Monday, August 20, 2018

Is a sewage treatment plant really necessary?

I think so...isn't it?

Let's not get too gross here, but what would happen if there were no sewage treatment plants in the U.S., or more specifically, in the town or city where you live?  It could be down right dangerous to human health and well-being; disease and even plague might follow.

So, there is a need to filter out the bad stuff, in order to transform the remaining materials into the good stuff that can then be safely disposed of, with whatever means available to protect the residents of that town or city.

Let's face it, like it or not, people have to spend the appropriate amounts of money to have efficient and reliable sewage treatment plants in order to process human waste 24/7, 365 days a year.

When we wake up in the morning, who thinks about the sewage treatment plant processing the stuff we flush down the toilet after that first trip to the bathroom?

Okay, I said that I wouldn't get too gross here, so let's leave the sewage treatment plant, and head back to some restaurant, or coffee shop and discuss politics, or maybe even religion (heaven forbid!)…

Still, there is a need for a real "sewage treatment plant" to filter out the lies, malice and hate, directed at those altruistic Americans by the hard left "news" outlets, including the Internet.  Specifically, aimed at news sources that have differing opinions -- read: facts -- from the standard playbook words and phrases used by most "news" sources on a daily basis to smear those seeking the truth.

This constant battle can get weary, but we must persevere in order to counter the brainwashing of John Q. Public by the mainstream media attacking our president, our country, our culture, our very way of life.

America is not perfect, not by a longshot, but it does no good to tear her down from within; we have enough enemies from without to worry about.  Sure, we must clean our own house before we can clean the houses of other countries.  If it's any of our business in the first place!

As I always say, we must pray for our country that, as a nation, we turn away from the culture of death, and embrace the culture of life, especially recognizing the sanctity of all human life.  A great place to start, is to protect and defend the living, developing baby in the womb of her mother, and pray for an end to the scourge of abortion.

Pray for discernment to acknowledge the Natural Law (as an extension of  of God's law).

Gene DeLalla

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