, including the horrible scandals that we seem to read about almost on a daily basis regarding the abuse of minors at the hands of homosexual, pedophile predators of the young, not "frustrated," "celibate" priests (that is a myth perpetrated by the haters of the Catholic Church).

And still, I invite all non-Catholics and fallen-away Catholics to enter or reenter the Barque of St. Peter -- the real Catholic Church -- for the safety of their immortal souls, and for the honor and glory of God Almighty.

Pray for discernment and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

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