Monday, August 6, 2018

Let your conscience be your guide?

Where have I heard that before?

Shouldn't we listen to our conscience to let us know what is right or wrong, and to act according to what our conscience is telling us to do?

Sure, if -- and it's a big IF -- the conscience is well-formed.  But what does that mean, well-formed?

For Catholics, it means that a well-formed conscience adheres to what the Church teaches, period.  If we don't, then how can we call ourselves Catholics?  

If our conscience is telling us to do something that is contrary to Church teachings, then it is not well-formed.  If it seems that I'm repeating myself here, I am.  There is a reason for that, and it's a pretty simple one.

The conscience can damn us!

But what if one acts in "good conscience," how can that damn someone?

There is an old saying: "ignorance is no excuse."  

In civil law, if someone commits a crime because they were ignorant of a law, and convicted, they are still guilty, even though they were ignorant of the law they violated.  How much more will they be held accountable for ignorance of divine law?  

For non-Catholics, the same applies, but it's even more difficult for those folks because they lack the fullness of the truth.  So their conscience can "trick" them into believing that as long as they follow the Bible and have Christ as their "personal savior," than all is well, and they can act accordingly.

They are only half-right.  And half-right doesn't cut it.

Getting back to Catholics...

There has been some discussion lately on Facebook regarding those who have abandoned the Catholic Faith in favor of what their conscience has told them what is right, or what is a better way to live their lives, unencumbered by what the Church requires of us in order to remain in a state of grace.  A state that  we must be in when we leave this earth, if we expect to be members of the Elect, the Church Triumphant.

This is a self-deception.  But it is also a major scandal to any children that may be in the household, child or adult.  It is so necessary to know that all of us will be held accountable if we scandalize those in our charge.  Our Lord specifically stated to the Apostles to "suffer the little ones to come unto Me..."  Don't prevent them, and don't scandalize them.

I'm afraid that it is Pride that hinders those fallen-away Catholics from reassessing their position and returning to the Fold.  Pride comes before the fall...

But there is always hope!

Pray for discernment, and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

1 comment:

  1. Excellent way to explain this rampant exodus of the Faith of Catholics today and the misconceived notion of the Protestant thoughts. May fallen-away Catholics return to their Faith and Protestants receive the Grace to come to the true knowledge of Christ.


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