Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Is the handwriting on the wall so obvious that we can't see it?

Just what the heck is going on?

Every single day we see and hear some of the most depraved, demonic actions of lost souls, killing not only their chance to attain the beatific vision, but also hell-bent on dragging many others along with them to the eternally darkened pit, forever.

What is this clamoring for "rights," when at the same time, depriving others of those same rights?

Why is it that we rarely hear of the other word that should always accompany rights: responsibility?

Perhaps this is why folks think that they will not be held accountable because they lack the ability to accept the responsibility of those actions, or are ignorant of the consequences of their actions.

But they are mistaken: ignorance is no excuse.  If ignorance is no excuse in civil law, then how much more will ignorance of things divine lead to condemnation?

They -- and all of us -- will answer for our words and actions, or lack thereof.  In other words, if we fail to act as we are supposed to act, or say what should be said, especially to assist others (our neighbors) on their journey, then those "acts" of omission can be just as grievous as intrinsically evil acts!

This is where good will comes into play...

Those of good will, who make mistakes, as we all do, can find the road back, but those of bad will have a tendency to continue those sometimes serious errors of judgment.  It's like a snowball rolling down hill, getting bigger and bigger, until it reaches avalanche proportions.  At that point, it is difficult to turn back and amend one's life.  Sadly, many die in their sins, and are lost.  And, no, not all are saved.

Pray for discernment of what is just, and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

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