Thursday, August 2, 2018

Catholics living on the edge... and falling......

Is modernism a relatively new phenomenon, say, about 50 or 60 years old?

If you think that, think again.

It was St. Anthony of the desert, in the 4th century, who indicated that some in the (Catholic) Church, said that She must be brought up to the "spirit of the age."

The 4th century (the 300's)!

Let's step forward to the present time...

In my opinion, far too many Catholics have fallen for the "spirit of the age."   Much of this anti-Traditional attitude stems from weakness among the human element of the Church, add to that, the disastrous Second Vatican Council.  

So, what do we have today?

Many Catholics have abandoned sacred Tradition as handed down from the Apostles, and codified in the Magisterium of the Church.  Included in the Magisterium, are the perennial teachings of the Church over the last 2,000 years.

If a person describes himself/herself as a Catholic, there are certain prerequisites that must be met in order to validate that assertion.  We are not Protestants, therefore, we are, by Faith, different from our separated brethren.  That means that we Catholics have to accept certain teachings that "rub" us the wrong way, or we consider too difficult to attain.  (One of the tenets that the Church teaches -- and is reflected in Biblical exegesis -- is that God will provide the graces necessary to live according to what is required.  St. Paul tells us that we will not be tempted beyond our ability to resist -- looking from a negative perspective)).

One of the major contentions these days, among female Catholics, especially married female Catholics, is that it is up to them (and their husbands?) when and how many children they will bring into the world.

It is not up to them; never has been, never will be, no matter what modernist prelate says to "let your conscience by your guide."  This is a false teaching, and directly contradicts God's admonishment to be fruitful and multiply and subdue the earth.  Not just increase the population, but to SUBDUE the earth.  Only He knows the reason for that command, and it is a command!

In 1968, Pope Paul VI, issued Hamanae Vitae.  This papal encyclical condemned the use of "the pill," as well as other means of contraception.

It was too late.

Far too many Catholic women were so immersed in the new-age culture, that most completely disregarded this binding teaching.

The key word here is: binding.

Sadly, many priests and bishops in America ignored Rome to such a point, that there was, for all practical purposes, a silent schism.

Take this one step further; what if "the pill" failed?  What happens next?

Must I spell it out?

So, as you can see, far too many Catholics are living on the edge, if they are living the Faith at all.

Pray for conversion, and pray for our country for an end to the killing of the pre-born.

Gene DeLalla

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