Monday, August 13, 2018

Is the far side of the Moon made of blue cheese?

Is it?

If I said that it isn't, and said that publicly, would that be enough for you to believe me?

But then if someone else said, or wrote, that I said that the Moon is made of blue cheese, would you believe me or him?

Who's lying?

Remember, I said that the Moon isn't made of blue cheese.  Period.

All of a sudden, you read a letter to the editor that says that I said the far side of the Moon is made of blue cheese.

Now, maybe, you might start to think that I said the far side of the Moon is made of blue cheese, and what's worse, this "contradiction" becomes wide spread, and others begin to believe that I said the Moon is made of blue cheese, then what?

The distortion of what I said starts to spread -- out of malice -- to ruin my credibility.

I then repeat, out of exasperation, and to stop people thinking I'm some kind of nutcase, that the Moon isn't made of blue cheese.

But the others begin to  repeat the same, old lie, and, after a while, others start to believe that I said the far side of the Moon is made of blue cheese.

It's like a snowball rolling down hill; it continues to grow and eventually it spirals out of control and morphs into an avalanche.  Unstoppable.

This scenario is exactly what is happening to Alex Jones of Infowars.

The enemies of the First Amendment continue to lie, day after day, week after week, month after month, that he is the incarnation of the devil himself.  Conspiracy theorist par excellence, and master liar.

Though Mr. Jones continues to deny certain reports, and can prove it, it just doesn't seem to matter because of malice of forethought, with the end to destroy his business, as well as his life and family.

But these haters of free speech, fail to realize that if they are successful, the rabid dog of malice and hate will eventually turn on them.  It may take some time, but it will happen.

Freedom isn't free.

Are we ready to fight for what we believe in, or will we just lie down and submit to the haters of America and our God-given rights and freedoms?

Pray for discernment and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

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