Thursday, August 16, 2018

Is there another massive false flag just over the horizon?

With all that's going on in our country, and around the world, in fact, the last thing we need is another false flag just before the mid-term elections this November.

Some "conservative" talking heads are already being silenced or banned, and President Trump is running circles around our domestic enemies, with a red-hot economy.  He is also cracking down on the entrenched pedophile rings, many involving Hollywood "stars," as well as slowly draining the "swamp" in D.C.  Because of this, there is a good possibility that the demonic Democrats -- the real enemies of the people -- could be planning a massive false flag event, and point the blame directly on Trump's supporters.

If that happens, watch out!  There is no telling just what will happen; martial law?  All First Amendment rights being suspended?  All Second Amendment rights being suspended?  Violence in the streets?  Your guess is as good as mine.

Look what is happening to Infowars and Alex Jones.  You hate his guts?  Fine, but his free-speech rights have already been infringed upon, and it's getting worse.  If successful, the next to go will be Hannity, Limbaugh, Levin, Savage, et el.  What entities will be left to get the "news"?   You figure it out.  

I firmly believe that our domestic enemies have little or no regard for the lives of their fellow Americans.  Think that's a little over the top?  Think again.  Let me point to Pearl Harbor, the 9/11 "attacks."  How about Oklahoma City?   What about Waco, where children were burned to death by various police agencies, specifically the FBI?

My suggestion, sit back and fasten your seat belts: the ride is about to get a little rough.  But don't stop there, act, write, question, stand up for your rights, unless you wake up one morning and discover you must submit your thoughts to big-brother before you can express them -- even to your children!

We had better pray and pray hard!

Gene DeLalla

1 comment:

  1. God forbid this to happen. Above all, pray the rosary; our blessed Mother in Heaven is there to protect and guide us to peace as she is our intercessor to God.


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