Saturday, August 11, 2018

A runaway judiciary is making a mockery of American laws!

Rogue judges threaten the enforcement the laws on the books in the U.S. of A.!

If only those heads of the various arms of the government would simply declare that rulings from ultra-liberal, rogue "judges" that defy the will of the people in the form of laws passed, to be null and void, we would, as a people, be a lot better off.

It seems that these hard-left "judges" are bound and determined to undermine any movement on the part of President Trump to make America safe again, by enforcing the laws that were passed to protect the American people from illegal aliens (and many criminals) from invading our country through our porous, southern border.

These despicable, life-long appointed shills are a threat to law and order, and should be removed from the bench.  Familiarity breeds contempt, and these "judges" are the most contemptable of any branch of government!

If I was President Trump, I would say to these "judges": "You made the decision, now try to enforce your edict!  In the mean time, I will carry on as I must under the Constitution!  Your ruling be damned!"

These examples are some of the reasons why we must have term limits for the judiciary branch, no doubt!  

Let hope and pray for such a day to come, and come quickly.

Gene DeLalla

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