Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The horrendous murder of Mollie Tibbetts...

The following is a quote from "Benny" who made a comment on Facebook...

"The murder marks the permanent separation of Mollie Tibbetts from her family. Where is her TIME magazine cover? Where is her CNN Townhall? Where is the national protests for Mollie Tibbetts? Where is the outraged White House press corps screaming for Trump to do something?"

This young, lovely college student from Iowa, was attacked and killed by an illegal alien monster, who had been in this country for many years.

For those who don't realize it, it is a felony to illegally cross the border into our country.

But the most horrendous of felonies recently occurred in the corn fields of Iowa, when the 20-year-old Mollie went for a jog along a quite country road.

Mollie's short life was snuffed out; there was no help for her; she suffered; killed, and her body left in a ditch near a corn field.

I cannot imagine the anguish of the girl's family, and the nightmarish scenarios of their daughter's last moments and death that must be completely occupying their minds and hearts.

I truly hope that she didn't die without a fight, but it was not enough to save herself.

Already, the demented, unhinged leftist media are actually downplaying Mollie's death, and, it seems to me, almost making excuses for the piece of human debris that took her life.  Sick beyond all description!

God will not be mocked, and I hope and pray that Mollie's killer will face swift justice, and send a message to anyone else thinking of attacking the defenseless.  But until our borders are truly secured, and we protect American citizens FIRST, I fear little will change.

This is, however, another reason for all law-abiding citizens, especially women to carry concealed and level the field against any would-be attackers.

May God have mercy on Mollie Tibbetts (and her family!).

Pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

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