Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Another expose of horrendous abuse by "Catholic" "priests"...

News reports from a grand jury in Pennsylvania are pointing to a massive cover-up of sexual abuse by "Catholic" "priests" that, according to the reports, goes as far back as 70 years.  The report also accuses the various diocese, and bishops of those dioceses, of shielding the bad guys over the years, some being transferred to other parishes instead of facing the music of the law, and allowing some measure of closure or compensation to the victims.

However, after listening to and reading the transcript of the grand jury and the (un?) biased reporting, it is very clear that not once did I hear the most accurate word to describe these abusers, these monsters: homosexuals.

Not once!

Sorry, but those are the facts.  And I can prove it...

Many years ago, the Communists recruited more than just a few homosexuals to enter the seminaries back in the 20's, 30's, and 40's, and perhaps even more recent, to become priests, work their up the ladder, so to speak, then bring down the Church from within.

One of those recruiters was a female Communist by the name of Bella Dodd.  She actually testified before Congress on her activities and duties.  She indicated that she alone brought in close to 1,200 "men" to enter the seminaries. Fortunately for her, she reconciled to the Church she was tasked with bringing down, and received the sacraments before she died.

She was only one of many recruiters...

But now, it is time to tell the real truth of the abuse of minors, because it is happening not only in the Church, but more importantly, in the public school system across this country.  That's right; the scandal of sexual abuse is more widespread in the school system than in the Catholic Church.  In addition, Protestant ministers and even some Rabbis are also part of this demonic attack on the youth under their charge.

The homosexuals that eventually did become "priests," fulfilled, and are still fulfilling their diabolical task, as is witnessed by numerous reports, even to the highest levels in the Church, yes, all the way to  the Vatican, where the buck stops.

There is another aspect to this tragedy, and that is, if those homosexual "priests" did not do what the Church intended as far as confecting a sacrament, and that includes the Holy Eucharist, or in Baptism, or Confession, or marriage, etc., then those actions of the priests were null and void.  Hence, all those years and all those folks did not receive validly any of the sacraments from the hands of these monsters.

I can only leave it up the Lord to judge whether these people were culpable or not, and whether or not they were in a state of grace when they died, if given the sacraments from these sodomites.

All those years, all those who suffered under corrupt Church officials involved in the homosexual mafia...

Will there be any justice in this life for the abusers or the victims?   Will those responsible be ripped out by the roots, and God's house exorcised and made clean?

Only time and prayer will tell.

Gene DeLalla 

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