Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Want to avoid REAL global warming?

To all those Russia haters, keep it up and you'll have REAL global warming -- via NUCLEAR WAR!  Is that what you knuckleheads want?  Isn't that what this "Russia collusion" and Russia hate is all about?  Isn't that what you mean when you say that Trump -- and everyone that disagrees with your stupid mantra -- is a Russian agent?

Wake and smell the coffee, lest you convince all the other neo-con war-mongers to push that button and turn those keys, and end life on earth as we know it.  Where, in short order, the living will envy the dead.  Is that what you want?

That, my thickheaded friends, would be real GLOBAL WARMING.

I urge you to pray -- for rationality!  And pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla  

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