Saturday, August 11, 2018

True Charity..

Charity; what it means and its importance in our lives...

Whether someone is a believer or not, on the natural level, some might say that believing in God is irrelevant to have charity, I don't adhere to this idea; just the opposite, is in fact, true.

Charity emanates from the Creator, not from mankind (for women, mankind includes both men and women, though in today's politically correct absurdities that saturate the media and writings, some women just might take offense to the word "mankind," and like the more "correct" term of "personkind".  I can assure those women reading this article, they will never see that word in my tirades!).

 Charity consists of two major components: love of God, and love of neighbor.  Of course the theologians break down the many aspects of charity, but I'm not a theologian, never have been, and probably never will be, so I'll attempt to keep things simple...

We are told in the Bible that "without Me, you can do [and are] nothing..."

So, does that mean we cannot love God or neighbor without Him?

This is exactly the case.

That answer is a hint to those non-believers to start believing!

Remember, Christ is one of Three, so, again, without Him, we cannot love God (the Father, or the Holy Ghost), and therefore, if we don't love God, how on earth can we love our neighbor -- or ourselves?

Now some think that charity means being nice to people, or donating money to the poor, etc.  This is true, but we are here reflecting on the higher realm of the supernatural; on the necessary love of God. 

St. Paul tells us that we cannot hate our own flesh -- ourselves.  Nor can we hate our neighbor.  To do either directly contradicts the virtue of charity as well as the command to love they neighbor (as thyself).

Charity also means that those who stray from what is commanded of them by the Creator, and lose sight of their final destination through grave sin (yes, sin and evil do exist), can and should be admonished by those who LOVE them.

No one can force someone else to change their errant ways, but at least we can pray for those souls -- that also is a great form of charity of the highest order, whether those prayers are successful or not, or whether we know it or not in this life.

In conclusion, if there was more charity directed toward folks instead of malice, how much better would our world be?   Too simplistic?  Perhaps, but it's worth a real try, right?

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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