Friday, August 3, 2018

Free-will and our choices...

Free-will is an amazing attribute of our humanity!

Just think, we can use our free-will to make the choices we want; this gives us the freedom to live the way we want, with no one telling us what to do, or when to do it.  It's all up to us.  

I don't know about you, but that sounds pretty good to me, right?

A big WRONG!

First of all, the good God that made us -- which includes our free-will -- expects us to use our free-will for the good, and to follow His dictates; His laws, including the ever-present Natural Law.

If we use our free-will to "free" ourselves from Him, then that's when we invert authority and become our own little gods.  This can negate any graces He granted us in the first place to live lives pleasing to Him.

This can lead to absolute chaos, not only in our personal lives, but also this attitude can easily overlap into our relationships with our children, neighbors, or strangers for that matter.

This new-found "freedom" is a deception. It is, rather, imposed slavery.  It separates us from the path, that narrow road, that leads to our final destiny.

If we embrace this false dichotomy for ourselves, that's one thing, but that act, by its very nature, can have deleterious effects on any children in the household.  They will absorb what they see and hear; they will be affected, and, I contend, for the negative, with the very good possibility of leading them astray, possibly forever.

This is called scandal.  And those perpetrating such scandal of the little ones entrusted to their charge, will be held accountable, whether one believes that or not, it's true.

But it's not too late to return to the fold so long as one is breathing air.

Pray for discernment and clarity.  Pray, too, for our country.

Gene DeLalla

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