Sunday, August 19, 2018

Is it okay to hate?

No.  At least that's what modern, politically correct society tells us these days.

But to tell the truth -- a rare commodity these days! -- we must hate, and discriminate!

If one is a Christian, wouldn't hate and discrimination be a direct contradiction to the followers of Christ and what He taught?

Again, the answer is no.

So, what's the deal?

The plain and simple answer: we must hate sin, and we must discriminate against sin, and be for good.

We cannot -- and it would make no sense -- to say we are Christian, that we love what is good, and, at the same time, accept what is sinful, as if we have no choice in the matter.

We do have a choice, and that's what separates us -- Christians -- from those who love sin and evil.

The problem arises when we cannot discern what is sin and evil, from what is good.  This confusion is the result of many elements, namely, poor catechesis from a more progressive slant regarding what the Church teaches, over the last 60-70 years or so.  This has affected, not only Catholics, but non-Catholics as well.  Non-Catholics, who once looked to the Church as a beacon of hope and direction in a world gone morally crazy.

It is rather rare to hear pastors preach on sin and evil, along with the consequences of same: hell, versus heaven.

Unfortunately, many Christians assume that God's mercy is endless; it will always be there no matter how we live our lives.  That in the end, we will be saved because of that "endless" mercy.  We can easily forget that along with mercy, there is justice to be paid for our actions or inactions.    

That fact alone should keep us on the straight and narrow.

But does it?

Pray for discernment, and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

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