Friday, August 10, 2018

Roe v Wade, part of the "fabric of American life"????

Here is an excerpt from an article on Breitbart: “My view is this, if both the Senate and the American people become convinced that the confirmation of Kavanaugh will cut back on healthcare dramatically, will cut back on women’s freedom and women’s healthcare in particular that he will lose.”

Also this: "... Roe v Wade... is part of the fabric of American life..." 

Who said this?  Democratic Sen. Schumer of New York.

So I guess killing the pre-born is "part of the fabric of American life"?

Despise it or not, I have to say the demonic senator is correct, and until that scourge on our nation ends, we will -- as a nation -- pay a very high price; we will not receive God's blessings, nor will we have peace of soul, but only chaos, through malice and (real) hate.

The killing of the pre-born that is considered "healthcare" and "women's freedom"?  

The bearers of life have the "freedom" to kill that life.  Why not?  After all it's their "choice" -- and it's legal.   

Back in World War II, there was a systematic attempt to wipe out certain races, among them were the Jewish populations of several countries at the hands of the Nazis.  This became known as the holocaust, keeping in mind that it was not only the Jews that were targeted by this "ethnic cleansing," but also Catholics, some Protestants, some Gypsies, etc.  In fact, it is estimated that nearly 1,000,000 Polish Catholics died in the death camps.  You just don't hear much about that in the politically correct conversations these days, do you?

In any event, the final estimate of those exterminated during the course of the war, is about 3-6 million people, including all categories.  Some say more, some say less.  

The outcry and condemnation is till heard today, and rightly so.

But since the Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision in 1973, it is estimated that over 60,000.000 -- that's million! pre-born babies have been slaughtered, many times the holocaust of WWII.  

But who cares?  After all, it is part of the fabric of American life, according to the enemies of life and morality -- part of the fabric of the Natural Law.

One does not have to be a believer to understand the depth of the evil involved here; common sense informs us that all human life is sacred and deserves the inalienable right to life.

No one nominee to the Supreme Court, if approved, will change the hearts and minds of those who support the killing of the pre-born, only true conversion of heart and mind -- and soul.  

We have no choice here (no pun intended) but to pray for an end to this modern-day massacre, and pray for our country. 

Gene DeLalla


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