Tuesday, August 14, 2018

The new un-civil anger.

We are told, in the Bible, that there is a righteous anger, and a sinful anger.  In conjunction with the biblical admonition, the Natural Law tells us this also.

What we are seeing these days, and it has been going on for far too many days, is an anger from those on the left who just can't seem to get their way, whether in the political or cultural sphere.  It reminds me sometimes, of school kids unable to control their emotions, kicking up a storm of protest because they were caught smoking in the hallways, and earned 30 days of detention, or worse.

In other words, they are spoiled brats.  But the problem is, is that many of these brats are "adults".

The unending attacks on our president is a prime example of the brats not getting their way; first, it was the loss to Trump in the 2016 election, and now, President Trump is heating up the economy, and that wasn't supposed to happen either, and they hate that too.

But when you come right down to it, the biggest loss of all, is there is no one in the White House to carry on the pro-abortion, anti-life agenda of the hard left.  This, most of all, infuriates those lost souls, to the point that they will make up "news" simply to destroy a duly elected president.

Don't get me wrong, Mr. Trump is not perfect.  The last time I checked, I wasn't either.

Sure, the monsters at Murder, Inc., "planned parenthood," that is, still get their (our) blood money, but hopefully that will end forthrightly.

And, I hope and pray, that Mr. Trump will convert to the Catholic Faith, for the sake of his own soul. and his family's as well.

When I was born, President Truman was at the helm of the ship-of-state, after the death of President Roosevelt.  But I have never seen such unrelenting, attacks of hate, malice and unjustified anger at a sitting president.

What ever happened to CIVIL, justified anger?  I'm afraid it's long gone.

Pray for those on the left that they may return to their God-given common sense of fair treatment of others, as they want to be treated.  Sound familiar?

And pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

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