Thursday, August 2, 2018

You don't own me!

The year was 1963... I was in high school.

Later that year, Nov. 22, to be exact, our first and only Catholic president, John F. Kennedy, was assassinated while his motorcade was traversing the streets of downtown Dallas, Tx.

Whether there was one shooter, or multiple shooters as well as a conspiracy of the deep-state governmental infrastructure, is not known for sure.  Personally, I do believe the multiple shooter, conspiracy analysis, but that is a topic of discussion for another day...

Also in 1963, the U.S. was right smack in the middle of the "rock and roll" era, with many "girl groups," as well as many single girl singers.

One of those singers was Leslie Gore.

1963 was a big year for the 17-year-old, and going forward into the mid-60s, she had hit after hit.  Sadly, she is no longer with us, dying at a relatively young age.

"You don't own me," was perhaps, one of her biggest hits.

I'd like to comment on some of the words of that song, as it already shows the influence of the feminist movement infiltrating the younger generation of that time frame.  Also, keep in mind that the Second Vatican Council was in full swing, and for all practical purposes, had been taken over by the "progressives," planting those little "time bombs" that would eventually begin the downfall of Tradition, to put it mildly.  But that too, is a discussion for another day...

Back to Leslie...

Here are some of the words to that song; I'll make comments as we go along...

You don't own me

Comment: correct.  Single people are usually pretty independent.  However, if they marry, then they are no longer independent, but DEpendent -- on each other.  As it states in the Bible: the man leaves his mother and father and cleaves to his wife, and the two become one flesh... 

I'm not just one of your many toys

Comment: I can go along with that.  We men should never look upon a woman as an object of sexual satisfaction, in other words, we should not, cannot, lust.  After all, in the married state, we are complimentary to each other.  Men should always raise the woman to that lofty pedestal; to honor, protect and defend.   

And don't tell me what to do
And don't tell me what to say

Comment: in today's world, especially here in the U.S., is it still wise to hold a door open for a woman, without being accused of some type of "harassment"?   By the way, I would never tell a woman what to say or do unless what she said was blasphemous or sinful in some way, then it would be my duty to admonish her. 

Don't try to change me in any way

Comment: I would never do that, but if one is violating the Natural Law (an extension of Divine Law), or is a grave, public sinner, then, again, it is my duty to admonish her.

Don't tie me down
'Cause I'll never stay

Comment: I guess some just aren't made for the married state.  If that's the case, then perhaps the woman (or the man) should consider remaining in the single state.  But if one does marry, she is subject to her husband in all things, but sin.  And the husband must love his wife! 

I'm young and I love to be young
I'm free and I love to be free
To live my life the way that I want
To say and do whatever I please

Comment: this sure sums up the current attitude in the world today, especially in the "developed nations" doesn't it?  But those words conjure up a false notion.  No one can do and say whatever they want, or to live their life the way they want if it contradicts the Natural Law and God's Law.  After all, we are made in the image and likeness of God.  Our bodies are to be the temples of the Holy Ghost.  No one has the "right" to mutilate their  body, or to ingest drugs that contaminate the wonderful creation of the human person.  But even worse, to use another drug, for the purpose of contraception, or to terminate a developing baby in the womb through abortion.

Sadly, Leslie Gore died in 2015 of lung cancer.  She was 68 years old.  

Pray for her soul, as she was a lesbian since the age of 20...

Gene DeLalla

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