Sunday, August 5, 2018

Humility and Pride.

Humility and Pride.

Humility.  Being humble does not necessarily equal holiness, but is the first step in attaining holiness.

Pride.  Is a major step in the opposite direction of holiness.  It is, in fact, one of the deadly sins.

Remember in the Gospel: two men enter the Temple; one, a Pharisee, spouts his tithes, prayers, and thanks God he is not like the other man, a Publican (tax collector and sinner).  The Publican doesn't even dare raise up his eyes to look at the altar, the center of worship in the Temple, but stays afar off in the back, and strikes his breast saying: be merciful to me a sinner!

It is clear, or it should be, who went home justified.  In fact, we are told this by Christ: the Publican!

So, it is easy to see how being humble -- submitting oneself to authority, and the ultimate Authority, God, can open up the soul to the graces needed to get through this life and its trials and tribulations, and reach our final, eternal destination.

Now we can take a look at Pride; some good and some bad aspects of same.

In the good sense, one can say: I take pride in my work.  Or, I am proud of the accomplishments of my son or daughter; I am proud of my wife, she is absolutely the heart of our family.  Or, I am proud of my country (not necessarily of the government!).  I am proud of my military service, etc.

But Pride can also separate us from God.

How does this happen?

Simply, by not submitting ourselves to His authority, or rebelling against all that has been revealed through His Church; through the Magisterium (the teaching arm of the Church).

One does not have to be a Catholic to recognize the dangers of Pride.  On a natural level, we can see how it can cause major problems in our lives by over-emphasizing our self-worth over others; our neighbors.

Pride: I will not serve (Him)!
Humility: I want to know, love, and serve (Him)!

Pray for discernment to recognize both, and the common sense to choose what is right.

Gene DeLalla

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