Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Guilty until proven innocent?

In our country, one who is accused is innocent until proven guilty by a jury of his peers.  Yet just the opposite is now in full swing when it comes to those Catholic priests accused of some type of sexual abuse of minors, or anyone for that matter.

Once the blood is in the water, the sharks go into a feeding frenzy, ready to devour anything -- or anyone -- unfortunate enough to be in the vicinity.

This is exactly what is happening to priests these days, especially here in the United States.  Although Lady Justice is supposed to be "blind" when it comes to meeting out justice, once a priest (or anyone) is accused, the court of public opinion seems to have sway, and the accused is already guilty before any trial in a court of law which practically negates the ability to defend oneself in that very same court.

This is a direct violation of the Fifth, Six, and Fourteenth Amendments under the "Bill of Rights" to the U.S. Constitution.

It is a fact, that Catholic priests, especially, are targets of the anti-Catholic mobs that seem to permeate the landscape, ruining the reputations of even the good men caught in the cross-hairs.  Yet, those who abuse in the public school system, or Protestant ministers, or even Rabbis, seem to get a pass from the mainstream media.


In fact, the 2004 Shakeshaft study proves beyond a doubt that the abuse in the public school system is far worse than that in the Catholic Church by homosexual predator "priests" and their enablers in the hierarchy.  In fact, recent undercover videos show a systemic coverup of teachers, coaches, and  administrators abuse of minors under their charge within the public schools.  Their blatant, arrogant explanations were disgusting, and shows the equivocal corruption of these creatures.

We all agree that they must be rooted out and brought to real justice.

This is not to excuse the sick attacks on the vulnerable in the Church, but to point out the double standard applied to one side over another.

I wonder if Lady Justice will ever recover?

I know the Church will; we have Christ's word on that!

In conclusion, it is important to keep in mind the rights of the accused as well as the rights of those victims to redress their grievances before an impartial jury in a court of law.

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla  

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